MVA Newsletter 2019 – Edition number 21

Please click on the title MVA Newsletter 2019 above to open the full document with the index and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger image.

Peter Turrall, Chairman Marconi Veterans Association

One hundred and twenty years ago in Chelmsford, Guglielmo Marconi established the world’s first wireless factory. From a small unit just outside the city centre around thirty employees manufactured products which eventually were sold worldwide, establishing communications in the widest sense to assist shipping and contacts by wireless communication, thus opening up a system where day-to-day contacts were possible.
Chelmsford became a centre of attention for many countries who wished to take advantage of this new means of communication having only previously had sthe telephone for this purpose. It was not long before Marconi’s Wireless and Telegraph Company found larger premises near the centre of Chelmsford and eventually over a period of one hundred years employed many thousands of people.

Chelmsford should be proud that an Italian, who became an absolute academic engineering genius, set up the largest wireless company in the world giving large scale employment to citizens in and around the city of Chelmsford

In 1920 the company’s Wireless Station known as 2LO, based in London with all equipment manufactured in Chelmsford, was taken over by the British Government to form the United Kingdom’s first broadcast organisation known as British Broadcasting Company and later renamed British Broadcasting Corporation. Not only all the Marconi equipment but also the Marconi staff of Station 2LO came under the direction of the new organisation affectionately known as the BBC.

Chelmsford City Council has failed to recognise the asset this city has. The statue of Guglielmo Marconi, erected a few years ago and sponsored by a number of organisations including the City Council, is hidden behind the bus station – an insult to this great man.
Coming into the City of Chelmsford, there are signs at every point of entry stating ‘Chelmsford the Birthplace of Radio’. Many times the City Council has been advised that the word ‘Radio’ should read ‘Wireless’ as Marconi named his organisation Marconi’s Wireless and Telegraph Company. Marconi in Chelmsford did not make radios as the signs suggest.

In giving recognition and respect to one of the world’s great engineers, Chelmsford City Council should re-erect the statue in the centre of Chelmsford in Half Moon Square and amend all entry signs accordingly.

Ken Earney, retiring editor

I was surprised to see that I’d been editor of the newsletter for the past thirteen years, and now I’m handing on the baton to Mark Watson-Lee who will edit the 2020 edition, with some guidance and assistance from me. (Other changes are afoot in the committee’s organisation which will be announced at the reunion in April.)

My first, in 2006, when I took over from Peter, was quite daunting. At that time there was a sizable backlog of archived contributions which had to be drip-fed in over that and the following two years.  My wife Jackie, with her years of experience on the ‘Marconi Companies and Their People’ and our village newsletter was a considerable help in getting me up and running in a self-supporting manner, and I have always been grateful that she has run an eye over what I believed was the press-ready product to correct any last minute typos.

Writing this as only the second item I feel that there may not be enough material to fill fourteen pages, or even twelve, so do please keep Mark well supplied with your contributions – it’s always better to have too much than too little to deal with.  Last year I was scratching around looking for an item to fill over half a page – but there’s another side to that which will become apparent in one of this year’s contributions on a later page.  Any items that are not ‘issue-date critical’ can always be archived for use the following year.

Finally thanks for your support in the material you have supplied me with, please do the same for Mark – I shall be supporting him until he feels he can run with things on his own.

As in previous years, a number of letters are from correspondents seeking information about former colleagues, for research into their family history, or for the preparation of articles, books, etc.  If no contact detail appears with the letter then please direct your reply or any correspondence for the enquirer to:

Newsletter editor Mark Watson-Lee, email

or to the secretary:
Colin Fletcher, Secretary, Marconi Veterans Association, 41 Sunrise Avenue Chelmsford Essex CM1 4JN
Tel: 01245 267696,

Items for possible publication in the newsletter should also be addressed, if submitting electronically, to the editor as above or to the secretary if submitting hard copy by post.

In the majority of cases published below the enquirer has been directed to the comprehensive guide produced by Barry Powell to the online resources which may be helpful with this kind of enquiry. Find it on the MVA website at:   Enquirers have also been directed to the Bodleian Library.

Certain items in this issue, particularly on this and the next page, are responses to letters or articles appearing in the 2017 edition which have already been posted during the last eleven months on the website. There is thus an inevitable but necessary duplication catering for those Veterans who have no possibility, or wish, to use the internet.

Picking up on mention of the internet, many of the articles now come with links to web pages giving considerably more information on topics than can be included on these pages. For those not internet enabled, may I suggest you enlist the help of a friend or neighbour who is, or go to your local library – use them or lose them! – to enable you to see the material referred to.

Recollections of Frederick ‘Freddie’ Beales
From Mike Plant, 27 February 2018

Further to the item in this year’s Newsletter about Freddie, I cannot help in respect of the photograph but hope my own recollection of him will remind a great many ex-colleagues who will remember him as a progress chaser par excellence on the factory floor and often working around the machine shop area, Goods In and WIP stores.

The Progress Chaser had responsibility not only, on occasion, to speed things up, eg if a workpiece had been rejected and required to be reworked, stripped and replated, or similar circumstance needing extra priority, but perhaps more often to locate items required by assembly which had temporarily disappeared! There were many such events in my time, 1961 to 66, and Freddie would find the missing item every time, his success in this almost uncanny at times. And while he probably didn’t (quite) break the ‘no running’ rule, he must have been very close a thousand times – energetic and hard working and never downhearted.

I single him out of a good bunch of contemporaries for his unique combination of all these characteristics, no criticism intended of others including Snowy White (not the Foreman of WIP store), and also coming to mind, Eddie Whitbread in the corner of section 17.

I had long wondered whether Freddie was still in the company. Then unexpectedly, and many years later, in 2014 or 5, I met him while helping to man the Marconi Heritage Group table outside the library as part of that year’s Chelmsford Festival. I will never forget the discussion that took place with him and his daughter, such are precious beyond measure! His grandson Thomas Hunter no doubt could add much here: suffice it to say that I learned that Freddie had even emigrated and worked for a time in Australia! A hero to me.

Photo of Frederick Beales – 1
From Nick Watts, 23 February 2018

A few facts relating to the photo (2018 edition page 14,  Tom Hunter photo ) of Fredrick Beales known to us all as Freddy. At that time Freddy was the stores supervisor at Rivenhall.  The photo was taken outside Hanger 1 at Rivenhall The equipment was a ICS3 System probably destined for the American Navy.  The people in the photo as far as I can remember are as follows:- Back row 1st Phil (no surname); 3rd from left Brad (no surname); 4th Harold (no surname); 5th Bob Scorey (test supervisor). Front row 1st Malcolm Smith (test supervisor; 3rd Freddy Beales; 4th Alf Goodwin (quality controller).  At the time I was Project Controller for this equipment.

Photo of Frederick Beales – 2
From: Andrew Sargent, 11 March 2018

At the time of the photo, in the summer of 1985, I was programme engineer on the LHD?1 project.

A label like the one shown was placed on the back of every photo taken by the in-house photographic department for identification, the number J8506-01K identifies the group photograph.

Moving on to the picture, it was taken at Rivenhall airfield, near Silver End, Essex. Several of the hangers and Nissen huts were used by Marconi Communications in the 1980s. Some of the people are Malcolm Smith front left, John Deacon front second left and Simon Akers back right. Malcolm and John were members of the Rivenhall test team, Simon was a member of the New Street programme team. The outfits are part of the USS Wasp’s external communications system purchased by Litton Data Systems Division for the United States Navy. All the outfits were tested and packed at Rivenhall, then some 50 crates in total, were delivered to Ingalls Shipyard, Pascagoula Mississippi.

Kenneth ‘Ken’ Hutley
From Andrew Hutley, 25 February 2018

My late father Ken was a lifelong member of MCSL. He died at the age of 94 in Broomfield Hospital on 25 January 2018.

I followed Dad into Marconi, joining in 1981, was issued with the adjacent employee number and worked through the apprenticeship scheme ending up in Space and Microwave Test between 1984 and 1988. In 1989 I joined the National One empire which was eventually devolved from MCSL.

What follows was read as a tribute at his funeral a couple of weeks ago.

Ken was born on 15 June 1923 to Florence and Amos Hutley in Witham.  He went to school in Witham and subsequently to the North East Technical College in Colchester.
He applied to The Marconi Company for a job and after an interview began work at Chelmsford on 19 May 1939 where he progressed through a number of positions. His reserved occupation meant he was exempt from war duties: he did however serve in the Home Guard.  During the course of his employment he worked at various sites and after a spell at Rivenhall he moved back to Chelmsford.

In 1961 Ken was given a new challenge – to set up an in-house department to repair all test equipment used in the Marconi sites around Chelmsford, where he remained until his retirement in 1987. During this time he worked at Writtle and Westway.

A few years before retiring he was encouraged to sit the Radio Amateur examination and this enabled him to keep in contact with many of his former colleagues who were already hams. This hobby was ultimately to provide a social lifeline in his later years and kept his mind alert and focused.

Music was always a key part of his life although his parents were not musical at all. As a lad the young Ken joined the church at Wickham Bishops and after having some piano lessons tried his hand at the organ. Ulting Parish Church subsequently required an organist and he took that position, then a while later in 1944 he took on the organ duties in Wickham Bishops where he remained providing music for nearly 57 years as organist.

Alongside the serious duties of church music, he had several other musical interests. Firstly, during the post war years, he joined a dance band called the Raggamuffins, playing piano alongside friends with drums, saxophones and other instruments; he regularly experienced the ‘joys’ of the local village hall pianos. Ken’s other musical love was the cinema organ and it was partly this enthusiasm that led to the construction of an electronic organ at home to recreate the sounds of the cinema. At the flick of a switch, the home organ turned into a church organ, providing a much warmer environment in which to practice for Sunday services.

His health started to decline in 2008 when he narrowly escaped a kidney failure and through the course of 2014 and 2015 he was required to attend two hospitals on a regular basis. After his wife Marjorie passed away in February 2016, he experienced a fall and that, combined with other medical issues, resulted in frequent lengthy hospitalisations in 2016 and 2017.  In between times, Ken required home care as he refused at all costs any suggestion to move to a place where 24hr care could be provided.

John Robson (1928 – 2018)
From Elizabeth and Anne Robson, 27 September 2018

Our father, John Robson, died on 29 August 2018, aged 90. He was an employee of Marconi Radar Systems between 1967 and 1991.  Although not a member of the Marconi Veterans Association, he had happy memories of his time at Marconi and enjoyed reading about former colleagues and the history of the company on your website.

John spent 14 years, from 1944 to 1958, in the Royal Navy, trained in electronics and worked his way up from Boy 2nd Class to Chief Petty Officer.  In the early 60s, he worked as a team leader for the Radio Corporation of America at Fylingdales radar base on the North York Moors.

He moved to Great Baddow in November 1967 to join Marconi Radar Systems as a radar systems designer and latterly as a technical author, before retiring in July 1991.

He leaves four daughters who remember with affection the children’s Christmas parties organised by the Marconi Sports and Social Club.

Peter Robinson
From Hollie Newton, 20 February 2018

I hope you don’t mind me contacting you. My name is Hollie Newton, and my grandad Peter Robinson worked for Marconi during the war. He was an engineer, I believe, working on radar.

I never got to meet my grandad. He passed away when my mum was only 17, leaving a Peter Robinson-shaped hole right in the middle of our family.

I now find myself writing a book about chain ferries, of all things, which has led me to the Haven Hotel at Sandbanks, Marconi’s early experiments in long range radio – and the link to my own family history.

I wonder, if it doesn’t put you to too much trouble, if you might have any information about him. Does anyone remember him? Is there any writing about him maybe? Even the smallest record would be very much appreciated.

Keith Chittenden
From Brian Saunders, 15 January 2019

Keith Chittenden, the former Managing Director of Marconi Radar Systems, passed away on 29 December 2018 aged 84. He is survived by his wife Sylvia, his daughter Sandra and his son Jeremy.

He worked for the Company for many years. At one time I believe he was an installation engineer in northern Norway and learnt the local language. Before he moved to Radar he ran a Division in Frimley which included the DN181 Blindfire Radar for the Rapier missile which was so successfully used in the Falklands. He will be sadly missed. A service commemorating his life was held at Holy Trinity Church, Minchinhampton Tuesday 2 January.

Keith wrote of his experiences on a visit to Oman in 1986 in the 2009 newsletter (No.11) page 12. (Page 22 in the on-line edition)

Eric Gildersleve – a memorable Marconi character
From Alan Matthews

Eric Gildersleve was living in a nursing home in Hertfordshire close to his family when he died in July 2018. Alan Matthews, a former colleague from Pottery Lane days, shared some of memories of him. Here is one such.

On one occasion, I was at a meeting at Writtle Road about software requirements for the Swedish TOR project and the tea and biscuits had just been delivered. The door opened and to our great surprise Eric Gildersleve walked in and sat down – not his sort of meeting at all. He had his tea etc and stayed another hour or so till the end of the meeting, but did not say anything at all. Outside I said to him: “What were you doing at that meeting, that is not your field of expertise?” “Well” he said “I had come over from Baddow for a meeting which was cancelled and walking past the room I could see a meeting going on with some refreshments, so thought two requirements could be satisfied – my need to go to a meeting and also for a bit of refreshment!

Norman Day

On the 4 June 2018, Norman Day (David Day), celebrated 50 years of employment within the Marine Division. It’s not many Veterans who manage (or survive) 50 years in continuous employment.  Norman must be made of strong material, 50 years is an amazing achievement: these days it is mostly unheard of for individuals to continuously work for 50 years let alone stay with the same company, within the same department!

Norman started work 4 June 1968, and landed the job after one interview with MIMCO straight from school. Employed as an Office Junior within the Radio Traffic Department, referred to as A9. The majority of tasks involved filing and other office junior tasks. He progressed into processing invoices manually, processing call data from thousands of vessels and working with telegrams. He was the proud owner of the second calculator (personal calculator – office didn’t provide!) within Marine after moving away from pounds, shilling and pence!

Jump forward 50 years and Norman now processes invoices and sets airtime rates for all marine airtime customers electronically and with a touch of a button – although technology does of course bring its own issues when nothing happens when you press that button. All invoices used to go out by Royal Mail and the office was covered with piles of paper ready to be put into envelopes, now these are sent electronically via email!

If ever short of conversation with Norman, you just need to mention motorbikes and beer festivals – and the conversation just flows – like the ale!!

It was called MIMCO when he started and he has gone full circle to SIRM (Societa Italian Radio Marittima SPA) also a former Marconi company.

SIRM know that their growth and success is dependent on having devoted and capable team members such as Norman, and they wanted to recognise the contributions he has made in helping them achieve their goals. To honour his 50 years of service, SIRM presented him with a gift – a tankard inscribed with the words “4th June 1968, Cheers to 50 years.”

Most of the text was provided by Lisa Cornell from SIRM in South Woodham Ferrers whose input we thankfully acknowledge.

Stewart Waring Flt Lt RAF (Ret)

This enquiry from Stewart Waring was sent to the secretary Barry Powell in April 2017.  I intended to include it in the 2018 newsletter, but completely through oversight on my part it didn’t appear. Profuse apologies to Stewart on realising my mistake and a promise to include it in the 2019 edition. I posted the enquiry on the MOGS forum and received a number of responses which confirmed it was extremely unlikely to be radar.

I recently bought in an ‘antique’ (on reflection a bygones/bric-a-brac shop) in Grantham, Lincolnshire, a well (probably professionally) made model of a ‘6m Transportable Tropo’ A plate gives the information ‘O/all Length 5m, Stowed Height 2.3m, Weight 1500 kgms’. The aerial, a decagon (flat plate dish) is mounted on a two wheeled trailer, the wheel hubs have the Marconi logo and the trailer the number plate SEC 207P (1975). The model adjusts for rake of the aerial, stowage etc. The scale is approximately 1:13-1:15 and it is mounted on a plywood, varnished board. Over the years I noted several good and interesting models in that shop, but not interesting enough to buy. This one was, however.

Would any of your members have any knowledge of this device, was it ever built, where did the model come from? Any information you may be able to obtain will be much appreciated.

As an aside I worked with Marconi when the ill fated Comet/Nimrod AEW project was being developed, flying out of RAE Bedford.

In his reply, Barry Powell suggested that it looked like a model produced for publicity purposes by the Space and Microwave Division of Marconi’s. Subsequently some of the MOGs suggested various directions for further enquiry:-

…radar systems sometimes used thin line tropo for remoting radar pictures? (Ian Gillis)

…a polarisation changing plate and therefore whether the model contains a parabolic dish behind it? I remember examining photos of, and estimating the performance of, Russian SAM guidance systems, in which such a plate was a prominent feature. (Bernard de Neumann)

…there was work on Tropo scatter at Writtle/Guys Farm around 1959/60. (Mike Plant)
But, not one of ours at MRSL (Ken Wilkinson)

There appear to be more than likely no radar associations, rather a model for troposcatter communications equipment, confirming the abbreviation on the identity plate. A number of the MOGs suggestions were copied to Stewart, and have given me one or two leads to follow up which I’ve yet to do.

So now, can anyone among you solve this puzzle – for what kit was it a model?

Colin Fletcher

As the 2019 Reunion approaches, I must thank my predecessor Barry for all his hard work over the past 14 years. Without his spreadsheet expertise in life would be extremely difficult. (Full details of the arrangements for this year’s reunion are on page 12.

So far being Secretary has been within, but sometimes on the boundary, of my comfort zone (an expression now in common parlance). This year due to the early date of 6 April, the planning and scheduling of the reunion will be tight. As I write this article, I can only hope the deadlines are not too tight and, as the reunion approaches, I must admit to ‘butterflies in the tummy’. Hopefully with Barry’s calm guidance we will once again be able to sit down with old friends and colleagues on 6 April.

One of the sad duties of being Secretary it being informed of the passing of a veteran. Unfortunately, each year the numbers dwindle as we lose old friends and colleagues. That being said, or written in this case, it is pleasing to announce that we have three new Friends: Piers Chapman, son of Peter Chapman, Barry Watson, who gave the 1974 Marconi Foundation Lecture in Bologna, and Terry White (Titanic Terry), who has been giving lectures on the Titanic in and around the Chelmsford area for around 20 years.

On the brighter side and looking to the future, 2020 is the centenary of the first public wireless broadcast by Dame Nellie Melba (she of ‘Melba Toast’ and ‘Peach Melba’ fame), while 2022 is the centenary of the British Broadcasting Company, which was founded on 18 October 1922 and began broadcasting in November of the same year. Marconi played a large part in these events and it is hoped that along with the Chelmsford Civic Council, the Marconi Veterans’ Association will play an active part.

If you wish to know more please contact me at

Hearty Thanks

I am pleased to report that during 2018 the Association has benefited from the generosity of Veterans and Marconi employees, both deceased and living. The Management Committee extends its thanks to the following for and their families for the donations both large and small.

Peter Brian Chapman who left a legacy of £500 in his will. This generous gift is most welcome.

Ron Bradbrook whose son Nick kindly donated his father’s work papers and 2 working calculators.

Robert George Stokes whose family donated 216 Marconi Mariner magazines from 1947 to 1984 inclusive. These are now in the technical archive at Sandford Mill.

Roger Sweny who provided the Association with his duplicate coasters, all in excellent condition, four of which were previously unavailable.

Coaster Swap Shop

On the subject of coasters, if you have any coasters from previous years and would like to swap them for coasters also from previous years, provided they are in good condition, then bring them along to the annual reunion. This is subject to availability and is limited to previous years and not coasters from the current reunion.

Chain Home tower at Great Baddow

Currently moves are afoot to place an application to English Heritage to have the Chain Home tower at Great Baddow to be considered for listed status. At the time of writing Historic England was due to visit the site at the beginning of January. This is the only remaining Chain Home tower which is complete anywhere in the world and, given that partially intact towers are grade II listed, it is possible that this would also be grade II.

For further information please contact me at

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
In May 2018, the GDPR came in effect. In order to ensure that the association complies with the regulation a policy document has been produced. If you wish for a full copy please contact the Secretary whose contact details can be found in the newsletter.
The GDPR does not change the way in which the association protects your data, which is limited to your contact details.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a very prosperous 2019 and hope to see as many of you as possible either at the reunion on 6 April 2019 or the next Open Day at Sandford Mill.

One final note – the 2020 reunion will be on Saturday 25 April.

Died at sea in late 1918, age 17.  Not commemorated

There is no record of Edmund in the Commonwealth War Graves archives so it is probable that he died just after the war ended.  Edmund was born on 29 January 1901 at The Manor, Little Longstone in the parish of Bakewell in Derbyshire. His father’s name was Herbert Tinsley Taylor of independent means, his mother’s maiden name Broomfield. Edmund joined Pocklington School on 18 January 1913, from Bridlington Grammar when his parents were living at Shean House, Filey.  He joined Malton School on 19th September 1916 and left one month after his 16 birthday on 23 February 1917 to train as a wireless telegrapher.

At the time his father, still of independent means, was living at 58, Florence Terrace, New Biggin, Malton. The July 1918 school magazine records that Eric Fuller and Edmund Taylor have passed their 1st Class Wireless Examination and were home for a brief rest.  In the December 1918 issue it was confirmed that Edmund had died at sea from influenza* on board the SS Kalomo, adding in the LATE PRESS ‘It is with great regret that we have to record the death at sea, from influenza, of Edmund Taylor, who though only with us for a short time, did much that was good for us. We wish to offer our deep sympathy with his parents.’

SS Kalomo (see photo) was completed in 1907 by Robert Duncan & Co, Port Glasgow, for the Bucknall Steamship Lines Ltd, London. She was re-registered in 1914 to Ellerman & Bucknall (Steamships) Co Ltd, London when a controlling interest in the Bucknall shipping line was sold to John Ellerman. She was broken up on 8 November 1931 by TW Ward Ltd at Inverkeithing after being renamed City of Halifax in 1926.

*The H1N1 influenza pandemic of 1918 – 1919 was deadly.  It infected 500 million people across the world including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and resulted in the deaths of 50 to 100 million (three to five percent of the world’s population), making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.

Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast, the 1918 pandemic predominantly killed previously healthy young adults.  The majority of deaths were from bacterial pneumonia, a common secondary infection associated with influenza, but the virus also killed people directly, by causing massive haemorrhages and oedema in the lung.  The incubation period for the disease is some 2 to 5 days and death can follow in hours or a few days from the first symptoms appearing.

The text of the announcement at bottom right of poster reads:

Official Government Statement.

‘Owing to the present urgent demand for Wireless Operators in the Mercantile Marine, students entering the school prior to their eighteenth birthdays, and making such progress that they are able to obtain the necessary certificates on or before reaching the age of 18¼, will be temporarily exempted from military service until a sufficient number of Operators has been obtained. This exemption continues so long as students of military age who have passed into the Mercantile Marine are employed as Operators at sea.’

Free Training.  Good Pay.  Permanent Positions.

Write or call for full particulars to
City School of Wireless Telegraphy, 4 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham.

Peter Turrall

The Marconi Veterans committee meets a few times each year mainly to organise the Annual Reunion but at the same time to gather news of veterans and of course to prepare information for our annual newsletter.

We ask all Marconi Veterans to let us have regularly items of interest to other veterans, in particular activities, families and of course births and deaths – anything which might be of interest to others. Please dig deep and send our incoming newsletter editor Mark Watson-Lee these snippets. He will accept any item at any time throughout the year. His email address is:

The MVA Committee also has an appeal to make. We would like any veteran to undertake on behalf of the Association some of the duties of the following:-

a) Lecturer or Speaker to organisations such as schools or U3A organisations. (This requires somebody to visit and present a slide or disc on History of Marconi. Expenses are in most cases payable by whoever makes the request).

b) Press Officer. Somebody to prepare small articles covering important events and send to local Press.

c) Liaison Officer. There are excellent contacts by MVA with local civic authorities and other similar organisations but we need somebody who could take on the responsibility of regular contact with these people to promote the activities of MVA and also to advise our committee on possible assistance with them.

You do not have to be a committee member of MVA and would attend MVA committee meetings only when necessary.  If you feel you could help out with any of the above please contact Secretary Colin Fletcher at:

Barry Powell

Most of you will be aware that, at the Reunion in April, I stepped down as secretary. This position has been ably filled by Veteran Colin Fletcher who, I am certain, will do an excellent job.

I would like to thank all those who have wished me well in my ‘retirement’, especially your committee who kindly presented me with a sum of money to purchase a reminder of my time in the secretary’s chair. We have spent this on a water feature for our garden and a trolley to help with moving the containers around the garden. Chris also sends her thanks for the Hydrangea pot which is currently in a sheltered position in the garden ready for the ravages of winter. I will be remaining on the committee and assuming the role of first contact for new members (Veterans and Friends) so, if you know of anyone who wishes to join us, please refer them to me on 01268 696342 or by email to

Here’s wishing you all a happy and healthy 2019

Barry and Chris (the former Secretary’s former Secretary!)

Charles Boyton

This tale, although about my National service, is very much related to my Marconi apprenticeship. I completed my apprenticeship October 1954, after having spent the last year in Transmitter Test in building 46.

During my first eight weeks training I was urged to apply for a trade test when I got to my next position. The Air Force had realised that it was better for the recruit to follow his civvy occupation if possible, rather than for example give a chef the job of a clerk.

I was posted to RAF Locking near Western-Super-Mare. I found myself in a billet with air radar mechanics. I passed my trade test and had six weeks familiarisation at the end of which I would get my rank of Junior Technician (ground wireless fitter). I was allowed free access to the library and was given a list of manuals for the equipment. For my practical work I had to check with the instructors which labs were not being used by the other trainees.

I must explain the layout of the station. It was built on a gentle slope, the main entrance, the parade ground, admin offices and the canteen at the top, the residential huts further down and all training facilities at the bottom.

Each morning I would wait for the air radar lot to leave for their classes. Then make my way down to the classroom that was mine for the morning.

One Thursday instead of the footsteps gradually fading away they got louder. I looked out of the door and saw that everyone was marching up to the parade ground. I quickly grabbed my cap and managed to join the last squad as they passed my billet. They were none too pleased at my joining their ranks, but as we ended up at the back of the parade I wasn’t noticed. I expected to hear that some great emergency had occurred. World War Three? Wednesday afternoon was set aside for sports. That Wednesday the station rugby team was playing a crucial game against local rivals. The Station Commander was a keen rugby fan and was annoyed that there were only a few spectators on the touchline. For those who wanted to swim, a coach was run to the pool in Weston, the coach was always full. He sent the SPs to see how many airmen were in the pool. They found just a handful, all the rest were down at the seafront amusements. So that was why we were called out on parade!

Alan Hartley-Smith

The successful exhibition and lecture series in Hall Street in 2016 and the Titanic Event in Bond Street the next year stimulated a re-awakening of interest in Marconi Heritage, driven by a combination of the Chelmsford Civic Society, the Marconi Heritage Group, the MVA, the Monday Group at Sandford Mill and the Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society. Collectively these have given lectures, held television demonstrations, and succeeded in getting a commemoration board for the Hall Street factory, mounted on the wall of the Woolpack public house opposite (see photo right), as the owners of the new flats refused to have it on THEIR wall, and we finally found a photograph of the wireless mast used for the co-located WW1 direction-finding station.

Longer term there have been preparations for a Centenary Celebration of the broadcast by Dame Nellie Melba from New Street in 1920 and recently this has been transmogrified into Essex 2020, a county-wide, year-long celebration of Creativity, featuring science, engineering, the arts, cultural events, festivals and community projects, culminating in the British Science Festival at Anglia Ruskin University for its first appearance in Essex. Details will be published over the coming year, and there will be opportunities for volunteers.

Two years later there is occasion for the centenary of the 2MT Writtle broadcasts and the incorporation of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Ongoing are the twelve online wikis, now including one for MIMCO which came about partly through interest in WW1 wireless direction finding and partly from the discovery of a complete set of the journal Mariner dating from the English Electric takeover in 1946 until 1983. These have been scanned and mounted to provide a detailed record of personnel activities and equipment development for the second of the original companies.

Stop press

At the time of writing (January) we have an application to list the Great Baddow Tower lodged with Historic England and their report is in circulation prior to submission to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

A History of International Telecommunications during the Radio Years

– a new book by Paul M Hawkins (G4KHU); ISBN 9781787196278

This is a story about long distance radio communications and how it became an integral part of the international telecommunications network during the 20th century. The story follows the work of Marconi and how radio technology developed from crude beginnings, into a reasonably sophisticated network, evolving from spark transmitters, to valves and ultimately semiconductors. The transmitters and receivers were operated with minimal automation and a high degree of human intervention, managing and overcoming the limitations and difficulties of long distance radio propagation.

The book also describes the challenges faced by the radio stations during WW2, developments in spectrum regulation and life on a radio station. The relative efficiency of point to point radio and the cost of replacement satellite installations in the late 1960s resulted in radio playing a part in international telecommunications up to the 1980s, giving the author direct experience of this fascinating medium, which he recalls in an autobiographical chapter.

284 pages, illustrated with numerous photos, diagrams and tables; available from Amazon and other online sellers at £10.99. For signed copies contact the author at

S600 Radar at Air Defence Radar Museum Neatishead

Dave Lowry and Grant Grafton of the RAF Fighter Control Association asked me several months ago if any Marconi Veterans might have photos of the interior of the S600 and S259 radar control cabins owned by the Air Defence Radar Museum at Neatishead in Norfolk (photo of the S600 right). Their requests were directed initially to MOGS, which has yielded some fruit – a couple of photos of the S600 cabin have been sent, but any further information/photos on both would be welcome. In another email a couple of weeks ago Dave Lowry gave some interesting information about the ADRM’s S600.

Both his earlier request and that of this January follow.

‘I am searching for copies of any photos of the inside of the Control Cabin of an S600 Radar. I am a trustee of the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum based at RRH Neatishead near Wroxham, Norfolk. Our website is

We have an S600 antenna and the engineering cabin which is virtually complete. We have an empty cabin which could be converted to a control cabin but, currently, the door is at the side and would need to be moved to the end. We also have many bits and pieces of the internals of a control cabin, including consoles. These were from Bushey and kindly donated to us. I am an ex-Fighter Controller and was very much involved in ‘82 in getting the S600 down to the Falklands and set up (see below), initially, on Canopus Hill. Later it moved to Mount Kent.

We are renovating the S600 and wish to reconstruct the control cabin using the equipment we have and fabricating the supports etc. For this our volunteers, who have worked on the S600 when still serving, need a few good photos as a guide. My memory would not be sufficiently accurate. It was a long time ago.

Have any of your veterans have any such photos? It would be very helpful if you could scan them and email to me.’

In January 2019:

‘It’s the radar that went down to the Falklands that is at the ADRM. Anything involving that particular model would be of interest. I know it was a rush job getting it together. Ian McDonald (sadly now deceased) and myself attended a course at Chelmsford at the same time. We then deployed to RAF Wattisham to form up. Then it was by lorry convoy to Marchwood to board RFA Sir Geraint. I accompanied the S600 on the sea voyage which took a few months. That’s a story in its own right. The radar was then Chinooked from anchor in Port Stanley Harbour to be set up temporarily on Canopus Hill. Our RAF Engineers went ahead to prepare the site and the rest of the Operations Crew flew down later to join us. Later it was deployed to Mount Kent.

I fully agree with Grant’s statement, the MOG’s organisation is a very valuable source of information for us for which we are very grateful. We’re meeting with George Duncan and Mat Pryce of BAe Systems at the ADRM at the end of the month to maintain our links with the present day organisation.’

Grant Grafton adds: ‘I am still looking for a photograph, or even an artists impression, of the interior of a S259 control cabin. Otherwise very happy with all the fantastic information offered by the MOGs group.’

Finally, a post-script from Dave Lowry: if any of your members would like to form a small group to visit the museum please let me know. I could easily make arrangements.

What was happening in our Marconi family 50 years ago?

These snippets were culled from the January and February 1969 editions of the house magazine – ‘Marconi companies and their people’. (The house magazine was to cease appearing in that form and frequency of publication thirteen months later, after 20 years, in March 1970.)

* GEC-Marconi Electronics was formed in December ‘68 with Mr Robert Telford as MD.
* Mr Neil Sutherland was knighted for services to export.
* A Marconi Instruments team took part in the Hindu festival of Ayuda Puja when celebrated at the Madras works of the English Electric Company of India. They were making large quantities of MI Signal Generators on a big Indian Government contract.
* Marconi apprentice Stephen Fletcher was to serve again as Boatswain on the sail training ship Sir Winston Churchill.
* The people at Radar Division’s Great Bromley stores featured. The article had a photo of the three CH towers, still standing (but two of them soon to be dismantled).
* Boeing rolled out its 747 airliner, the ‘Jumbo-jet’. BOAC, Air France and Lufthansa were planning to use it on their transatlantic routes, all three fleets fitted with Airadio Division’s AD370 automatic direction finder (ADF). BOAC also specified the Marconi Teleprinter receiver AD308, SELCAL and Marker receivers for its aircraft.
* Marconi Instruments introduced a new mobile showroom permitting them to tour Europe giving potential customers on-the-spot demonstrations of the company’s range of instrumentation under operating conditions. Its predecessor had covered over 100,000miles during its nine years service. Then, also MI, the Longacres works, the installation of a new PABX3 internal telephone system. This was when the present-day solid-state exchanges were still some way off.
* An outrageous increase in the price of the magazine – from 6d to 1s! Outrageous? Well, it was 100%.
* A record year for output at Gateshead works. Their contribution to the Apollo programme Satellite Comms earth station aerial on Ascension Island is reported, and preparing to pick up work on the new S600 radar aerials and mountings.
* Many pages of events featuring the people taking part in sports and social events, presentations for retirements and awards at all of the company sites. No different however to any other edition of the magazine, they all carried a similar amount of coverage of this aspect of company life.
* Finally, a splendid back cover photo in the February ‘69 edition by Ken Hutley of barges at the Hythe Quay in Maldon. The report of Ken’s recent death by his son Andrew is on page 3.

Ray Walls 1930 – 2018

A tribute by former colleagues and friends

Ray, born in Chelmsford, lived all his life in the city. Leaving King Edward VI Grammar School in 1946, he joined Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co as a student apprentice. Towards the completion of his apprenticeship, he was sent to work at Writtle in the wooden huts, joining the Aeronautical Navigation Aids Development (ANAD) group under Geoff Beck, who were working on the highly classified Doppler navigation equipment for the V-bomber force.

In 1951 he was called up for National Service, but was called back to Writtle to continue developing the revolutionary, all thermionic valve Blue Silk and Green Satin navigation equipments. Life at Writtle was never dull, and it often involved flight trials in various aircraft. On one infamous occasion, the helicopter being used clipped power lines over a reservoir near Yeovil, but managed to limp home: parts of Somerset however were left without electricity!

A much-used trial route was the Old Bedford Canal, in Cambridgeshire – no fun at all flying at 500ft on a hot humid day in the company’s old Viking aircraft, G-AHOP, but with all its landmarks, excellent for navigation accuracy checks.

In 1960, all the Writtle ANAD and the Communications engineers were moved to Basildon – life was never the same again!

Ray led a team developing a new Doppler system, AD560, using transistors for the first time. This equipment was fitted to many of the world’s passenger aircraft, and proved to be a great success for the Airadio Division.

In 1972, he became Chief Engineer with responsibility for all the division’s communications and navigation equipment developments. At this time, the division was producing airborne equipment for the military and civil markets, HF and VHF radios, landing aids, Doppler based navigation systems, TACAN navigation systems as well as ground proximity warning systems. He was responsible for all the technical aspects of the division’s work, which involved liaising with the customers and suppliers, earning their high respect.

In 1978, he became Airadio’s Technical Manager, and in 1984, the division’s Applied Research Manager heavily involved with Baddow Research Laboratories on future business.

Ray’s office door was always open, and he was in his element solving technical problems alongside his engineers. He would find time to visit sick engineers. Not a very keen sportsman, he nevertheless did participate in some group-organised events.

He retired in 1995 but continued his interest in all technical subjects – once an engineer, always an engineer! Ray was a regular at the IEE lectures in Chelmsford, with the essential pint of Adnams afterwards! He was an ‘ever present’ at the annual Marconi Veterans luncheons too.

Ray was held in high respect by his colleagues in Basildon, Baddow and Chelmsford and in his passing, will be sorely missed.

Thanks Ray for the assistance you gave me when I needed some help with articles involving Airadio Division. Ed

Colin Fletcher

Our reunion and AGM will be on the 6 April, once again at the Marconi Club, now Hamptons Sports and Leisure Centre, off Beehive Lane, Great Baddow. John Bower will be the President and Albert Smith our Honoured Guest. Also, Friends of the Association are now invited to attend. So, if you know of anyone who would like to attend and have not yet registered as a Friend, urge them to contact me as soon as possible.

This year, we have returned to the standard menu offered by the caterers, opting for some of your favourites. Our selection for this year is: Brussels Pate with Melba Toast and a Caramelised Onion Chutney, Chicken Wellington stuffed with Sage and Onion, Pear and Blackberry Crumble with a Pistachio topping, cheese and biscuits, tea or coffee. The ticket price for the reunion will be £33 for Friends whilst Veterans will continue to pay the subsidised price – this year £28. We are pleased to maintain the subscription rate at £6 (£3 for Friends).

At this point it is probably appropriate to say a few words about the reunion to inform any of our Friends who may be considering attending and also to advise you all of some minor changes. When you complete the application form, just tick the box requesting a ticket and indicate which company you would like to sit with. If you have special dietary requirements (vegetarian, gluten free, Halal etc.) please mention it in the space provided. We can cope with most needs – if you are not sure, please ring me. By return, well almost, you will receive your ticket.

The Member’s bar opens at 11.00 am for you to meet old colleagues. The main hall will open as soon as the caterers have completed laying the tables; its bar will then open and you can collect your name tag and reserve your seat at a table. We do not allocate actual places at table but only use the information from the application forms to ensure that there are sufficient places for each of the companies. If you wish to sit with particular people, arrange with them to reserve a suitable number of places on a table – there are 10 places on each – for the appropriate company. I am happy to advise you who is attending or usually attends and help you contact them.

You can now relax and enjoy the reunion until lunch is served. On one of the tables to the side of the hall there will be books containing messages from veterans unable to attend and a list of those veterans who have passed away since the last reunion. If you have requested a special meal, I would urge you to arrive as early as possible, reserve your place and then let me know where you will be sitting as I have to let the caterers know by 12 noon where to deliver them.

You will be asked to take your seats at around 12.45 pm and, shortly after, the top table (including the President and Guest) take their places.

On your table, for each person, there will be a commemorative coaster, menu, list of attendees and the papers for the AGM (more later). There will also be an envelope containing a strip of raffle tickets for which we would request £1 – someone will be around to collect this during the meal. After a minute’s silence in memory of our founder, Guglielmo Marconi, and the grace, the meal is served. During the meal, there will be a few toasts as our President celebrates his year with parts of the Marconi Organisation that have a special meaning to him. At the end of the meal Veteran Valerie Cleare will pass on some messages from veterans unable to attend and then the speeches start.

There are only three – an introduction of the president, the president and his guest. They are usually light-hearted and last around 5 minutes each (officially no more than 7.5 minutes). We have received a few comments about veterans carrying on individual conversations during the speeches. Please refrain from this as it is very discourteous to the speaker and distracting for other veterans. Together with a few toasts this takes us to around 3.45 pm when there is a short break. At 4pm the AGM commences. This usually lasts for only a few minutes and is followed by the raffle which concludes the programme for the afternoon and leaves you free to carry on the reunion.

If you have any questions, please give me a ring. Again, we would like to thank Benefit, the San Francisco-based cosmetics company, and Hampton Sports and Leisure (The Marconi Club as was) for their hospitality and also Leonardo (the new name for Selex-es) who have kindly supported us for a number of years now.

If you are unsure about attending or have any questions, please give me a ring. I am always happy to talk and can give you names of those veterans who attended recent reunions. If you know of an ex-Marconi employee who does not receive the newsletter please urge them to contact me as soon as possible. It may be that they have moved or not replied to a confirmation request of a few years ago or that they left with 21 to 24 years’ service and have now become veterans by virtue of the reduction in service requirement to 21 years.

The ‘Friends of The Marconi Veterans’ Association’ has been set up to cater for anyone who does not qualify as a Veteran but wishes to be kept informed of things Marconi. Numbers are growing slowly with, currently, over 70 members and more would be welcome. The three registers (the Main register, In Memoriam and Friends) are now published on the website – – so please have a look if you can and let me know of any errors.

Chairman Peter Turrall introduced our President for this year, Martyn Clarke, as someone with a long and impressive career in the company behind him, from apprenticeship in 1954 until retirement in 1995. His apprenticeship was spent in a number of departments before settling on broadcast television and outside broadcasting as a career path: this took him to a large number of countries during those years.

Martyn responded by fleshing out Peter’s introduction. He started with the company as an apprentice in 1954, doing the customary apprentice tour around various departments until settling on broadcast TV as his subsequent career path.

He started in TDU – Television Demonstration Unit (later to become Operational Services Group) – in 1955 and was involved in demonstrating, installing and maintaining TV studio equipments, cameras, telecine equipments etc, in 17 countries around the world until about 1980. It was during this 26 years that the company had provided the studios – Studio M in South Kensington – for a number of popular TV programmes such as BBC TV’s ‘Tonight’, ‘It’s a knockout‘ as well as coverage of sports events, and Granada TV’s ‘Zoo Time’,

A couple of interesting anecdotes during from those years. Firstly, the need to think on your feet. During a broadcast of ‘Tonight’ the line went down, so Martyn phoned the BBC engineer at Lime Grove and asked if he had a GPO equalizing amplifier. “Yes, we do.” “Right then, your programme tonight will be coming over on this control line”.

Hairy moments? The first, when in Ankara in May 1963 for a refit of the Turkish broadcaster’s 1936 studio equipment there was an attempted coup, with armed military, weapons loaded and bayonets fixed, taking over the studios, and the lady duty announcer having loaded revolvers at her head as she read out their statement. Martyn was OK however! Then, rather than a hairy moment perhaps, an uneasy a period, when working at Ulster TV on the Ormeau Road in Belfast during ‘The Troubles’, and having to be very careful about personal safety. “Your flak jacket is on the back seat of the car!”

Then came a change of direction into production control, first in broadcast TV, then when that came to an end in 1985, to mobile radio, finally retiring in 1995. Since retirement he has been heavily involved with the 8-man volunteer team (known as the TDU!) at Sandford Mill museum, restoring, displaying and maintaining vintage TV equipments, as well as digitising for the Marconi wiki tens of thousands of pages of company magazines and journals from 1950 to 1992.

Peter Turrall then introduced Martyn’s Guest of Honour, Dr Paul Marshall, an ex-Marconi man who he described as a ‘boffin’ who could talk about any technical subject under the sun, particularly television, but with another interest, a 6-acre plot of land on which he and his wife Jill keep a variety of livestock – sheep, chickens, turkeys and horses.

Paul spoke about his entry to the world of work, the Marconi apprenticeship, in 1975. As he had built a vidicon camera from a kit at age 16, for a training project he was given a motley collection of defunct items of TV equipment owned by the then moribund Marconi Apprentices Association with a brief to get it working. After many months of intensive work with the aid of another apprentice friend Dave Hill they had a crude programme-making setup. With this kit they were asked to make a feature about the re-invigorated MAA’s activities: this was then shown to all 450 apprentices to the evident satisfaction of the Director of Personnel. His apprenticeship culminated in a ‘wonderful summer at Goonhilly Down Earth Station’.

He left the company in 1983, going on to work in flight simulation visuals, a field in which he still works, but part-time since 2011. Alongside this he developed a parallel interest in the restoration of Marconi TV equipment which has developed into a significant business with a partner – ‘Golden Age Television’ – offering the hire of period cameras and monitors back into the TV and Film industry as ‘props’. To the stock of studio equipment has been added since 1995 four outside broadcast vehicles. Altogether the equipments comprise a living museum and much of the kit is still used either at shows and exhibitions or as fund-creating Golden Age TV activities.

How can this endeavour be continued? Where are the skilled engineers, technicians and wiremen to come from? Day-to-day terminology of yesteryear TV is a foreign language to today’s electronic graduates. And this restoration effort is dealing only with broadcast TV studio and OB kit – what about the related transmitters, microwave links, marine equipment, radar and so on? The preservation effort going into steam history, aviation, computing is healthy, so how can we fight our corner? The museum sector looks at our efforts as an anorak activity, and it attracts little funding. What’s to be done?

Not an encouraging picture, but perhaps one hopeful straw in the wind, the possibility of a TV programme being made which would deal with the restoration of a Marconi OB truck. That could raise the profile of this branch of restoration.

Following the main speakers, immediately before the AGM our outgoing secretary Barry Powell was presented with a cheque from the committee in recognition of his fourteen years service in the role and for the support he has had from his wife Christine – the secretary’s secretary. (See the item by Barry on page 9.)

David Kirk

I fondly look back on my 40+ year defence industry sales career, the first 10 years of which were spent at the Avionics group, Basildon, selling various types of Electro-Optical systems both at home and abroad. Most of my period at Basildon went well. However, try as you might to avoid surprises, occasionally, something completed unexpected comes at you from out of the sun – and so it was, in this case.

A newly formed UK company had just designed an aircraft with a novel configuration. They had multi-million-pound financial backing and announced an intention to satisfy a variety of operational roles. One of these would be powerline surveillance. At Basildon, we had a new generation of thermal imager whose capabilities would be well suited, so I got in contact and arranged to visit. As it happened, their operational understanding of powerline flying was a bit thin; I gently ‘educated’ them, the best I could, whilst pointing out the relevant details of our thermal imager capabilities for their application. I quickly had their attention.

Some days later they got back to me regarding their forthcoming participation at the Paris Air Show; they would have an exhibition stand and wanted to include our thermal imager in their display. Great! We had suitable materials – including a set of video replay equipment showing airborne thermal video images from a power line operation and I immediately confirmed our enthusiasm to assist. Anyway, we were going to be exhibiting at Paris, as part of the Avionics group, so it would be easy to provide deeper support, should they need it.

A few days after this, they contacted me, again, with a much more challenging request. Their Paris exhibition stand was going to cost them £40,000 (this is back in 1983!) because our thermal imager would now be ‘one of two exhibits’ on their stand, they required us to pay them £20,000! I pointed out that, as a relatively small division (a headcount of less than 200) in the Avionics group, our annual divisional exhibitions budget was only a tiny fraction of £20,000 – and, anyway, our resources were already committed (even if we’d wished to help). After consultation ‘upstairs’ I was able to advise that, whilst our position on funding was unchanged, we would be more than willing to host dinner etc to any serious potential customers who might appear. I got the impression my response was accepted – however reluctantly, and in due course, we despatched the loan items for their stand.

It seems my various responses hadn’t gone down as well as I’d thought. They probably didn’t understand how GEC-Marconi functioned – well, why should they? Presumably, they assumed a very large company must represent a very large money pot. So, what did they do? They wrote a very pointed letter to Arnold Weinstock, to complain.

Some days later, my boss and I were in one of the Basildon meeting rooms with a couple of visitors from the MOD. In the middle of the meeting, my boss was called out to see the Divisional Manager. On his return, my boss quietly told me what it was about – and then it was my turn. Our Divisional Manger always looked a slightly nervous man. On this day, he looked terrified.

Lord Weinstock had sent a short letter response. Both the letter of complaint and AW’s response had bounced their way from Stanhope Gate to the Avionics group HQ, at Rochester, thence to General Manager Wally Paterson, at Basildon, and finally to the desk of our Divisional Manager.

It was all cleared up, quite fast. I was actually patted on the head for doing the right things. It was certainly an interesting way for a 30-year-old salesman to get noticed – if not by a method I’d intended – and no, they didn’t get the £20,000.

John Dixon

I have been steered to your organisation by Grant Grafton secretary to RAF Fighter Controller Association. Grant and his wife stayed with us after we had invited him to a function that my wife and I were organising for Saturday 3 November to commemorate the ending of WW1 but also RAF 100. The event was held within the former GCI Station RAF Ripperston in south west Pembrokeshire (please see website and follow the drop down menu for RAF Ripperston).

We felt very privileged with the attendance of Grant but also current and former members of the RAF and current Air Cadets. We are a family run enterprise that has been self-funded for the repair and maintenance of the site returning it back almost to its former condition. I give twice weekly tours and cover the history of radar and how the site fitted into the Dowding System. Unfortunately we have no previous electronic radar equipment to display but in an endeavour to give our visitors more of an experience I have been searching for some time to locate, if one exists, a former PPI radar console such that I can then install a PC inside running radar software.

Therefore my request is, would anyone in your organisation know if a console exists outside museums and if so whether it could be either purchased or donated for our future development? The radar in use at our site from 1942 onwards was a Type 7. I look forward to your reply and hope that we may be able to establish further contact on our common interest.

Adventurous, funny, clever, a true friend – unique and will be sorely missed.

From a notice in the Essex Chronicle of 16 August 2018

(There were too many tributes from former colleagues and associates to include here. Below, links to the Marconi Family and Marconi Radar History wikis. Also links to two YouTube video clips of an interview with her in February 2016: one a fuller version of memories of VE Day 1945 than those in the 2013 newsletter, page 7. Contact me via if unable to access the resources: I may be able to help. KE)

Don Halstead wrote: many older Marconi-ites will remember Pam as a formidable member of the Marconi Publicity Department headed by Raymond Raikes. She served in the WRNS in World War 2 and once wrote a sparkling review of her experiences on VE Day to add to an article I wrote for News and Views on Marconi at War to mark the 50th anniversary of peace. She had ‘come on board’ the company in 1960. I first encountered Pam through the Marconi Dramatic Society, probably in the early 60s. She was an accomplished actress, who could hold her own against such as Dan Boyle, also of Publicity, when it came to consuming beer during rehearsals. There are numerous examples of her work in the archives, not least the brochure celebrating Marconi’s Centenary. After retirement she edited the MRSL News and Views for many years, until it fell victim to yet another round of cuts, at which she instantly vanished from my sight. On the basis that she was probably at least 10 years older than me she must now have been in her 90s.

Then later: she died peacefully on July 12, aged 97. There is a suspicion that she might have been frustrated not to make 100 – which would be Pam all over. Apparently she was living in the Chelmsford area (Ingatestone) until she eventually moved into a retirement home, Mary Feilding Guild, in North London, where she became friends with the literary editor Diana Athill. Immediately after ‘News and Views’ folded I recovered from her desk in Eastwood House some material and archive photographs intended for the next, ill-fated, edition, which she had abandoned. I rang her to let her know what I had done, but got my ear bent for dragging her in from her sunbathing. Pam decreed ‘no funeral’ but there was a wake in September, so I promised to forward the various bits we have in terms of tributes, history snippets and her piece on her VE day experiences for folk to share.

The short notice in the Chronicle sums her up very well, I feel. I am glad to have known and worked with her. RIP, Pam.

(John Keeble, the nephew of Pam’s companion, Olive, said that friends met at Highgate Literary & Scientific Institute on Sunday 9 September to remember her and celebrate her life. Colleagues from Marconi days were there, and some of her work as editor of the in-house magazine was on display, as were photographs of Pam throughout the years, many of them exhibiting the mischievous, often surreal, sense of humour that was very much part of her!)

See also Don’s article in the ‘Marconi Family’ wiki about Marconi’s in WWII:

Other tributes from John MB, Alan Hartley-Smith, Rob C in Marconi Radar History wiki at:

Links to video clips, recorded in February 2016, one about Pam’s VE Night memories: (see photo left) gives a slightly longer version of what Pam wrote for Don Halstead for an edition of ‘News and Views’ in 1995). a short clip where Pam recounts a ridiculous ‘Dad’s Army’ moment: Private Pike, perhaps.

As all deaths of those veterans notified to the secretary have been reported throughout the year on this site they will not be repeated here. They are included in the paper edition of this newsletter for the benefit of those veterans who do not use a computer.

Top right, the scene in New Street in ‘50s – a phalanx of Marconis’ and Hoffman’s employees on bikes anxious to make a quick getaway at knocking-off time.

The other was taken in the mid-60s whilst the old narrow road bridge was being demolished prior to installing the present-day wider roadway structure. Both pictures were supplied by Peter Turrall.

The very last edition of the Marconi magazine in March 1970 – what stories did it cover?
* Sadness and regret at the end of an era, thanking all involved over the 20 years and wishing two successor publications well.
* The Gateshead manufacture of 8 parabolic dish aerials for a new radio telescope at Cambridge.
* The retirement of George Millington, Head of Propagation Group at Great Baddow, and an internationally respected authority on electromagnetic wave propagation. Recipient of the IEE’s Faraday Medal.
* Completion by Operational Services Group engineers of colour television studios at Tyne Tees Television’s Newcastle centre.
* Build-up to the launch of Apollo 13. The satellite tracking stations on Bermuda and Ascension Island use Marconi equipment.
* The work of the Microcircuit Assembly Techniques Laboratory at Great Baddow – the MAT Lab.
* Right up to the end, much coverage of sports and social events at all of the company’s sites.
* And finally, the MASC was to have a personal appearance by Mr Acker Bilk and his Jazzmen on Sunday 31 May.

MVA Newsletter 2018 – edition number 20

Please click on the title Newsletter 2018 above to open the full document with the index and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger image.

Peter Turrall, Chairman Marconi Veterans’ Association January 2018

The Marconi Veterans’ annual reunion on 2lst April 2018 at the old Marconi Club site in Beehive Lane Chelmsford will see the introduction of a well-known ex-Marconi stalwart as president of our association -Martyn Clarke- who has been with the Marconi Company since he joined as an apprentice many years ago.  We welcome Martyn and his nominated guest of honour Dr Paul Marshall, also an ex Marconi engineer, together with Paul’s wife Jill.  Martyn is known for his engineering capabilities whilst with Marconi Communication Systems where he travelled to many places throughout the world demonstrating the Broadcasting Division’s studio equipment including cameras, mixers and outside broadcast vehicles. Martyn can relate some very interesting stories of his visits and the events and problems faced ensuring the Marconi equipment operated to the best of its ability. Many times he met important people including royalty in demonstrating Marconi products. No doubt we will hear some of his stories at the reunion.

Martyn is a very popular veteran and even today, he, together with other ex colleagues, every Monday is at the Chelmsford city industrial museum at Sandford Mill Chelmsford either updating or repairing Marconi studio equipments which at many times throughout the year is demonstrated to the general public.

Please come and support Martyn at our annual reunion on 21st April. Our veterans committee have agreed a very reasonable cost for the three course meal and we are looking for a record attendance. Friends are welcome and perhaps on receipt of this newsletter you could pass this request to anybody you know who wishes to become a veteran or friend of our Marconi Veterans’ Association.

At the reunion we say goodbye but not farewell to Barry Powell who has been our Marconi Veterans‘ secretary since 2005. He has carried out the work of secretary so efficiently that in my years as chairman, I have never had to query any of his work or activities. He has operated from home in a very small office and although not ex Marconi, his lovely wife Chris has helped him and was always present to assist us when filling the envelopes to send out our newsletter and invitations for the reunion. We will miss Chris but thank her for her support. Thank you Barry for all your hard work for the association. We will still value your input as a member of the veterans committee.

At the same time as we let Barry have a break, we welcome Colin Fletcher as his replacement secretary. Colin joined our veterans committee over two years ago and he has acted as undersecretary to Ban’y for this period. We are certain Colin will be a valuable asset to our organisation and we wish him well in his new post.

Apart from welcoming you to our 2018 reunion, I hope you will support Colin and also Ken Earney, newsletter editor, with news and views which he can incorporate in our yearly newsletter. Please send these to Ken at any time throughout the year. Meanwhile I wish all veterans the very best for 2018.

The editor’s spot

You may remember that this time last year I spoke about a rather nasty chest infection that meant that Christmas was a bad dream and January was a struggle to get through. Did it show? Looking back on it now, it doesn’t seem to me to have done so. This year has been another nightmare, but for different reasons: I sincerely hope it doesn’t show.

To make up for it, my wife Jackie and I made a most enjoyable visit to Connemara during May, The principal reason was to visit the Marconi transatlantic telegraph station site at Derrigimlah and a number of other Marconi related sites in the area. (Marconi and his assistant George Kemp had spent some time investigating various sites in the west of England and Wales and the west coast of Ireland before homing in on this large area of blanket bog at Derrigimlagh, a few miles south of Clifden in County Galway. Blanket bog gave the best damp soil conditions for the earth plane of the station‘s aerial system, and provided the fuel source, peat, for the boilers producing steam for the site’s electricity supply, and it gave an unrestricted view across the Atlantic to Glace Bay.) Our guide was Shane Joyce, of whom you’ve heard in a number of earlier newsletters. We stayed in Clifden, and during that time Shane and his wife Helen offered us their warm hospitality on a number of occasions. Thanks Helen and Shane.

Clifden Condenser House

He has been one of the driving forces in Clifden in securing funding, with the support of Failte Ireland (the Irish tourist board) from the Irish government to instal a hard-surfaced 5km walking trail around the site, with interpretive display panels carrying historical archive photographs to explain to the visitor, at key locations, what they would have been looking at between 1907 and 1921 when the site was in operation. This has tumed the site from a few building foundations and steel remnants in the peat bog into an importa.nt visitor stop on the heritage trail around the ‘Wild Atlantic Way’ on the west coast of Ireland. It is only 500 metres from the spot where Alcock and Brown crash-landed in the bog after the ?rst transatlantic crossing by air from Newfoundland in 1917.

One of the things that I hadn’t really appreciated until this visit was the immense size of the heart of the station’s transmitter, the condenser house (see centre of photo above). A 1.8 microfarad capacitor, charged to in the region of 20,000 volts, comprising 1820 metal plates, each measuring 9m by 3.7m and spaced from each other with an air gap of 30cm, all housed within a building 105m by 22.5m – as long as a football pitch and a third of its width.

This part of Ireland is a delightful place to visit. We spent nine days there, with superb weather which you don‘t expect to get during a stay of this length. The scenery of the Atlantic seaboard of Ireland is beautiful, Clifden is a lovely little town, the folk are very friendly, there are umpteen pubs and restaurants all serving fantastic seafood and traditional Irish music – we loved it, although sometimes a little respite from ‘Whiskey in the jar’ is necessary. Boat trips to local islands, fomwal gardens at Kylemore Abbey, what’s not to love, We stayed Celtic for the rest of our holiday, going on to our daughter and her paltner’s cottage on the Isle of Arran in south-west Scotland.

On a more sombre note, It concerns me that over the last couple of issues the number of obituaries and tributes included to those who have died is rising. I suppose this is inevitable with the advancing age of our membership, but how many reminders of mortality are you happy to see? Let the editor know if you’d prefer a change of emphasis. Another concern is that the content seems to be predominantly from male contributors who have been engineers, often in more senior positions with a distinguished career behind them. It would be good to see more items from the shop floor and the admin departments.

Finally, I’ve decided that this will be my penultimate edition as newsletter editor, so can we have a volunteer to take over from me for the 2020 edition? Taking over from Peter, my first edition was in 2006 and I think it needs a fresh outlook. It’s been a very rewarding experience and I’ve learned quite a lot about the companies’ histories over that time. The most interesting part is following up on the enquiries we receive as the basis for articles, but that can be quite time-consuming, and because, like many I can only knuckle down to a job when a deadline is approaching, January can be a bit hectic – it’s now mid-February and I seriously overshot my delivery date. If a volunteer should come along during the coming year I can brief him or her on how I do it whilst I’m working on the 2019, and, if need be, I will be available to assist and advise the new editor for 2020 edition. Please think about it, and if you’d like to have a crack at it please contact the secretary, Barry Powell, his successor Colin Fletcher (see page 9) or me in the first instance if you’d like to find out a little more about what’s involved.

Ron Wilson – a tribute from Ron Stringer

Born and raised in South Shields, Ron Wilson left his safe position as an apprentice in Swan Hunter’s shipyard to volunteer as a radio operator and was employed by International Marine Radio (IMR) during WW2.  There he had a very exciting and incident-filled time; the story of some of his exploits was posted on the SN site ( last year and was also published, in serial form, in the house magazine of the Radio Officers Association.  After the war he was retained by IMR as a technician and covered the North-East coast ports, installing repairing ships’ radio equipment.

Later he joined MIMCo‘s Newcastle depot and worked for many years as a technician out of the South Shields base, which is I where I met him in I966 when I came ashore.  He supervised my initial period of probation and did a fantastic job, as far as I was concerned.  He was an excellent, methodical technician, working steadily and logically to track faults and carry out repairs. He was not necessarily the fastest but was always successful and never needed the 2 or 3 visits required by others.

Having started life as an apprentice shipwright, his guidance was invaluable when it came to installation work and there was no trades-foreman in any of the yards on the south side of the river that he didn’t know and didn‘t owe him a favour.  Electricians, welders, shipwrights, joiners, all were available at the drop of a hat for Ron. None of the “everyone is working, come back tomorrow morning” that was the answer I usually received when asking for assistance. He was made redundant by MIMCo in one of the many cuts that followed the arrival of the late GG Hill but we kept in touch by letter with occasional visits north by my wife and I, and one visit to our home here in Hatfield Peverel.

As in previous years, a number of letters are from correspondents seeking information about former colleagues, for research into their family history, or for the preparation of articles, books, etc. If no contact detail appears with the letter then please direct your reply or any correspondence for the enquirer to:

Barry Powell, Secretary, Marconi Veterans Association, 22 Juliers Close, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 7EP; 01268 696342; or to the editor,

Ken Earney, 01245 381235; email
In the majority of cases published below the enquirer has been directed to the comprehensive guide produced by Barry to the online resources which may be helpful with this kind of enquiry. Find it on the MVA website at: http://www.marconi-veterans. org/?page_id=3047/ Enquirers have also been directed to the Bodleian Library.

Certain items in this issue, particularly on this and the next page, are responses to letters or articles appearing in the 2017 edition which have already been posted during the last eleven months on the website. There is thus an inevitable but necessary duplication catering for those Veterans who have no possibility, or wish, to use the internet.

Picking up on mention of the internet, many of the articles now come with links to web pages giving considerably more information on topics than can be included on these pages. For those not internet enabled, may I suggest that you enlist the help of a friend or neighbour who is, or go to your local library – remember those? – to enable you to see the material referred to.

Finally note that, to avoid unnecessary repetition of the Association’s name in full, the initials MVA have in places been used.

Christopher Charles Casperd
From Dr Alan Casperd, 24 February 2017

Dear Veterans Association, my grandfather’s brother was Christopher Charles Casperd, although he changed his surname to Caspard at some point.  He is mentioned as one of Marconi’s senior installation engineers in the book ‘A History of the Marconi Company’ by W J Baker. This book uses the surname Caspard. I wondered if you might have any further information on him (and ideally a photograph) in your archives. I look forward to hearing from you.

Colwyn Bay Wireless College
From Richard Shaw 22 February 2017

Firstly, many thanks for another splendid newsletter which arrived today. I hope you have now recovered from your Christmas bug.

In response to John Edwards’ letter about Colwyn Bay Wireless College (page 2), I was a student there from 23 April, 1941 to April 1942 when I got my PMG’s ‘Special’ (wartime) Certificate and first went to sea in SS Historian.
Unable to settle ashore after discharge as ‘Surplus to Requirements’ in 1946, I returned to Colwyn Bay to study for a couple of terms before sitting for my Second Class PMG in December 1948.

Colwyn Bay Wireless College was a lively place after the war with the return of several ex-servicemen who had learnt skills unknown in my earlier days. Jumping out of a first floor dormitory window for a night on the town was no problem for a parachutist who would re-enter silently some hours later. Nor was the lock on the pantry door when he felt peckish after our rationed dinners had failed to meet army standards.

As for Tim Wander’s search for a Myriad computer, I recall that three of them were used by Air Traffic Control, West Drayton, as part of the Flight Plan Processing System. Data on aircraft movements were fed to them simultaneously for comparison, and if one computer’s output differed from the other two it would be disregarded. That, however, was around 40 years ago, so where they are today is anyone’s guess.

GE (Eric) Lilley
From Diane Carrick 24 February 2017

My father Mr G E Lilley worked for Marconi for over 25 years. I was born in Lagos Nigeria, where he was stationed at the time in 1961.  He returned to UK in 1963 and then became Area Manager Marconi Middle East.  In around 1975 he was seconded to Nicosia Cyprus, still working for Marconi and I finished my High School there.  I remember a Mr Geoffry Nutt and Graham Linnell also being based in Cyprus.

I would love to know what projects he was assigned, and what his specific job function was in these years. Are you able to trace any records from the Chelmsford archives?

Barry has obviously referred Diane Carrick to the various resources mentioned above, but I have also put her in touch with Fred Boot who, together with his wife Peggy, were in Nigeria pretty much concurrently with Eric and his wife Barbara. Fred and Eric were part of a Marconi College team in the country to train young Nigerians who would operate and maintain the multi-channnel radio system that Marconi had installed linking the large interior through repeater stations in jungle and in the northern desert areas on the edge of the Sahara. See Fred’s further reminiscences about the ex-pat life in Nigeria in the early 60s on page NN. (David Samways, who Fred also knew in Nigeria, enters into this story – see page10.).

However, Diane would obviously like to know more about her father’s life after Nigeria if any Veteran can help.

Eric Burnett Vass 1936 – 1953
Letter from Bruce Vass, S Australia, 8 June 2016
2017 Newsletter item on page 4 of the paper version

Following this enquiry last year from Bruce Vass, Ray Walls has corresponded with him and provided a little of the sought-for information. This is a follow-up.
Ray has sent extracts from the source article for Eric Walker’s item ‘What’s the rate of exchange for kudos?’ which appeared from in the 2007 edition of the newsletter. This recounted Eric’s experiences of Airadio Division at Writtle in the early ‘50s, and the division’s work at the time on Green Satin, the airborne doppler navigator equipment for the RAF’s V-bomber force. Ray, Dave Pudsey and Eric Walker all knew Bruce Vass, and both Dave Pudsey and Ray, a junior engineer newly in the division, worked with him on Green Satin’s transmitter/receiver unit.

EE Triggs
From Ronald Smeltzer Ph D, 9 February 2017

I have a 1901 book on microscopy with the signature EE Triggs and address: c/o Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., Marconi House Strand London WC2 written on the flyleaf.  I found this name in your Veterans Deceased list.
Would you be able, please, to tell me anything about Mr Triggs, his position at the Marconi company perhaps?  Information about a previous owner of a book is always of interest.

Following searches carried out by Chris Gardiner we can only say the following:
“Since he joined in 1900 and Marconi’s address is The Strand it would appear that the book was acquired fairly early in his career. Also, of course, he would have worked at Hall Street among a relatively small workforce although I don’t think there was any mention of him in the photos or other documentation shown in the Hall Street exhibition in 2016. Tim Wander’s book produced for the exhibition shows quite a few of the staff but these are not identified so we may have a picture of Mr. Triggs without knowing.”

Mamoon Osman, Marconi employee from Sudan, 1950s
From Reem Abusham, 28 February 2017

I know there is an extremely slim chance but I was wondering if you had any information about an employee, Mamoon Osman, in the Chelmsford factory. He would definitely have been working there in engineering in 1959, having come over from Sudan to train at the factory, and would have been about 25 at the time. I understand of corse you may not have any information about him, but if not and could pass on this email to anyone else who also came over from Sudan around that time, or anyone that may have worked with him then, that would be very much appreciated. It would even be good if there were any contemporary company photos taken that he may be in.

Sorry, I am aware this is a very broad request and there may be nothing you can do but he would be my grandfather so any information would be very much appreciated.

Geoffrey John Burfoot
From Richard Burfoot, 2 March 2017

I should be most grateful for any assistance with finding out about my father, Geoffrey John Burfoot who was a Marconi trained radio officer serving on cargo/passenger ships in early/mid/ late 1920s from London and Liverpool ports.

He was born 16 March 1900 near Slough/Windsor and later served with Cable and Wireless. I should like to have knowledge of his career and of the ships that he served in: he did sail world-wide possibly with different companies.
I am saddened that I did not ask and listen to him when he was talking about his times serving on merchant ships when I was growing up!
I would be most happy to make a small donation to the relevant organisation that may have information.

Thank you,

Richard Burfoot MA (Conservation) RIBA. Architect
Willow Cottage, Prinsted Lane, Emsworth PO10 8HS
Tel 01243 379844

Canadian on a Marconi College course in 1995/6
From Barry Knight, 14 November 2017

I wonder whether you can help me please. My Mother was a cleaner at the Marconi College in Arbour Lane Chelmsford and she retired when it closed down in 1997. Unfortunately she now has the onset of dementia but she speaks of a kind Canadian gentleman who was there on a course for a few months, probably around 1995 or 1996, at least that is her best estimate. He helped her greatly in tracing her relatives who had moved to Canada many years previously. She would like to get back in touch with him but she cannot now remember his name. She thinks that she might have heard that he died in a car crash on his return to Canada but she cannot be sure of this information. Do you think that there is anybody who might have some information that would help her?

This is a very long shot! Ed

Tim Wander’s museum appeals in 2017 newsletter Great Baddow CH mast
From Ray Walls, 13 March 2017

I notice from the 2017 Newsletter that Tim Wander is seeking uses made of the Great Baddow CH mast. I can recall one.

In Airadio Division at Basildon we designed and produced the Blue Orchid Doppler equipment for helicopter navigation. This would have been about 1961. Basically the unit sent microwave beams to the ground or water below and the Doppler shift of the reflected signal was used to obtain aircraft velocity along and across the axis.

An important use was to enable the helicopter to hover over water, keeping in step with the water movement (tides). This way a sensor (eg, sonobuoy) could be dropped safely into the water.

We needed to test the system especially at the low velocities of hover. To do this we hung a Blue Orchid unit from the lowest of the cross arms of the CH mast at Marconi Research Baddow. We could then gently swing the unit as if in hover and check its operation.

I am trying to locate people who worked on Blue Orchid to confirm the above.

George Millington – 1
From David Frost

A friend of mine, Michael Claydon (some of you may recognise the name) who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s in West Avenue, Chelmsford, and was in the choir at All Saints Church in Kings Road, is trying to find some information on George Millington. He was heavily involved in the affairs of that church and was a lay reader. He worked at Great Baddow and joined Marconi in the 1930s from Cambridge. Apparently he became an outstanding scientist of world renown and was awarded the Faraday Gold Medal. He died in the ’80s and the church was packed with former Marconi colleagues. This friend of mine and a godson of George Millington are trying to find out a bit more about his working life and if anyone has any information I will be happy to pass it on.


George Millington – 2
From Patty Gibb, May 2017

Can anyone tell me what prestigious award George Millington received in 1978? He was Chief of the Propagation and Mathematical Group in Chelmsford, which work involved investigating high frequency radio waves. George received the Faraday Medal in 1974.

Following up on this (the most interesting part of the job), Ian Gillis has created a page devoted to George Millington in the Radar History wiki. There, Roy Simons mentions him giving the Appleton lecture in 1970, the Faraday Medal award, and the fact that he lectured at Mid-Essex Tec’ in the ‘60s.  I have a vague memory of the latter. Ed.

Norman Cryer
From: Stephanie Wenborn, 15 December 2017

My husband’s uncle, Norman Cryer who joined the Marconi Company in 1958 sadly passed away this week. He was a member of your association. We would love to find out further information about his role at your organisation as he never discussed his work with our family.

Where was this opening?
Martin Eve, 14 June 2017 (via Rochester archive and Alan Hartley-Smith)

This plaque commemorates the opening of a company building by Norman Lamont in 1984. Martin Eve’s father acquired it some time during his service with the company, and now, since his father’s death, he has it. The father worked for Marconi Avionics, then GEC Avionics, as did Martin until 1988. The current assumption is that the building was at Milton Keynes – the inscription reads: “This building was opened by Mr Norman Lamont MP, Minister of State for Industry, 15th August 1984”.
Can any veteran throw any further light on this?

John Whittaker, former Marconi Radar employee
From Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society, Adam Wood, 24 June 2017

It is with great sadness that I report the passing of John Whittaker (‘Little John’), who died peacefully on Sunday 11 June 2017 surrounded by his close friends, following an 18?month struggle with dementia. He had recently celebrated his 80th birthday a month before on 19 May 2017.

John worked at Marconi Radar from 1961 (having been an apprentice in the years leading up to that) until the mid-90s, so some of you may remember him from then. He was a stalwart of the ‘219 London Road family’ before moving to his apartment on Coval Lane, where he remained until going into care.

David Frost

This was treated as news in the Essex Chronicle in March 1969.  All we seem to get today in the papers is bad news. Technology has also moved on apace. Does anyone remember this order or even had worked on it?

Marconi’s Fiji order: Chelmsford’s Marconi Company has won a £¼ million order to provide a remote-controlled, high frequency equipment for Nandi Airport in Fiji.  The new equipment will increase the handling capacity of the aeronautical fixed telecommunications network in the South Pacific.  The order was awarded to Marconi by the Civil Aviation Division of the New Zealand Ministry of Transport. Nandi airport is one of the main international airports in the Pacific, particularly important for the rapidly increasing traffic on the trans-Pacific air routes, as a tourist centre.

Jim Salmon, and Tim Wander

The 2MT hut at Sandford Mill

In 1922 from ‘a long low hut full of long low people’ a small group of young Marconi engineers entertained radio amateurs and listeners across the UK and beyond with regular radio broadcasts every Tuesday evening. The broadcasts originated from Writtle, and the enthusiastic team led by Captain Peter Eckersley assembled their transmitter together with a gramophone player, microphone, and on occasions a piano from the local public house, to entertain listeners. Whilst transmissions lasted for just a year, their impact was immense. Many of those involved moved on to make major contributions to the works of Marconi and the BBC.

Tim Wander Talking with Dave Monk on BBC Essex

On February 14th 2017 a new team came together in the original Writtle Hut, safely stored and under cover at Sandford Mill, to celebrate this short time in history when a small wooden hut in a field in Writtle, occupied by a group of fascinating individuals, became the home of the UK’s first regular radio broadcasts.

Jim Salmon – Mr 2emmatoc – at the desk.

The team did not try to recreate station 2MT as we now live in a very different age. The aim of the evening was to recreate and celebrate the spirit and adventure of 2MT, to be ‘born in laughter and nurtured in laughter’. From Sunday 12th February to Tuesday 14th February 2017 we celebrated 2MT with an internet radio service including various live programmes from the original 2MT ‘Long Low Hut’. Whilst in the hut, we were joined by members of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society who were operating a special event amateur radio station using the call sign ‘GB95 2MT’. We were able to therefore, for the first time in 95 years actually broadcast and transmit from this historic building.

The aims of the evening were many.  First a great evening for the volunteers and Chelmsford amateur radio club to celebrate a true piece of Chelmsford history. The project also successfully celebrated the UK’s first regular broadcast station and raised awareness of current technology and amateur radio.  We are happy to have been able to expand on the 2MT story and bring this to a new audience, paying tribute to all those involved.

There were many high points during the broadcast including being interviewed on BBC 5 Live and BBC Essex.  However, the main highlight was at 7 pm on Tuesday 14th February, exactly 95 years on from when 2MT started transmissions. At this time we all raised a glass and drank a toast to 2MT and all involved, to radio hams past, present and future, and to Captain Peter Eckersley.  We were joined in the hut by amateur radio and museum friends and colleagues, and we are sure the spirits from the past were looking on!
A poignant moment during the 3 days was on Tuesday afternoon when we were visited by Shirley, the daughter of Tom Eckersley, Peter’s elder brother. Now in her 80s, we enjoyed talking about family and history, and I was pleased to be able to play her a recording of an interview with Peter Eckersley, most likely from the 1950s, in which he credits his brother Tom for being the inspiration to him at school to ‘be a wireless engineer’.

The team would like to say thank you to everyone involved and in particular everyone who emailed us and interacted with us on social media. The team intend to be back with you for the centenary celebrations, but I have a feeling you may hear from us before then!

For further information including programme recordings, videos, photos, publicity details, and our schedule of programmes, visit our website:

Alan Hartley-Smith

Following the final nail in the coffin for any use of space at Hall Street with the granting of another planning permission for additional flats there are now no former company sites in which a physical centre could be located.  So since the Exhibition in 2016 there has been little heritage activity other than participation in the touring Titanic event in the Bond Street centre and the work being undertaken at Sandford Mill by the curatorial and volunteer teams, which is however going from strength to strength with restoration work of television cameras and preparations for the commemorations of wireless broadcasting in 2020 and 2022.

That said there has been considerable progress in the virtual world with the buildup of content on the series of online wikis (see below*), which now number twelve covering all activities carried out by the Company in its many manifestations from origination to demise. As they become suitable these are being made open to public view, are attracting attention from a wide range of inquirers and are also establishing links with other similar operations in related areas. So it may be that the electronic technologies stemming from the historic ideas and work of Marconi and his early team, and then developed into the industries of the present by the many people following in their footsteps, will be the principal bearers and presenters of past personal and practical records into the future.

One tiny glimmer on the far horizon: it transpires that Chelmsford City Council are setting up a Cultural Development Trust and have appointed a group of the good and the great as trustees so we have taken steps to inform them and to highlight Marconi’s legacy in Chelmsford.

* Find the Home page of the family histories at: <>

From ‘The Marconi Companies and Their People’ August 1965, the Marconi A and B teams at the twelfth annual Industrial Fire Prevention Association, Essex Branch competition. Standing, left to right, Chief Officer Jan Frewer, Peter Bures, Trevor Lodge, Alan Munday, John Potts, Bill Pain, Second Officer Graham Murdy: kneeling, Bert Patient, Tom Hull, Bill Rose, Cavan O’Connor.
The Marconi Fire Brigade taken at the awards ceremony of the Company Fire Brigades competition at the Lambeth HQ in the late 60s or early 70s. Taken by Bert Patient, who should have appeared in the group but couldn’t, because he was taking the photo!
Left to right: Patrick MaHone (Paddy), Tom Hull, Leading Officer Graham Murdy, Trevor Lodge, Chief Officer Jan Frewer, FN Sutherland – Marconi MD, Bill Rose, Bill Pain, Leading Officer Alan Munday.

Chris Gardiner, Webmaster

When the MVA website was set up in 2004 the company wished to retain some control and Marconi Corporation plc registered the domain names ‘’ and ‘’ on behalf of the MVA. The Marconi technical administrators were located in Atlanta, Georgia. There followed a long and convoluted story involving ourselves, Atlanta and Ericsson Sweden, and four domain names: ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, and ‘’ wjth Ericsson Sweden having a continued proprietary interest in ‘’

To cut a long story short, that led to the current position where we can use any one from the above four: legally, Ericsson can ask for the return of the domain ‘’ should they ever wish to use it.

Those of you who view the website regularly will have noticed that the page layout has changed. This was forced upon us because the old theme, which we had been using for at least 5 years, was no longer supported and would not work with the latest version of WordPress.  We are now using a 2017 theme which has a lot more possibilities for elegant layouts and for adding extra facilities (if the webmaster can sort them all out!) and works much better for those viewing the site on a smart phone or tablet.

Barry Powell, MVA Secretary

Well, here we go with 2018 – I hope you all had a good Christmas and are looking forward to a healthy New Year.

Those of you who were at last year’s reunion will be aware that, after 14 reunions, I will be stepping down as Secretary after this year. I feel that the time is right for someone fresh to take over and bring in new ideas.  My mother is now 97 and it’s taking more of our time to support her living in her own home. I intend to remain on the committee (if they’ll have me!) and attend future reunions. Hopefully, I’ll have more time to chat with you all. Veteran Colin Fletcher is working closely with me at the moment and will take over as Secretary at the end of the reunion.

I would like to thank everyone for their support in making my tenure as enjoyable as it has been. This especially applies to my wife, Christine, who will forever be known as ‘The Secretary’s Secretary’.

Our reunion and AGM this year will be on the 21st April, once again at the Marconi Club. Martyn Clarke, who is a stalwart of the Marconi team at Sandford Mill, will be the President and Paul Marshall our Honoured Guest. Also, at last year’s reunion we announced that Friends of the Association would be invited to attend. So, if you know of anyone who would like to attend and have not yet registered as a Friend, urge them to contact me as soon as possible.

This year, we have returned to the standard menu offered by the caterers opting for some of your favourites. Our selection for this year is Brussels Pate with Melba Toast and a Caramelised Onion Chutney Homemade Steak, Red Onion and Ale Pie, Forest Fruits Cheesecake, Cheese & Biscuits, Tea or Coffee.
The ticket price for the reunion will be £33 for Friends whilst Veterans will continue to pay the subsidised price – this year £28. We are pleased to maintain the subscription rate at £6 (£3 for Friends).

At this point it is probably appropriate to say a few words about the reunion to inform any of our Friends who may be considering attending and also to advise you all of some minor changes. When you complete the application form, just tick the box requesting a ticket and indicate which company you would like to sit with. If you have special dietary requirements (Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Halal etc.) please mention it in the space provided. We can cope with most needs – if you are not sure, please ring me. By return, well almost, you will receive your ticket.

The Member’s Bar opens at 11.00 am for you to meet old colleagues. The Main Hall will open as soon as the caterers have completed laying the tables; the bar will then open and you can collect your name tag and reserve your seat at a table.  We do not allocate actual places at table but only use the information from the application forms to ensure that there are sufficient places for each of the companies.  If you wish to sit with particular people, arrange with them to reserve a suitable number of places on a table – there are 10 places on each – for the appropriate company.  I am happy to advise you who is attending or usually attends and help you contact them. You can now relax and enjoy the reunion until lunch is served.  On one of the tables to the side of the hall there will be books containing messages from Veterans unable to attend and a list of those Veterans who have passed away since the last reunion.

If you have requested a special meal, I would urge you to arrive as early as possible, reserve your place and then let me know where you are sitting – I will be the one with a harassed expression carrying a clipboard – as I have to let the caterers know where to deliver them by 12 noon.

You will be asked to take your seats at around 12.45 pm and, shortly after, the Top Table (including the President and Guest) take their places. On your table, for each person, there will be a commemorative coaster, menu, list of attendees and the papers for the AGM (more later). There will also be an envelope containing a strip of raffle tickets for which we would request £1.00 – someone will be around to collect this during the meal.

After a minute’s silence in memory of our founder, Guglielmo Marconi, and the grace, the meal is served.

During the meal, there will be a few toasts as our President celebrates his year with parts of the Marconi Organisation that have a special meaning to him.
At the end of the meal Veteran Valerie Cleare will pass on some messages from Veterans unable to attend and then the speeches start. There are only three – an introduction of the president, the president and his guest. They are usually light hearted and last around 5 minutes each. We have received a few comments about Veterans carrying on individual conversations during the speeches. Please refrain from this as it is very discourteous to the speaker and distracting for other Veterans. Together with a few toasts this takes us to around 3.45 pm when there is a short break.

At 4.00 pm the AGM commences. This usually lasts for only a few minutes and is followed by the raffle which concludes the programme for the afternoon and leaves you free to carry on the Reunion.

If you have any questions, please give me a ring.

Again, we would like to thank Benefit, the San Francisco based cosmetics company, and Hampton Sports and Leisure (The Marconi Club as was) for their hospitality and also Leonardo (the new name for Selex-es) who have kindly supported us for a number of years now.

With regard to the name tags, last year’s arrangements seemed to work quite well so we will again produce the name tags on A4 sheets which will be at the merchandise table so you can collect yours, as you enter the hall. When you order your ticket, please indicate, in the box provided, how you would like your tag to read. If you attended the Reunion last year, it will read the same, otherwise, the default will be to print your name as it appears on the first line of your address label.

If you are still unsure about attending or have any questions, please give me a ring. I am always happy to talk and can give you names of those Veterans who attended recent Reunions.

If you know of an ex-Marconi employee who does not receive the Newsletter please urge them to contact me as soon as possible. It may be that they have moved or not replied to a confirmation request of a few years ago or that they left with 21 to 24 years service and have now become Veterans by virtue of the reduction in service requirement to 21 years’. The ‘Friends of The Marconi Veterans’ Association’ has been set up to cater for anyone who does not qualify as a Veteran but wishes to be kept informed of things Marconi. Numbers are growing slowly with, currently, over 70 members and any more would be welcome.

The three registers (the Main register, In Memoriam and Friends) are now published on the website so please have a look if you can and let me know of any errors:

Finally, I would like to wish you all a very prosperous 2018 and hope to see as many of you as possible either at the reunion on 21st April or the next Open Day at Sandford Mill.

One final note – the 2019 Reunion will be on Saturday 6th April.

Well that’s goodbye from him, and now hello to him …

From the New Boy

Hello, this is Colin Fletcher and I am sure you will want to know a bit more about me. I first joined Marconi in May 1989 at the New Street site. The company name at that time was Marconi Communications Systems Ltd.
From 1989 until 1997 I worked in the Software Engineering Department as Project Leader developing Radio Communications infrastructures for British Gas – Western and Southern, and Joint Radio Council. Following on from this, when the company came under Italian ownership, I also worked as Network Manager during the introduction of a new company wide network in the early days of the now ubiquitous Internet.

In 1997 I left New Street and went to work in Harlow for Cossor (later Raytheon) on Secondary Surveillance Radar systems, only to return, like a lost sheep to the fold, to New Street in 1999.

The return to New Street was celebrated by working on the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) system, a trunked mobile radio system conforming to an open standard published by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). The work involved not only designing facilities conforming to the standard but also attending meeting with other manufacturers in order to extend and enhance existing facilities in the standard.

It was during this time, until 2016, that I developed experience in not only writing the minutes for the ETSI meetings but also booking my own hotel and travel arrangements. Hopefully this will be useful in the secretary’s rôle.

In my time with the company the name has changed numerous times; the current name is now ‘Leonardo’. I have now retired from working life in order to devote more time to leisure.

During all this time I have lived in Chelmsford with my wife Marian. Our two grown-up children are now pursuing their own careers; our daughter Louise in teaching and our son David as a captain in the infantry.

Finally my thanks to Barry, whose high standard I hope to maintain and who has courageously offered to be on hand should help and advice be required.

Colin Fletcher

There have been numerous tributes to David following his death in Australia at the end of December.  A selection of them follow.

He was not a Veteran, having served only eleven years in the company, but had joined the association as a Friend a few years ago. I first came into contact with him by email when he was setting up and managing the online Marconi Old Fellows Society (MOFS). He has subsequently created a number of wikis, Marconi in Avionics. Marconi in Broadcasting, Marconi in Communications and Marconi in Television.  Martyn Clarke told me that his devotion to these projects has been impressive.  I think we who remain owe him an immense debt of gratitude for securing a significant portion of the companies’ histories before they are lost.

RIP David.

The news came first from John Price in Australia.

I have known David Samways since we were both accepted as Student Apprentices by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company in 1957. Five years of alternate college and in-works training and final study at Marconi College in 1961. We both worked on commissioning the USAF microwave in UK and France, and later David left Marconi and moved to Honeywell in London while I joined GEC Telecommunications in Coventry. Shortly after that I was delighted to act as best man at his wedding to Doreen in Stoke on Trent.

We met again in Lagos Nigeria in 1965 when David worked at the Marconi P&T Training college, and I was there with GEC commissioning the Lagos to Port Harcourt Microwave System. We only had intermittent contact until 1980, when we were both living in Sydney Australia. Honeywell, renamed Bull, employed David in a senior marketing role for most of the time until he retired with his wife Doreen, to enjoy his daughter’s family and his two grandchildren. His dedicated work in support of MOFS, the Wikis, and assisting with the writing of the article ‘The Marconi Family’ was much appreciated by all concerned. Many will share the sadness at David’s passing, a friendly, humorous, caring, English gentleman.

From Fred Boot

My wife and I first met David and his wife Doreen when they arrived in Nigeria in the August of 1963 to join the Marconi College Team that were running the Radio School in the top two floors of the Post & Telegraph training School at Oshodi, just north of Lagos. There were twelve expats in the team, most married with families but two or three bachelors and together they provided a four year training programme for young Nigerian men who, ultimately would operate and maintain the multi-channel radio system that Marconi had installed linking the large interior through repeater stations in jungle and in the north dessert areas on the edge of the Sahara. Three streams of students were recruited every year with the intention of providing technicians for this system, so the training programme covered classroom theory and practical in laboratories and workshops.

From Ian Gillis

I didn’t know David personally but came to appreciate the dedication, conscientious attention to detail and sheer professionalism that he brought to bear on the work he did on the wikis.

From John Brown

David was with the Communications Division installations team on the US communications link contract, associated with Fylingdales in 1962/4. We both experienced, albeit in different parts of the country, the severe winter of 1962/3 (he in Yorkshire working on the exposed Garrowby Hill site, and me accompanying John Gorton (complete with spades and hessian sacks – for grip – to get through to RAE Aberporth).

During that time, he built up a real affection for his living quarters at ‘The Feathers’ Pocklington.  Fifty-four years later, the affection and memories were still as strong. He knew that from my RAF days I was very familiar with ‘The Feathers’, and he mentioned it again shortly after I returned from one of my regular visits to Leconfield, Yorkshire last July.  Now whether he had a premonition that his life was drawing to a close or not, we will never know; however, he specifically asked me if there was any possibility of my getting someone to take a picture of ‘The Feathers’ as it is today.

I immediately contacted a close friend who lives in the area, and a super picture was E-mailed to me a few days later, which I forwarded to him.  He was ‘over the moon’; especially as it had changed little from when he stayed there fifty-four years ago.  In light of what we now have learnt from Martyn’s sad news, I am just so glad that I was able to carry out his request.

From Mike Plant

What a shock. David can only have been 78, or at most, nudging 79. One of the most striking of my intake in 1957 – tall, handsome in a way, and aristocratic in his manner and manners.  A charming stammer and a ready wit, what memories flood back.  The Oldfellows Group, started and run by him, I’m sure has grown to a much larger and detailed record than he originally envisaged! How appropriate that his group should itself be a living memory of him and of those of us fortunate enough to have been present during his time in the Company. Sadly, but with a smile too.

Fred Boot

Diane Carrick’s letter on page 4 concerning her father GE Lilley and the editorial note below it refer to the Marconi College team of instructors in Nigeria to train young Nigerians who would operate and maintain the multi-channel radio system that Marconi had installed linking the large interior through repeater stations in jungle and in the northern desert areas on the edge of the Sahara. Fred here describes the way of life for them in Nigeria at that time. Ed

The training school was about three miles away from the Government Residential Area (GRA) at Ikeja which had the Lagos International Airport nearby and provided a selection of flat, bungalow and semi-detached house for the instructors, generally flats for married couples without children and bachelors, and bungalow or house for families.

Oshodi, one of the School’s classes

Nigeria is a large country covering different land zones, from the coast where Lagos exists, to a vast jungle in the centre and dry dessert to the north, with different peoples living in these zones. The local people were Yoruba in the west, Igbo in the east and Hausa and Fulani in the north, which meant the students would have different life styles and attitudes, each with their own language, and the northern population was essentially Muslim. English was used throughout which was fortunate for the Marconi team.

The students were a mixture of these races with a preponderance of Igbo and Yoruba, but the use of English as the working language eliminated any problems of understanding. Since this was in the early 1960s a blackboard and dictation was typically used to transmit information. Learning students’ names was extremely useful in controlling activities and keeping their attention.

Climatic conditions near the coast were hot and humid, the latter being the principal problem. Driving a car to work early each morning and home again in the early afternoon required a special seat/back wire cushion to keep the car’s seat fabric from burning one’s back. Mosquitos were abundant and in earlier

Tarkwa Bay, boarding the boats for the beach

years this coast was known as ‘the White Man’s Grave’ but fortunately the tablet of Paludrin each morning did ward off malaria although it didn’t stop them from biting.

The working day with the students was 5am to 2pm but then preparation for the next day and perhaps marking their efforts took time but left some for the family and getting out. Daylight was early in the morning but suddenly around 6 o’clock in the evening it disappeared, so no English dusk to enjoy. Marking students’ papers during the evening required a pile of blotting paper under the wrist to prevent sweat pouring onto the paper and distorting the writing thereon.

Badagri Creek, waiting patiently

There was time to relax: the Airport Hotel was nearby with a bar and swimming pool, the airport itself had food and drink as did the Club, and Lagos was only a handful of miles away with shops and the beach at Victoria Island: a swim on 1st January was nice even if the waves could often be dangerous. A small ferry boat could take you across the harbour to the much safer Tarkwa Bay but the sun was too strong to sit out too long. The main rains came continuously over the June to August period but remembering that earlier name for the area Marconi insisted that its European staff had to have a 6-week break during the rains and go to a European climate: 6 weeks holiday in England every summer allowed views of green pastures that were not harsh to the eye.

The high humidity meant that during the time in Nigeria the housing had wardrobes down to floor level, where inside was a row of light bulbs continuously lit to keep the hanging clothing from disintegrating from moisture. Open a drawer and a small Gecko (little lizard) might jump out; those living behind the hanging wall pictures darted out to catch resting insects and so were tolerated, but the big 15inch long orange/black lizards were too much to allow inside the house.

Occasionally a picnic might be arranged going to the coast but eastwards towards the border with Togo, and this would give a beach with no other people present, fruit bats in the palm trees and a small ferry boat to cross the barrier creek with a wait among the coconut palms for the ferry boat.

This is the lifestyle David entered when he settled in as a Marconi instructor at the Oshodi P&T School living in the GRA at Ikeja, one that might well have not lasted much longer because soon after the Nigerian civil war (Biafran War 1967-1970) broke out.  Sadly many of the students that we had passed through the college would not have lived to serve their country in the way that they had been trained.  We kept in loose contact with David & Doreen until they moved to Australia when the contact became the Christmas newsletter from them.

At this reunion on the 22nd April 2017 MVA Chairman Peter Turrall introduced our President for 2017, Veteran Don Mott, MVA’s current treasurer, who he counts as a friend he has known for around 50 years.  Don was employed in senior accounts positions across the Marconi organisation, retiring from Marconi Radar Systems Ltd in 1994 after a total of 38 years service, and has been of recent years a very effective treasurer of this association.

Don Mott (President 2017)

In his address Don reflected on his varied experiences over those times: Chelmsford born and bred, schooled at the King’s Road schools and KEGS, commencing National Service in the Royal Army Pay Corps in 1951, followed by short periods of employment at Crompton and Britvic before joining Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company in 1956, and continuing with the organisation in a number of its companies and at various locations until retirement around 1996.

As a qualified accountant he considers himself to have been an administrator (unkindly known by some as a number-cruncher or bean-counter) but he prefers scorekeeper, and never one of those who create the wealth of a company – the engineers, production, and sales and marketing staff. Proud never to have missed a payday, he was once complimented by John Sullivan, Purchasing Manager of Marconi Communications, for “paying most of the creditors most of the time”

Forever a enthusiast for sport, principally football but also playing cricket and rugby, he played football for the Old Chelmsfordians before National Service, and then in a number of clubs locally, including the Marconi Club, over the intervening years until leaving the field as a player 1964 and becoming a referee. After that, what else but dealing with some leagues’ accounts.

Peter Turrall then welcomed our honoured guest, Ray Clark someone he got to know well when being interviewed by him during time as Publicity Manager for MCSL.  Not his first appearance at our reunions, he was also Guest of Honour in 2008.  Ray, who Peter found a very good and knowledgeable interviewer, has had a varied career both in and out of broadcasting and is currently the presenter of the Saturday morning programme ‘Planet Ray’ on BBC Essex.

Ray Clark
BBC Essex Photograph

An engaging and entertaining speaker, he first related an amusing tale flowing from an item in his BBC Essex programme about impairment of hearing in young people through listening to music at high volume on headphones. It involved a lady caller who ran a hearing clinic in Colchester, an appointment for Ray to test his hearing… and a Big Issue seller sitting on the pavement in Colchester. It would take too long to relate here, suffice to say it was very amusing.

He reminisced over his early experiences in the pioneer pirate radio station Radio Caroline, how it emerged from the desert that was popular music on this country in the early 60s, a chequered history that saw it ultimately becoming a legitimate radio station which is still in operation, the last of its host vessels now moored in Blackwater estuary.

As a broadcaster with an interest in people, his view is that those who say that they have not done very much with their lives are wrong, everyone has an interesting story to tell.

From Thomas Hunter. 1 August 2017

On going through some of my grandfather Frederick Beale’s his old photographs following his recent death I came across one I believe dates from June 1985 (see group photo). It would be great if you or your members had any information about the photo, or could identify any of the people (my grandfather is third from the front left). Any information would be greatly appreciated, as his family know little about his work life.

Marconi Photographic Department date stamp for June 1985

This photograph label clearly shows the date to be correct. Ed.




From David Jervis, March 2017

I was carrying out some research into the life of my beloved Grandfather, Captain Henry Joseph Round MC, and came across your website. I was delighted to see that the work of Marconi, with whom my Grandfather worked very closely, was being kept very much alive. I thought you might like to know that hanging on a wall in my house is a marvellous photo labelled ‘Marconi Third Annual Reunion Dinner’ at the Holborn Restaurant on November 14th 1930. The photo features about fifty people with a line of 13 standing , including Marconi, my Grandfather and his great friend CS Franklin. Maybe you have a copy of this photo among your records but I felt compelled to make contact with you. I am so pleased that your organisation appears to be thriving.

Kind regards,
David Jervis
(eldest son of H J Round’s youngest daughter, Anne)

No we didn’t have a copy of of it, so David Jervis kindly made a high quality scan of his original and sent it to us, together with the photo of Henry Round in his lounge. On the wall, above his right shoulder, the reunion photograph.

Seen working in his London laboratory, 83-year-old Captain H J Round has recently been carry out a series of experiments for the Company on the distribution of sound energy on a plate

Left, from the May 1964 edition of ‘The Marconi Companies and Their People’ a photo of H J Round with the picture’s original caption.




Dedham Church

Shameless use of our bound volumes of ‘The Marconi Companies and Their People, what would we do without them, because I had more awkward-to-fit items for fourteen pages, but not enough for sixteen – and anyway, it’s a nice, tranquil Essex scene, so why not.  It’s from the January 1966 edition.
(Photo by Charles Seeley)

Fourteen and sixteen does, of course refer to the paper edition of the Newsletter




Church to have Marconi Marine equipment

One piece of Marconi Marine equipment which is destined never to catch sight or sound of the seven seas is an ‘Elettra’ sound reinforcement system which is to be fitted in one of East Anglia’s oldest and most handsome churches, the fifteenth-century parish church of St. Mary-the-Virgin at Dedham.

The church, which was founded by wealthy wool merchants of the small town when it was a flourishing centre for the industry, is having micro­phones fitted in the pulpit, lectern and vicar’s stall to feed two sound column loudspeakers, providing sound reinforcement to the nave, and two smaller loudspeakers in the west wing. Because of the inten­sive work done by technicians, the equipment will in no way intrude upon the beauty of the interior fabric or the lovely oak columned roofing.

The fine pinnacled and battlemented tower of the church figures in many of the paintings of the Stour Valley by the great landscape artist John Constable.

From Caroline Barnes, 9 January 2018

An appreciation of the life of Michael Stears by a former Marconi colleague, Peter Bickers, which was included in the vicar’s address at Michael’s funeral in All Saints Church, Feering, on Friday 12th January.

Michael was a ‘serious, intellectual and innovative engineer who would always deliver on a job’. In the 1960s, Michael worked for Plessey and, not satisfied with just doing his ‘day job’, he wrote a paper on a novel form of wireless communication technology which was eventually adopted by the company, designed into their products and put into production by Michael and his colleagues. The performance of the equipment was at least a decade ahead of its time. Eventually it was deployed on all British Royal Navy ships and submarines and sold across the world to the Chinese, Dutch, Americans, Malaysians and other navies.

He also worked on highly sensitive projects for GCHQ in Cheltenham, although the work wasn’t always so highly technical. On one occasion, his team had to nail half an acre of aluminium sheet down on a runway, in an effort to improve a test site for the customer.

Later in his career he joined Marconi’s and became Senior Project Manager for Defence Communication contracts. One of the largest was the Command and Communication System for the Malaysian Armed forces, which required considerable travel and time in Malaysia over several years.

Ted Pegram – 1940 – 2017

Ted Pegram wrote an autobiographical note for his son “Not much of an engineer” (apologies to Sir Stanley Hooker of Rolls- Royce, whose book had the same title). Far too long to include in the newsletter it can be found at:

Ted Pegram was a Baddow engineer, Chelmsford born and bred, whose entire working life was spent with Marconi’s after his father Bernard (Bert) Pegram, also a Marconi man, secured him an interview with the company in 1956 which resulted in a craft apprenticeship.

Apprenticeship completed in 1961 he joined the Research Centre Laboratories at Great Baddow and pursued a rewarding career as an engineer. He was involved initially in one of the first applications of real-time electronic display of alpha-numeric data newly employed in two control centres for the Royal Swedish Air Force, followed by the further application of these techniques in the early implementation of plant instrumentation, applications which included the Scottish Air Traffic Control Sector.

A Radar Division order for the Fight Plan Processing System at the London Air Traffic Control Centre at West Drayton used a modified version of Ted’s equipment to electronically display to the controllers Flight Progress Strips that had previously been done on cardboard strips.

Then a position as section leader in the Systems Department of Marconi Radar Systems followed, working on two major radar systems comprising static and mobile long range radars and nodding height finders, together with mobile Control and Reporting Posts and Sector Operations Centres.
In the early 80s Ted was appointed Project Engineer for a Marconi Radar contract to design and build an experimental High Frequency Over-the Horizon Radar (HF-OTHR), then from 1989 he led the Analogue Techniques Section of the Radar Research Laboratory at the Marconi Research Centre, his last posting. Its final major equipment design and build was another experimental HF-OTHR,

His last work for the Research Centre was a curiosity – the study of special aerials to be fitted to the AWACS airborne radar aircraft: a one-fifteenth scale model of the aircraft was required to test in the anechoic chamber at the Research Centre.  He built this model in the garage of his home in Wickham Bishops with the help of workshop superintendent Mel Willis, (Ted’s hobby skills must have been invaluable, the construction of a number of stringed instruments, violin, lute, and, hurdy-gurdy, see above.

The items in the photo belonged to Sydney Eric Jones, who served in the Merchant Navy all his life chiefly as a Radio Officer, and including both World Wars.  When he died in 1987 he left a number of items from his days at sea, which were clearly important reminders and mementos for him, to his nieces who have kindly donated them to the association and they will be passed to Tim Wander for custodianship at the Sandford Mill Museum.

The photo shows:
Marconi Retirement Certificate for 40 years service
Marconi Veterans Register 1905-54
Marconi Veterans lapel badge
Certificate of Proficiency in Radiotelegraphy 1st Class/April 1929
Certificate of Efficiency as a Lifeboatman/April 1929
Certificate Merchant Navy Radar 1st Class/July 1946
Certificate of Maintenance of Radar Equipment on Merchant Ships/April 1949
Cunard White Star/Mariner ID Pass/New York 1944
Continuous Certificates of Discharge – three books from 1918 to 1962(when he retired)
Six medals, full and dress size from WW1 and WW2

Before passing on these mementos we are doing a little more research on Sidney Jones.  He joined Marconi Marine in 1917 but did not embark on his first ship until 1918.  We assume that this period was spent at a Marconi Radio College.  A record of this should be in the Liverpool Maritime Museum but this is closed until October for renovation. We also know from his niece that he is buried in Clacton Cemetery and will photograph the grave to add to the record. Webmaster.

It’s not necessary to look too hard to spot the difficulties that this editor has had in shoehorning in many awkward lengths of article, so this piece is just a space-filler.  January and half of February 2018 will I sincerely hope become a hazy memory. These thoughts are just a quick awkward gap filler before I wrap it up and send for printing, painfully close to the deadline.

But one last thing, let’s have a little more material to play with, but treat it as something you won’t be too upset about if it doesn’t get in. If it’s not year of issue critical it can be archived for future use.

From Alan Matthews

In 1951 Fred Kime joined Radar Development Group (RDG) in Broomfield having worked on aircraft Avionics and Radar in the RAF at the end of the war (some time in Burma with RAF No 181 Signals Wing maintaining Rebecca-Eureka systems). The RDG developed new radar products mainly for sale to foreign governments and Fred Kime was a Section Leader in the display design area. The group moved to Baddow Research in 1959 and was amalgamated with the British Government Radar design teams there.
Fred then took on a new role and became an advisor to the Sales and Marketing department, travelling extensively for over 10 years throughout the world discussing Air Defence and Air Traffic control systems with potential Customers. He then ran a Systems Sales department before eventually becoming Manager of the Radar Systems department at Writtle Road Works with a staff of over 100 engineers.

Valuable and wise contributions were made by Fred to the procurement of many large contracts for Radar Systems abroad, even though he usually worked quietly but very effectively in the background, using his great wisdom to keep sometimes difficult situations carefully under control.
He retired in 1988 and was greatly admired and respected for his great technical knowledge, honesty, integrity, patience and kindness to others.

From Ian Gillis

My youth was spent in the age where it was still cool to have a technologist as one’s hero – mine was Sir William Penney, the AERE/UKAEA nuclear guru.
When I joined MWT Co. after two years in the RAF working on the Console 64 system at RAF Boulmer I was amazed to meet a key engineer for its ‘legacy’ (the SD1000 Fixed Coil Display System) – Frederick William Kime.

Here was a new hero for me – but a hero that was kind, considerate, approachable and supportive, as well as being a technical superman. Not given to excessive frivolity or flights of fancy – not for nothing was he sometimes called ‘Gloomy Fred’ – here was an engineer with his feet firmly placed on extensive experience, whose judgement could always be trusted.
He will be greatly missed.

Ivor Denys Harrison joined Marconi’s in 1952 and was based initially at Writtle as an installation engineer, later moving, with Aeronautical Division, to Basildon in 1960.

An early task was working on the French Vautour aircraft fitting the AD2300 Doppler airborne navigation sensor. He was closely involved with this system taking part in compatibility trials in a Viking aircraft in 1960. Later, based in France, he oversaw the fitting of that system with its computer to the Mirage as part of the French “Force de Frappe” nuclear strike force of the early 60’s.
He also took part in a sales promotion tour in Europe to demonstrate the performance of the system.

In the late 80’s Denys was based in Kuala Lumpur with his wife Mary. There he represented both Basildon and Rochester interests.

Denys lived in a cottage at Heybridge Basin, having a keen interest in things nautical.  He was strongly opposed to any development that spoilt the nature of Heybridge.  His daughter, Susan, shared Denys’s interest and became skipper of a Thames Barge.

Denys died on the 9th January aged 91.  The Service of Thanksgiving held on the first of February at St Georges Heybridge was attended by many of his Marconi colleagues.

We report the death of those Veterans notified to the secretary from the copy date of the last newsletter to the 31st January 2017. We extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

This is a consolidated list as all these deaths have been reported throughout the year on the “In Memoriam” pages.

AR Batsford (Arthur Raymond); F Beales; T Bealin-Kelly (Tom); DE Bennett (Derek); J Bourne (Joseph); RH Bradbrook (Ronald/Ron); G Byrne (George); RR Cheffers (Ross); A Cook; JH Cox (John); NF Cryer (Norman); AWF Cushing (Alan); RC Dixon (Roger); G Findlay (Grant); K Fooks (Ken); PJ Frost (Peter); AJ Gay (Tony); SC Gratze (Steve); AJ Gordon (Alexander James); JW Harber (John); PG Haworth (Philip); J Hegarty (Jimmy); J Jewell (John/Bert); J Hogan (Jim); PJ Keeley (Peter Brian); FW Kime (Frederick/Fred)); KA Knight (Kenneth); MG MacKenzie (Mike); JA McHattie (John); JF Mennell (John Frederick); RC Moody (Royston Charles); DA Nash (David); MR Oliver (Mark); JER Parker (Jack); TW Pegram (Terence); JR Philbrick (Jim); DA Pope (Derek); R Reid (Ralph); N Schoonderwoerd (Neil); AD Sharp (Andrew); AD Skinner (Doug); HG Smith (Geoff); VG Smith (Viv); WJ Southam (William John/Jack); MH (Michael) Stears; J Stobseth-Brown (Joe); RA Wellsteed (Roy); J Whittaker (John); AG Wray (Arthur); Miss M Yule (Babs)


Marconi Newsletter 2017 – edition number 19

Please click on the title Newsletter 2017 above to open the full document with the index and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger image.

Peter Turrall, MVA Chairman

The last bastion in our County City of Chelmsford where founder Guglielmo Marconi set up his Wireless Telegraph Company has now been sold to a commercial operator. For three months a local organisations the Chelmsford Society and Chelmsford Engineering Society set up a wonderful exhibition entitled ‘Marconi Science Worx’ of Marconi artefacts, large posters etc, in the original Marconi factory in Hall Street and invited the public to view these items, and knowledgeable people to give lectures not only on Marconi but also on other engineering facets.

This is a very sad blow for all the hard work this local Group put in to not only save the factory for a museum, but also a future educational establishment covering all aspects of engineering and communications.* The second Marconi factory in New Street Chelmsford opened in 1912 has been razed to the ground for a major housing complex. The only exception is the front building which has a preservation order on it. This is now completely refurbished and occupied by an American cosmetics company called Benefit which employs a large number of female operators. Whilst the building has been tastefully redesigned internally, it has changed from its original details. The outside of the building still holds a plaque denoting the world’s first wireless broadcast took place from the building in 1920.

The water tower running alongside Marconi Road is in the process of being converted. It is understood a local organisation hopes to produce community broadcasts from the building. The water reservoirs have been filled in and a new multi storey block of flats will soon be erected in the area once known as Building 720 with is wavy roof. The whole site has either one/two bedroomed flats or major three/four bedroom houses. Quite unrecognisable from its original 1912 complex.

Whilst there is no possibility of an ex-Marconi site being used for a Marconi Museum, there will be celebrations coming up covering various anniversaries – the opening of the BBC in 1920 when all Marconi equipment and engineering staff formed the British Broadcasting Company, later to be called the British Broadcasting Corporation. These anniversaries will wherever possible be supported by The Marconi Veterans Association and through the local and National Press people will be informed.

The Sandford Mill Museum run by Chelmsford City Council still holds a large variety of Marconi and other local industries items. The Marconi items are regularly updated and rebuilt by a faithful band of ex Marconi employees who spend their Mondays at Sandford Mill carrying out a wonderful task. They will always be ready to accept any unwanted Marconi items which will help them maintain existing equipment. If you have any items in your loft or you know of other people who have them, please ensure they are not thrown away or dumped. Get in touch with our Association and we will make sure they are transferred to the museum or contact

*Stop press: all may not yet be lost!

Another year and in that time, probably almost twelve months, I’ve had an incredible number of emails from people researching family history and asking if we can assist in their enquiries – over three times as many as in earlier years. They’ve rather taken over this issue. Let’s hope that some of you out there will be able to assist in some of the enquiries.

You will no doubt notice that this edition is not quite up to the standard I’ve set for myself in previous issues. I was hit with a fluey cold in mid December which completely floored me – Christmas didn’t exist in our household. I’m still suffering from the its effects a month later, and it meant that dragging myself to the keyboard daily was a bit of an effort, so my apologies, I hope it’s not too obvious.

One of the things I always find difficult is to provide a brief summary of the speeches given at the previous reunion, almost a year after the event. My wife says, why on earth do you bother, it’s old news, and they can find it all on your website. But I do it mainly to give a flavour of what was said for the benefit of those veterans who are not able or have no interest in looking at proceedings on our website. If you think it really serves no purpose, please let me know and we’ll consider dropping it next year.

As in previous years, a number of letters many more than last year, are from correspondents seeking information about former colleagues, for research into their family history, or for the preparation of articles, books, etc. If no contact detail appears with the letter then please direct your reply or any correspondence for the enquirer to:
Barry Powell, Secretary, Marconi Veterans Association, 22 Juliers Close, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 7EP; 01268 696342;
or to the editor,
Ken Earney, 01245 381235; email

Barry has produced a comprehensive guide to the online resources which may be helpful with this kind of enquiry.  Find it on the MVA website at:

Certain items in this issue, particularly on this and the next page, are responses to letters or articles appearing in the 2016 edition which have already been posted during the last eleven months on the website. There is thus an inevitable but necessary duplication catering for those Veterans who have no possibility, or wish, to use the internet.

Picking up on mention of the internet, many of the articles now come with links to web pages giving considerably more information on topics than can be included on these pages. For those not internet enabled, may I suggest that you enlist the help of a friend or neighbour who is, or go to your local library – remember those? – to enable you to see the material referred to.

Finally note that, to avoid unnecessary repetition of the Association’s name in full, the initials MVA have in places been used.

Brian Edwards

From Denny McCrisken, 5 July 2016

I am searching for my dad who worked for Marconi many years ago and I am hoping that someone, somewhere, may be able help me find him.

My brother and I last saw our dad in Canada in 1967 and due to a nasty marriage breakdown all contact with him ended and he disappeared from our lives. Over the years I have tried in vain to find him but always reach a dead end. I just would like to know what happened to him. Is he alive ? Maybe not…we want nothing apart from some answers and maybe, just maybe, someone will remember him.

His name is Brian Edwards, born July 4 1934. I know that he worked as a draughtsman for Marconi. We moved from Harlow, Essex in 1967 to 204 Thompson Boulevard, Ville St Laurent, Montreal, Canada for his work but I have nothing more from then to now.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I understand it’s a strange request and will appreciate any comments you may have. I am 58 years old and live in Australia with my husband of 40 years, children and grandchildren and it would be wonderful if I could tell them about their grand-father and great-grandfather.

Eric Bird

From John Edwards, 18 November 2016

I am a researcher for the ex-students of the Wireless College, Colwyn Bay. I have been contacted by a relative of Eric Bird, 20 years (?), who was 3rd Radio Officer on the MV Harpagus which was torpedoed and sunk by a U-Boat on the 2nd of May, 1941. Eric Bird did not survive the attack. He was believed to have been a Marconi employee. His relative is trying to discover which radio school Eric attended before sitting his exams. If there is any record of him in the Marconi files, would it be likely to contain this information? It is not known if he attended Colwyn Bay Wireless College as all the records have been lost. I was a Marconi Marine Radio Officer in 1944.

Keeping in touch from the US

From George Maclean, 23 May 2016

Living in exile, in the US, I would like to keep in contact with old colleagues and friends, from people who I know, and those that I did not, to hear about past and present experiences. My 29 years with Marconi were the happiest time of my life, especially that in Bld 46!

I am a member of the ‘Chelmsford Remembered’ Group on FaceBook, and MOGS & MOFS.

Please keep in touch. Happy memories.

Watford Junction

From Sue Hearfield, 2 May 2016

I used to work at Marconi Radar Systems in Watford Junction in the 70s. I sometimes wonder what happened to the people I worked with but I can’t find any mention of the place online. We did have to sign the Official Secrets Act, perhaps that’s why there’s no mention of it? I also worked at Cable and Wireless (London). Do you have members from the Watford Junction branch?

Marconi Radar History – public access

Ian Gillis, 10 March 2016

As promised I have changed the access controls to the Marconi Radar History Wiki to give read access to the general public.  Now anyone can read the contents at  To leave comments readers will need to be subscribed to PB Works and the History website.  I would like to thank Alan Hartley-Smith for his heroic efforts on Saddleworth Moor which made this possible.  I dedicate this work to my former boss Brian Kendon who is laid to rest today.

John (Jack) Bacon

From Don Bacon, 26 August 2016
It is with regret that I inform you of the passing of JF Bacon – Jack. He worked almost his entire working life at Marconi, and you may still have people within your association who knew him.

He worked as a turner at Baddow Research from about 1939, then as an inspector, before moving to New Street, and then St Mary’s House as an estimator. His final job was at the Writtle Road works from where he retired. On his retirement day, Jim Prior made his presentation on the mezzanine floor. Photographs were in the company magazine/newspaper at the time.

His funeral was at Chelmsford crematorium in September 2016. Please could you circulate this information and my email details should anyone wish to get in touch.

David French

From Helen French, 7 December 2016

It is with great sadness that I write to advise you that my father, David French, a draughtsman at Marconi’s for many years passed away in the early hours of today. I know that he kept in touch with some old colleagues on a monthly basis but I think this was a quite an informal arrangement and I don’t have any direct contact details.

Could you spread the news so that when funeral details are available I can pass them on to you for those that may be interested in attending. There are no details yet as we are awaiting a Coroner’s report which will probably take a week.

It really would be much appreciated if you could assist in this matter. My father was not into modern technology so we don’t have a list of e-mail addresses to readily send the news to.

Eric Burnett Vass 1936 – 1953

From Bruce & Kathy Vass, West Lakes, South Australia, 8 June 2016

I’ve been building my family tree for a number of years and recently came across the Marconi Veterans website and wonder if you can assist me with information about my Dad. He passed away 25 August 1984 and as is a common story we don’t have a great deal of his history. I came across a draft letter he wrote in 1972 seeking work at STC, which was unsuccessful, however it does provide a brief synopsis of his career and I transcribe the letter as follows:

With reference to your opening a branch office in Adelaide I am writing to ask if you could have a suitable vacancy either pert time or full time. Brief resume as follows:

1936 – March 1953, Communications Project Officer, Marconi W/T Co., Chelmsford Essex

March 1953 – April 1966, Communications Project Officer, Phillips P.T.A., formerly T.C.A.

During the above period I was responsible for the design and development of a large number of projects of advanced design. The original doppler radar Blue Silk, miniaturised ADF equipment, Telemetre Receiver for the Blue Streak missile project, VHF link equipment etc. Both firms took out many patents in my name, some of these used on Mobile Radio Telephones: Squelch noise limiters etc.

In June 66 due to the close down of PTA labs I was asked to take over the Phillips tech. library where my experience as an engineer could be an asset. However with the closure of the Menzies Research labs and the removal interstate of the remainder of the development departments the services of a technical librarian was no longer warranted.

I was retrenched on 30/3/72. Although I am 63 years old I am in excellent health.

Dad also mentioned briefly that he was involved in recording Morse code messages during the war and I only realised recently that this activity was not to be spoken of. He was able to build his only radio equipment and he also built a TV for the home in the late 40s. We left 12 St Vincent Road, Chelmsford in 1953 to settle in Adelaide South Australia. He was always keen that his children and grandchildren learn morse code and made a very professional key for them to practice on. He also became a amateur radio enthusiast when he was 70 after passing the appropriate exams to gain his operating certificate.

I was contacted years ago by a wireless collector who found Dad’s name inside some equipment. Even today a Google search will locate some patents that Dad was responsible for. I do have some papers from the estate which deal with the patents. It was always a mystery how Dad acquired the skills in the radio field without any formal training or university degrees – clearly it was self taught and brought about by a passion for the field. We believe he would have taken a shine to computers if he had lived 20 years longer, but of course this may have interfered with his hobby of amateur radio which occupied him in his retirement.

Seth Muir, 14 October 2016

My name is Seth Muir and I’m the Executive Director of Salish Sea Expeditions, a Seattle Washington USA based non-profit charity. For 20 years we have been engaging middle and high school students, primarily from public schools (US term for state schools), in science research and maritime skills programs on Puget Sound aboard a 61ft sailing rearch vessel.

I’m writing because in 2015 we purchased the M/V Elettra III (o/n 694607; BRIT304285) from a private owner here in Seattle. We have begun to retro-fit and plan to relaunch her as our region’s first science and marine technology laboratory and research vessel for kids. We have made great progress and I thought you might be interested in our exciting new plan for this historic vessel built to Lloyd’s class for the Marconi Company.

Elettra III from above 2016

Some materials about our progress (including the Act of Congress we received) and the campaign underway to relaunch Elettra III as a student lab can be found here ( I also recently won a prize pitching this idea, and a short video can be seen here ( which tells the story and highlights our plans.

If this is of interest at all to you, I’d love to talk more. If you ever happen to be in this area we’d love to show you around and might have some original equipment coming off the boat that could be of interest too.

My information is all below, and I thank you for your interest.

PS: I have attached photos we took on a recent cruise in Seattle (see above) and an article written in Marconi Mariner, Sept/Oct 1962 describing the vessel at the time of her original launch. (You can find it on the MVA website

Seth Muir, Executive Director, Phone: (01)206.780.7848 c: (mobile) (01)206.427.9090

“Inspiring youth to connect with the marine environment through boat-based scientific inquiry and hands-on learning, instilling curiosity, confidence, and critical thinking.” Continue reading “Marconi Newsletter 2017 – edition number 19”

Marconi Newsletter 2016 – edition number 18

Please click on the title Newsletter 2016 above to open the full document with the index and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger image.

Peter Turrall, MVA Chairman

Essex Chronicle photograph
Essex Chronicle photograph

Following the presentation of an Honorary Degree of Technology at Anglia Ruskin University on Wednesday 7th October, Princess Elettra Marconi Giovanelli, the daughter of our founder Guglielmo Marconi, accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law Prince Guglielmo and Princess Victoria Marconi Giovanelli with hosts Chairman Peter Turrall and his wife Jean toured various establishments in the Chelmsford area which had some connection in the past to Marconi’s.

At a dinner on Wednesday evening at the University where the Vice Chancellor and learned Professors together with the directors of Anglia Ruskin were present, Princess Elettra thanked all concerned in honouring her with the degree which she accepted with great pleasure.

The following day a rapid tour took place.  First stop was the Marconi building in New Street, now the home of Benefit Cosmetics, an American-based organisation selling various cosmetics in the UK.  We were received here by Ian Marshall the MD and his staff who gave us an excellent tour of their building.  The original front reception area together with the Edwardian staircase is still present, but the whole of the inside has been completely brightened with light walls/ceilings etc.  The front offices depict many wireless set replicas and photographs and it was a real pleasure to see how much recognition of the work of Marconi’s has been displayed.

All the staff were anxious to know the history of the Company and what took place in the building.  Photographs and more details of our history will be given to the Benefit company which they will gladly display in one of the rooms.

There is a number of modifications inside the building. The Directors’ Luncheon Club has been completely renovated and the partition at the rear where small dining rooms were situated, together with the kitchen area, has been removed.  The rear area has been blocked off and a small entrance door adjacent to the old surgery has been installed.  The area where the old organisation for travel arrangements and part of the photographic department is now one very large room.

My old office, once used by Marconi himself, is a reception area and on the wall various wireless sets are arranged.  The whole organisation from MD down were delighted to see the Princess and are eager to learn more about the work of the Marconi Company.

The next visit was to All Saints Church Writtle where Princess Elettra saw for the first time the Marconi/Platt coloured glass window which was opened by her son some fifteen years earlier.  Due to a broken ankle at that time she was unable to come to the UK herself to perform the opening ceremony.  Following this was a visit to Melba Court Writtle where Marconi had his experimental laboratories and where work started on what became wireless broadcasting.

Then a quick visit to Chelmsford City Museum in Oaklands Park where all the Marconi equipment including cameras, and other communication items were on display.  It was then a short journey to BBC Essex in London Road to visit the plaque depicting the opening of the Chelmsford Station by Princess Elettra’s Mother, Maria Cristina Marconi. A final trip to the Marconi statue at the rear of Chelmsford bus station ended the very quick tour of Chelmsford before the Marconi family were driven to Heathrow Airport for their flight back to Rome.

As in previous years. a number of letters are from correspondents seeking information about former colleagues for research into their family history or for the preparation of articles, books, etc. If no contact detail appears with the letter then please direct your reply or any correspondence for the enquirer to.‘ Barry Powell, Secretary, Marconi Veterans Association, 22 Juliers Close, Canvey Island. Essex, SS8 7EP; 01268 696342; or to the editor; Ken Earney, 01245 381235,” email:

Certain items in this issue, particularly on this and the next page, are responses to letters or articles appearing in the 2015 edition which have already been posted during the last eleven months on the website. There is thus an inevitable but necessary duplication catering for those Veterans who have no possibility, or wish, to use the internet.

Finally note that. to avoid unnecessary repetition of the Association ‘s name in full, the initials MVA have in places been used.

Gary Mortenson, deceased former R/O

Richard Fernley,,
4th June 2015

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give regarding a Marconi Marine Radio Officer – deceased.  I have tried contacting various websites and the Radio Officers Association plus Marconi Archive at the Bodleian Library at Oxford but I received no response from them. The person in question I trained with at Norwood Technical College in London from 1969 to (January) 1972.  His name is Gary Mortenson, and he was killed on his first trip to sea.  He was killed in a car crash in I believe British Guiana or it could have been the Virgin Islands.  He was buried out in British Guiana aged 19 years, in or around June-July 1972.

I would be very grateful if you could find out any details of his death so that I and some of his colleagues can mark his passing and erect a fitting memorial to him.

Daniel Murphy of Cork, Eire, former R/O

Aodhan O’Murchu, 3rd May 2015

My name is Aodhan Murphy and I am writing to inquire about getting information about a veteran of Marconi, My father, Daniel Murphy of Cork, worked as a radio officer throughout the 19405 to 1960s before spending a spell working for Harrisons. He never kept a diary and, while he did speak about his time at sea, our knowledge of his career is quite limited. I’m just wondering if records are available of veterans time spent, which ships and lengths spent on board along with ports visited, are available. I have some of his log books but they don’t tell a complete story and what I would like to do is draw up a picture of his career. Please let me know what information I need to supply you with, date of birth etc, in order to avail of this information if possible. Many thanks in advance,

Le meas, Aodhan.

Barry Powell has advised Mr Murphy that we still have a D Murphy of Cork on our mailng list. To further pursue enquiries regarding his father is Marconi career he has been referred to the Bodleian Library.

Allan Thustin

Vendela MÃ¥seide, Fremstad, Norway, 30th October 2015

Allan Thustin

Vendela MÃ¥seide, Fremstad, Norway, 30th October 2015

I am Vendela Måseide I am looking for Allan Thustin.  He used to be a radio technician. My father Karl-Johan Måseide and my mother Bjorg Måseide used to be his friend and lost contact. My father is 80 years old and I think Mr Thustin is the same age.  The first time my father and Mr Thustin met was ca 1950 in Ålesund as an exchange student between the two cities. Allan came from Gloucester.  They met again in Trondheim in 1954 (give or take a year).  Allan worked for Marconi and he was working on a secret radar (or it was at that time ) on Gråkallen military area.

If he is still alive please let me know, and please forward my contact info.

Newsletter articles on the MVA website

With each issue it is often necessary to make difficult editorial judgements to cut the length of articles you send in – and limit how accompanying images are displayed – to accommodate them in a limited and even number of pages. Webmaster Chris Gardiner has no such limitation so can post the full length article and all its accompanying images, the item on the Heritage Weekend in Clifden in the 2013 newsletter being a case in point. Then all the images that Shane Joyce had sent were posted, and in colour of course.

Starting with this issue, I will supply Chris with the full length article and all its accompanying images. I hope that those of you not web-enabled wishing to see the ‘unexpurgated’ version may find a relative, neighbour or your local library, who can help you to do so.

The Marconi photo archive at the Essex Record Office

Little progress thus far in getting a volunteer team started in assisting ERO with the job of inspecting and cataloguing the former New Street photographic department’s collection of prints and negatives. The necessary precursor to this is to locate the results of a cataloguing exercise by Baddow photographic following the closure of New Street photographic department. This is proving difficult. It is hoped that more positive news may be reported at the reunion in April.

Sandford Mill Museum, Chelmsford – Open Day – Marconi Day – Saturday 23rd April, 10am – 5pm

Corrections and Comments – company names in 2015 Newsletter. Eric Peachy

Page 5 – David Griffiths

David never served as ‘Company Secretary at Marconi, latterly BAE Systems’ as stated in the Newsletter. However, he did hold the title of Company Secretary of Alenia Marconi Systems Limited (later called AMS Limited) from the 12th August, 2000 following my retirement from this position as a result of the closure of the Head Office of Marconi at Stanmore.

Page 6 – Graham Marriott

Graham refers to his employment with ‘Marconi-Elliott Avionics Systems Limited’ (please note there was no ‘s’ on the word Avionic) but this was only a Management Company with all trading and employment being carried out by Elliott Brothers (London) Limited. As the MEASL name was rather long everyone in Head Otlice at Chelmsford referred to it as MEASLS. In those far off days at New Street if you wanted an outside number (no G-Net then to other GEC Group sites!) you had to ask the switchboard operator to get it for you. On one occasion I asked the operator if I could have MEASLS at Rochester and she said “you can have measles anywhere”. I could only laugh. (Same article, p7, line 4 should read…transferred to Marconi Radar…Ed.)

Page 8 – John Brown

With reference to the NADGE Project a joint venture company was formed by the Marconi Consortium companies called NADGECO Limited registered in the Bahamas and subsequently liquidated. Similarly the competitors of the Marconi Consortium formed their own joint venture company called World Satellite Terminals Limited (WST). Once the Ascension Island Earth Station contract had been awarded to the Marconi Consortium our competitors no longer had a use for WST and it was sold to GEC on 15th July 1974, subsequently becoming a Marconi Company subsidiary on 2nd March, 1992. It went through several name changes finishing up as BAe Systems Oil and Gas International Limited in 2000. I am not aware of its current status.

Elliott-Automation Limited was created in 1957 for the purpose of creating a holding company for the Elliott Brothers (London) Limited Group of Companies. In 1966 GEC acquired AEI and in the following year English Electric bought Elliott-Automation (which included Elliott Brothers). In 1968 there was an aggressive take-over (politely called a merger) of English Electric. The Marconi Company, being an EE subsidiary since 1946, came within the takeover. However, at no time subsequent to this event did The Marconi Company become a direct subsidiary of GEC. It remained an EE subsidiary until its sale on the 30th November, 1999 to British Aerospace as it was then called.

Several Management Companies were formed on the 22nd October, 1969, amongst them Marconi-Elliott Avionic Systems Limited which did indeed report into the old Elliott headquarters at Rochester under Jack Pateman. However, Jack, as with all other MDs within the GME Group, reported to Bob Telford in his capacity as MD of GME (a Marconi Company subsidiary).

Bawdsey Radar has been awarded a Heritage Lottery Fund grant of £1.4m as part of a £1.8m project to conserve the Transmitter Block building on Bawdsey Manor Estate in Suffolk. The Transmitter Block was built in 1938 and was a key building at RAF Bawdsey, the world’s first operational radar station. The major site construction work will start in September 2016 and an exciting new exhibition will open in September 2017 allowing all visitors to explore and find out about this pioneering radar site.

Bawdsey_HLFIn addition Bawdsey Radar is fortunate to have been offered a grant of £196,320 by Historic England to help with the repair of this building at risk, as described by John Etté Principal Adviser, Heritage at Risk. East of England “Grade II Bawdsey Transmitter Block played a vital part in the development of radar technology during the Second World War, which also had a huge impact on post-war electronics and defence systems. Our grant will help conserve and restore this very important building by removing it from Historic England’s ‘at risk’ register. We have provided specialist support to help with the plans for a technically challenging conservation and restoration project.”

The condition of the Transmitter Block had been reaching the point where it would no longer have been possible to open it to the public but now, with the HLF and Historic England awards, it’s full steam ahead.

As well as plans for conserving the fabric of the building, Bawdsey Radar will be working to develop ways, physical and virtual, in which more people can visit the site and understand the importance of the radar heritage that the Transmitter Block represents. New displays within the Transmitter Block will tell the story of radar and its significance in WW2. Radar helped win the war by playing a vital part in the Battle of Britain in 1940 and it is estimated the technology helped shorten the war by two years. An important part of the project will be providing opportunities for learning about radar’s fascinating social and scientific history, and about how the early work at Bawdsey laid the foundation for our current age of electronics leading to inventions such as GPS, accurate weather forecasting, speed safety cameras and even the microwave oven!

Bob Mountfort

I read the article by Jim Cole of his time in the huts in Writtle. It awakened old memories. I was an apprentice in the next door hut with Rowland, Clark, Nolan and Buxton under the direction of LG Kemp. (A character plus). I even impressed myself, just without thinking, banging out those names from the depths. I was there from 11th January 54 to 24th June 55.  I don’t remember Jim by name but I do remember very well that one member of his hut was a sailing enthusiast. Time was spent by them in making a cannon to fire at the start, or maybe end, of races. Many experimental models were made trying to get a loud bang. Not to be left out my fellow apprentice, Mike Oldfield and I joined in the project and made experimental devices. One I made fired short pieces of Stubbs stainless steel lengths across the river in Writtle, to hit a sheet of aluminium on the other side.

Our experiments ended one lunch time when Mike blew himself up when mixing what he thought would be a faster more powerful powder. I was outside fixing my remotely fired cannon onto a big cable drum which I could roll to get the right elevation. All of a sudden there was a whoosh and smoke pouring out of the windows of our hut. I rushed in to find Mike, his glasses all white on the lenses. The powder he was grinding in a mortar had spontaneously ignited burning his hands, smoking up his glasses and burning his hair. He stood there saying, in his northern accent, “Ooh ‘eck, ooh ‘eck”. Lunch time – only us there. I rushed around, switched on the big extractor fan, swept up as much of his hair as I could, got him dressed in his coat, a scarf hiding his face, and gloves on his hands and escorted him out of the site, the gatemen didn’t see his face.  Put some money in his gloved hand and put him onto a bus to go to the hospital in Chelmsford.  I ran back, did a bit more tidying up and tried to look innocent when the engineers returned. The smell of burning hair was still in the hut. I can’t recall how I explained that.  Needless to say our lunch time experimenting with gunpowder stopped.  The next day Mike came to work with no hair on the front of his head, a sunburned looking face and his hands swathed in bandages.

I wonder where Mike and the others are now. I remain in touch with Colin Lewis with Christmas greetings, and I met up with him and his wife Pat when I was the Marconi Corporate representative in Riyadh, 1976 to 1979 and after when I remained working for a Saudi Sheikh until Jan 1986. Colin had come to Saudi working for the security forces. Later when I was working for Hughes Aircraft Canada as the contract manager for the Swisscontrol ATC system in Geneva, I took the train to Montpellier to meet up, and stay, with Colin and Pat in their retirement home in France. See what happens when memories are jogged!

Malcolm Frost ex Electro Optical Surveillance Division, Basildon

It was very interesting to read the article by John Wright in the January 2014 issue, it bought back a few memories of 1982. I was one of the four ‘specialists’ that John referred to and I spent four weeks in and around Baghdad. My trip started with the flight with Iraqi Airways from Heathrow to Baghdad – on a 747 Combi – I was sitting in the last passenger row just in front of pallets loaded with Coca Cola. The descent into Baghdad was interesting – all lights off (because of the war) and a tight spiral descent from 30,000 feet! First day there was to report to the Iraqi Air Force and to relinquish our passports, before then going to the British Embassy to ‘sign in’ so that they could help us with a quick evacuation if the war turned nasty. It was interesting that the war didn’t take place on Fridays as it was both sides, being Islamic, the day for prayers.

While watching the television it was interesting to hear about the war and who was winning etc. Of note was the headlines that the Iraqi forces had captured numbers of ‘shovels’ as well as tanks, field guns etc; the ‘shovels’ always had priority, so what was the ‘shovel’?  It turned out to be what we would know as a big bulldozer – very important for digging trenches in the desert.

I was fitting equipment to the helicopters and instructing the Iraqi support team to do the same, all under the watchful eye of the German helicopter manufacturer’s representative. He was over in Baghdad for six months and had his wife with him. It turned out that his wife was confined to their hotel when on her own as it was too dangerous for any western woman to venture out on her own as many Iraqis people viewed all western woman were women of easy virtue! This was proved a few days later when a team from GEC Automation arrived at our hotel in connection with the Baghdad underground transit system; one of the managers bought his secretary with him – a tall lady – who decided to go out for a little walk one evening. Shortly afterwards she returned and obviously had been in some sort of skirmish! It transpired that she had been attacked by two Iraqi men within 100 yards of the hotel; her account was that she broke one mans arm and hurt the other in a certain place. It was a good job she was big and could look after herself.

On one Friday the Air force arranged for a driver to take us to see the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as well as some other sights (mostly tank and gun emplacements!), it was a good day out. On my leaving Baghdad I can agree with John that it was every man for himself in getting to the aircraft and getting a seat, armed guards with fixed bayonets meant you had to watch carefully what you were doing. I took a short flight to Amman in Jordan for a few days rest (including a visit to the Dead Sea) before the flight home on British Airways.  No rest for the wicked as I was immediately sent to Manchester to measure up an RAF Nimrod to enable us to fit a large stabilised thermal imaging piece of equipment into it: we were now at war over the Falklands!

And welcome to 2016.

Christine-RGBI always seem to be out when a Veteran calls – usually round the corner checking on my mother (she’s 95 now and still lives on her own) so the call is usually answered by my wife, Christine – otherwise known as the Secretary’s Secretary or ‘er indoors’. Now, as most of you know my ugly mug, I thought it might be good to include a picture of Christine so that you can put a face to the voice. I often joke that the last ‘Marconi office’ left is a cupboard at one end of our kitchen – well here’s a photograph to show what I mean.

SecretarysOffice-RGBWith the new year comes a new venue for our committee meetings. Parking at our usual venue of Eastwood House has become extremely difficult of late, so we were pleased to be offered a new venue. The new tenants of the 1912 building on New Street are Benefit Cosmetics, a San Francisco based cosmetics company, who have kindly offered to host our committee meetings. At this point we would like to thank BAe for kindly hosting our meeting for the past 8 years and also the Marconi Club for their offer to accommodate us. We are all looking forward to coming home. Whilst on the subject, we must not forget to record our thanks to Selex ES who have kindly supported us for a number of years now.

With regard to the subscription, we are pleased to maintain the rate at £6.00 per annum and are also pleased to hold the cover price for the reunion at £25.00.

Please note that the date of the reunion is Saturday 16th April where our President will be Veteran Valerie Cleare who, for many years, was Secretary/PA to a number of Directors and Senior Management within Marconi Communication Systems at New Street, Chelmsford including the MD of MIMCo. Guest of Honour is Mr John Shrigley, Director of Personnel of GEC-Marconi Electronics Ltd during the second half of the 1970s. Last year’s reunion again passed off without any problems so I do not envisage any changes for this year.

With regard to the name tags, last year’s arrangements seemed to work quite well so we will, again, produce the name tags on A4 sheets which will be at the merchandise table so you can collect your label as you enter the hall. When you order your ticket, please indicate, in the box provided, how you would like your tag to read. If you attended the reunion last year, it will read the same, otherwise, the default will be to print your name as it appears on the first line of your address label.

Two of the frequent reasons I hear for not coming to the reunion are “I won’t know anyone” and “It’s only managers isn’t it?” To answer the first, I would think it’s unlikely that, out of the 170 or so Veterans at the reunion, there is not someone that you have come across in your 21 or more years with the company. In any case, everyone at the reunion is friendly and welcoming. Which brings me to the second reason; Marconi initiated the Association in order to acknowledge the contribution made by long serving employees at all levels. Any employee that has served for 21 years or more, at whatever level, is a Veteran and all Veterans are invited to the reunion and the ‘friendly and welcoming’ point above is just as valid. If you are still unsure about attending or have any questions, please give me a ring. I am always happy to talk and can give you names of those Veterans who attended recent reunions.

If you know of an ex-Marconi employee who does not receive the newsletter please urge them to contact me as soon as possible. It may be that they have moved or not replied to a confirmation request of a few years ago or that they left with 21 to 24 years service and have now become Veterans by virtue of the reduction in service requirement to 21 years. The ‘Friends of The Marconi Veterans’ Association’ has been set up to cater for anyone who does not qualify as a Veteran but wishes to be kept informed of things Marconi. Numbers are growing slowly with, currently, approaching 70 members and any more would be welcome. The three registers (the Main register, In Memoriam and Friends) are now published on the website so please have a look if you can and let me know of any errors.

Please note that I may be contacted at the address below. Finally, I would like to wish you all a very prosperous 2016 and hope to see as many of you as possible either at the reunion this year on 16th April or the next Open Day at Sandford Mill.

One final note – the 2017 Reunion will be on Saturday 22nd April.

Barry Powell, Secretary, Marconi Veterans Association, 22 Juliers Close, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 7EP Phone: 01267 696342 (answerphone if we are out, please leave a message and I will ring you back) Email:

Advertisement for a restaurant in Ankara

You are invite to visit our restaurant where you can eat Middle East Foods in a European ambulance.

The reunion took place on the 18th April 2015. Our President at the reunion and for the past year has been Basil Francis, ex-Chief of the IDO, New Street and the Guest of Honour was John Warwicker MBE, retired Metropolitan Police Officer and author.

The toast to the President was proposed by MVA Chairman Peter Turrall. In his opening remarks he noted that he and Basil Francis enjoy a friendship reaching back 64 years; Basil was best man at Peter’s wedding in 1954. During those years they have played golf and badminton together many times.he reunion took place on the 18th April 2015. Our President at the reunion and for the past year has been Basil Francis, ex-Chief of the IDO, New Street and the Guest of Honour was John Warwicker MBE, retired Metropolitan Police Officer and author.

Chelmsford born and bred, Basil started life with MWT in 1939 as a draughtsman and progressed through the company in installation design of broadcast equipment, retiring as Chief of IDO in 1989, throughout that time collaborating with our chairman on overseas contracts on many occasions

He opened by thanking the association for choosing him as its President for the year. He joined the company in 1939 in the Installation Design Division at Great Baddow after a brief spell working at Crompton Parkinsons. Shortly after he moved, with the IDD, to New Street, attended evening classes at METC studying for ONC and HNC in mechanical engineering whilst, mentored by senior draughtsmen, learning installation techniques . Studies interrupted by a break of five years until 1946 for war service as a pilot in the RAF on Catalinas, Wellingtons and Dakotas he then returned to work in the IDO, and resumed studies to gain ONC and HNC, further progressing through the IDO to retire as chief of the department in 1989. The IDO serviced all main MCSL divisions, and one aspect, outside broadcast television vehicles, was to become a forte.

He described a somewhat itinerant working life, with the IDO moving around various temporary locations at New Street before finally settling in a room on the first floor of the canteen. Work over many years involved making visits to customers overseas to liaise with their engineers and architects where buildings were to house Marconi equipment. He concluded by remembering a number of well-known names with whom he had the privilege of working over his 50 years, from B N McClarty and Douggie Smee through David Speake, Bill Barbone, Derek Griess to Tom Mayer, present at the reunion that day.

The chairman then introduced Basil’s guest, former Metropolitan Police Officer John Warwicker MBE. He has local connections, being educated at KEGS during the war years, and family connections with Marconi’s. The author of a number of books including one recently published entitled ‘An Outsider Inside Number 10’ describing his time as a close protection officer to three prime ministers, provided the theme for his talk.

Following school he spent a brief period at Lloyds Bank before entering the Metropolitan Police, in 1954 joining Special Branch at Scotland Yard, mainly involved then with anti cold-war activities, principally counter-espionage, protection of VIPs and dignitaries. After a period firmly established in this area he was transferred to Downing Street to take a lead role in the protection of the prime minister, at that time Harold Wilson, a role rapidly expanding in importance and authority.

This turned out to be one of the most entertaining times of his life and there were many funny stories to tell about it. How at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference in Jamaica in 1974 Harold Wilson came out of a gruelling three hour long debate to be surrounded by a host of advisers, diplomats, press officers seeking comment or instant decisions on this and that. Pacing up and down looking increasingly anxious, it became apparent that he seemed to be the only one of Harold’s staff who realised that he was desperately seeking the gents’ and couldn’t find it. Finally finding it and entering he was followed by the entire posse who lined up with him at the urinals – and one his advisers dropped into the urinal a sheaf of official papers that had been clamped under his arm. As he was the only official authorised to have charge of them, he had the responsibility for recovering them and drying them out before re-presented them!

Apparently James Callaghan had no sense of humour and there were no really interesting stories to retell of that period, but everything changed with Margaret Thatcher. Like her or loathe her, she was an impressive performer, and in his view, unlike Callaghan, did have a sense of humour, although perhaps not a great one.

He related one memorable anecdote from this time when she was attending the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference in Lusaka in 1979. This was not long after her assumption of the premiership, something of a steep learning curve which she had handled well. But this was the conference which led to the ending of white supremacy rule in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), and on the fifth day, after a particularly gruelling session attempting to secure a settlement on Rhodesia, Mrs Thatcher, in the car returning her and Denis to their hotel, appeared very downcast, feeling she had let down the white Rhodesians, to whom she felt a special loyalty. Denis however had had a wonderful day visiting a game park, a copper mine, playing golf, being entertained royally, and he regaled her with a report of all this, then suddenly realised that she had obviously not had a good day and said “The only thing I’m really sorry about is that I haven’t seen enough of you today”. She looked across at John Warwicker and said “I don’t know what you think Mr Warwicker but I really don’t think there’s going to be time for any of that today, do you?” So it wasn’t that she didn’t have a sense of humour, it was perhaps not well developed.

Heavily edited extracts from the speeches to give a flavour of the proceedings. Full texts can be found on the MVA website.

NovaScotiaIn the 2013 newsletter we published an appeal from Desirée Martin for any information any veteran might be able to provide concerning the writer of a letter she had found in a second-hand book – Film Review 1956 to 57 – bought in a junk shop in Abbots Langley in the 70s. The writer of the letter was Edward Ginman, an English employee of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada, working at that time in 1907 at a Marconi wireless telegraph station at Cape Sable, Nova Scotia. This of course was the same year that Marconi’s first permanent commercial transatlantic service was established between Glace Bay, Cape Breton and Clifden, in Connemara, Ireland.  The Cape Sable station appears to have been concerned with local area ship to shore w/t traffic, i.e., out to about 200nm.

There was insufficient space in the 2013 edition to reproduce the text of Ginman’s letter, but we have in this edition, so here it is. With one or two exceptions, the spelling, punctuation, capitalisation and layout are as in the original, both the letterhead and Ginman’s text.

We have not yet heard from Desirée Martin as to the success or otherwise of her enquiries, but I have e-mailed her for an update, and two possible sources of further information about the Cape Sable station in Nova Scotia, the museum in Glace Bay and the community library at Clarks Harbour. Internet searches so far have yielded a little, but we might have further information to report next year. Ed.

Cape Sable 1ACape Sable 2ACape Sable 3A

Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
of Canada Limited.
Cape Sable Station Jan 6 1907
Shelburne Co, N.S.

Dear Mr Dutton

I wish you all a very bright & prosperous New Year, am sorry I have not written you before, but, it’s the old tale, keep putting it off till another time.

Well, I am glad to say I am getting along first rate, good health, good job & the last & not least a good salary. I have been in the Canadian Co since last June, was at Halifax station six months & have been here since, so you see I haven’t been about much at present. This station is situated on a very small island on the extreme New York end of Nova Scotia, we have a passage to cross in a small boat to reach a larger island & then a team (wagon) ride of about 3 miles & then take a steam ferry to the Mainland, the nearest village is Clarks Harbour which is about 4 miles from the station, we have a mail every day so you can judge for yourself near about how we are fixed. The only other occupants on her are the lighthouse keeper & crew. We are four on the station all Englishmen, with a woman cook, so taking everything into consideration we are fixed up in good style.

How are things going down your way? I would like to have a look at you all, cant say when I will be able to come home, but must hope for the best. What sort of Xmas did you spend? We made the best of a quiet time, had turkey and Xmas pudding for dinner so we didn’t do so bad. Say, is old Dennis still knocking about down the bridge? the old fellow who built the houses over the bridge, I mean. We had some very funny weather here lately, one day cold & the next mild rain. We have had a little whaling, but not much at present, guess we have that to come.

Bert seems to be getting on well out at Muskegon, I received a nice letter from him on Saturday. My eldest brother is at the station west of us now, we do not communicate because he is in the American C/o & this is the Canadian Co, his little girl, (Alma), had to go under an operation a short time ago, but he tells me she is almost herself again now. Next spring, I guess, I will be shifted again, don’t know for certain where they will put me this time.

I have been away from home over six months now, but it don’t seem to strike me we are 3000 miles apart, guess we will soon be working wireless across the Atlantic, in about 6 months I guess.

Well I think I must close, am on night duty this week & the cook is getting breakfast so must quit

Wishing you and yours the very best of health & luck

from Yours Sincerely

Ernest Ginman

P.S. A letter is always welcome, ha! ha! NAY

Allen Buckroyd (taken from Great Baddow Oral History)

Between 2000 & 2003 I compiled Great Baddow Oral History based on oral interviews of residents of Great Baddow, people later providing additional snippets of information. The following transcript of an interview with the wife of the local doctor is from an audiocassette provided by Diana Fawcus, (née Spencer-Phillips) grand-daughter of the interviewees. It was probably dictated around 1970 (since reference is made to Baddow bypass, built in the late ‘60s) to an unknown lady interviewer, possibly from a local newspaper or Essex Record Office.

The interview took place in the Dower House, built by the Spencer-Phillips in 1954 behind ‘Yews House’ (sometimes known as Youse), No 4 High Street, Great Baddow, former home of the village doctor for many years.  ‘Youse’ and the Dower House are both now owned by Alan Thomson, who runs the local TV & radio business.

Vera Evans transcribed the two sides of the audiocassette on 20 December 2004. This was edited and, to aid comprehension, italicized text in red parentheses added by Allen Buckroyd on 15 January 2005.

Mrs Dolly Spencer-Phillips was born Dorothy Lister, the daughter of a well-to-do doctor who lived at Noakes Place, a posh house in Baddow Road. Hence she was one of the landed gentry. The following short extract covers her recollection of G Marconi.  Earlier pages describe the family’s way of life, looking after the poor of the village, dinner parties with the upper set of Baddow society.

Dr Percy Spencer-Phillips’ family originally came from Danbury, although he was brought up in London. He came to Great Baddow in 1911 to join Dr Lister, and subsequently married the boss’s daughter and took over the practice.

Interview with Dr S-P

Q: You were saying that when you came back from the First World War the practice, and perhaps Baddow itself, was changing tremendously.

Dr: Changing enormously. Marconi had come in then. It was a different place. They were here when I came back from the First World War. (By ‘here’ he must mean Chelmsford, since my understanding is that Baddow Research was not built until 1937.)

Mrs S-P: Surely not before the children were born? (some debate over when Marconi arrived in the district)

Q: Until then it had been very rural?

Dr: It was very rural. It was a self-contained little community. Everybody knew everybody. If anybody wanted help they would go to one of the big houses and it was forthcoming. Everyone helped one another and everybody was as happy as could be. [Mrs S-P interjects: our village nurse was run by the surgery, with no help from the government].

Q: More nurses came when the (housing) development started?

Dr: When Marconi’s came they took over the farmland and started building on it. It has grown & grown & grown.

Interview with Mrs S-P

Q: There was one other thing. Do you remember Marconi?

Mrs S-P: Yes, I do very well.

Q: Can you tell me how you came across him?

Mrs S-P: I can just remember what he looked like. I remember so well, mother and father discussing Marconi who had just come to live here. He was living over a furniture store in Chelmsford. I’m absolutely certain about that. Have you seen Reg Spalding? (This probably suggests talking to the local farmer who kept a journal relating to the period in question). He (Guglielmo Marconi) came down as a young man (around 1899) and rather stirred up the engineers of the neighbourhood. I don’t know who they’d be. Clarkson or something like that. He built one of the first factories in Chelmsford. I can’t remember if they were Clarkson or one of that lot. Anyway he came down. I remember father so well, suggesting that mother should get in touch with him. It was just rather difficult because he was a foreigner, to begin with, and didn’t fit in with this neighbourhood. Then it was rather different. So he was ignored and nobody bothered with him. Our friends in Chelmsford said we ought to do something about it because he was rather a clever student and had great ideas. However nobody bothered very much with him.

Then of course after(wards), people would have given their (eye-teeth?) to look after him and said “you know, he is a very clever young chap and I think that we should get in touch with him”. I remember mother saying, “I don’t want to bother, he’s a foreigner”. So he was ignored. I think possibly she thought that I might fall in love with him. He certainly was not asked into our house and he wasn’t accepted around the place. He was a really clever man and it was the Pitseys(?) who looked after him, and said,” I think that there is something in that man. I think that he should be asked to dinner and to give him hospitality”. However we did nothing.

Then afterwards I remember this lovely countryside (on the outskirts of Great Baddow) where we used to pick all sorts of wild flowers. We were going for a walk one day with the children, and saw a huge bulldozer in the field. (Date presumably about 1937.) I said, “What on earth is it doing here?” “Didn’t you know, Marconi’s is putting up this enormous research station?” That grew and with that came the houses – rows & rows & rows of them. We can’t get out now. (She means ‘we cannot walk from our garden to Galleywood’, as the so-called Marconi estate is in the way.)

Alan Hartley-Smith

Although we didn’t have a report in the 2015 Newsletter there was one posted on the web site continuing with the work of the Marconi Heritage Group and the efforts being made to get better physical recognition for Marconi in Chelmsford.

Hall St Works, Chelmsford, 1898
Hall St Works, Chelmsford, 1898

The concentration of activity during most of 2015 was on the potential acquisition of the original Hall Street factory. Having discovered that a planning application had been made to convert it into flats considerable effort was made to mount an appeal to prevent this, but unfortunately this proved unsuccessful as at the planning meeting held in December 2014 the application was approved.

A prerequisite of the permission was that the building must be open to the public for 3 months following the refurbishment. As a result of the planning committee meeting the Chelmsford Civic Society set up a sub-group (Marconi Science Worx) to liaise with the developer about the possibility of purchasing the commercial space, 2000 sq feet, for a dedicated Marconi Heritage Centre and to that end a crowd-funding project was set up to raise funds; this proved to be a bridge too far and did not reach its target. Continuing discussions have resulted in a council-proposed three-month exhibition in the ground-floor area about the Marconi-related occupation of the building.

This will be a volunteer-led initiative, open every Friday and Saturday from 11th March to 29th May from 11am to 3pm, other days and times by appointment, and is being curated by Tim Wander. There is to be a private view on Friday 18th March for City and County Councillors and invited guests where Tim Wander will give a talk.

During the 3 month period the following talks will be given from 7pm. Tickets £5, to book go to:

18th March 7pm for 7.30Tim Wander
1st April 7pm for 7.30 Ray Clark BBC Essex
14th April 7pm for 7.30 Tim Maltin - Titanic historian and author - The role of Wireless in the Titanic tragedy
22nd April 7pm for 7.30 Dr Elizabeth Bruton - Oxford University – The Battle of Jutland

These are being organised in conjunction with the Chelmsford Civic Society with the support of the City Museum Service and BBC Essex and we are seeking volunteers to man the events, so if you can spare some time please contact their coordinator Pam Swaby –  This is probably the final opportunity to convince the local authorities to lend full support to the proper recognition of the contribution made by the Marconi Companies to the development and prosperity of Chelmsford and other Essex locations. Also to support the exhibition Tim Wander is producing a new book about Hall Street from its first use until the move to New Street. Copies will be available for sale. See details on next page.

On the Group website the wikis recording personal and company information continue to grow; to contribute you can register an interest on this website: <> then send material to the relevant editor, or email it to myself directly or via the MVA, and also apply for access to the wikis.

For the Changing Chelmsford Ideas Festival 2015 in October we again collaborated with the Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society in organising a lecture from Tim Wander our own historian, ‘Guglielmo Marconi’, telling the story of building the wireless age, as for over 100 years the Marconi Company’s work in Chelmsford and Essex dominated and defined the modern age of electronics, radio, radar, television and mobile communications with its massive impact on the working and social lives of tens of thousands of local people. Tim has recently published his latest book covering the first five years of Marconi’s work, which is featured on the MHG and MVA websites.

We also participated in the inaugural Industrial Heritage Fair organised by the Essex Industrial Archaeology Group in Braintree with a presentation that included working models of early Marconi apparatus.

There are also events later in the year commemorating the First World War being organised, including a showing of the film of the Battle of the Somme in 1916 with a live orchestra accompaniment.  Another occasion of note this year is that of the 80th anniversary of the decision in 1936 to build the Research Laboratories at the Great Baddow site.  Plans are being made to celebrate this event.

There does appear to be growing interest in the heritage landscape but success will depend on support by both active participants and interested visitors so please encourage anyone you can to visit all of the planned events.

This is the detailed story of Marconi’s intense, five year struggle from 1896-1901 to develop a reliable and practical wireless communication system. It was a constant search for distance and reliability, often in the face of appalling weather. Step by step Marconi overcame countless technical difficulties, battling seemingly insurmountable problems of physics and engineering as his embryonic system began to take shape.

Building the Wireless AgeIt was also a battle for public, press, commercial, military and scientific acceptance. It quickly became a war of money and ideas as Marconi fought against international and state sponsored competitors who deployed every form of industrial espionage and legal challenge. Each was determined to claim a piece of the new science and try to take control of what soon became a new industrial revolution.

Twelve years in the writing and with fifteen years of research behind that – the goal of the new book was ‘simply’ to fully document the first five years of the young Guglielmo Marconi’s career. My long held passion was to pull the whole story together, step by step and site by site with as many photographs and sketches as possible. The new book tells the complete story of the difficult birth and desperate battles that took place to make a practical system of wireless communication a reality.

Throughout the story I have challenged the established history and time lines, visited every site, interviewed local historians, combed through local archives and of course recorded what still remains. I have also attempted, as an old-time wireless engineer, to re-interpret each experiment and try to understand what happened there. Hence the book contains an extensive ‘Then and Now’ appendix along with an extensive glossary and appendices that keep the technical sections out of the main text.

I have also included a personal chapter on Marconi the man – attempting to paint a portrait of this exceptional man that no one alive today has met – based in part on contemporary accounts and on his reaction to the struggles he overcame. But this is not just Marconi’s story – credit is given to all the pioneers of wireless whose names have largely been forgotten, but each of whom played their part in the amazingly rapid development of wireless communication.

In the end it was only Marconi who won through. He had the vision, self belief and force of character to build a working system and prove it under the harshest of climates. In doing so he built a huge company and a whole new industry, straight from the laboratory bench. But it was a close run thing. Many times during the first five years he nearly lost the race to tame Heinrich Hertz’s wireless waves. But what he achieved on bleak windswept cliffs and basement laboratories around Britain’s shores changed the world as we know it.

Now available. 750 pages, over 750 photographs – many of them never published before.

Hardback. RRP £24.95 plus p&p (£3.90 signed/tracked/insured).

The first 50 copies will be signed, (dedicated if asked) and numbered by the author.

Offer to all Marconi Veterans and members of the Marconi Heritage Association – a signed/numbered copy of the book for £25 including postage and packing. Please email the author direct at for details or order through the website (add comment that you are a MVA or MHA member).

Also available through Amazon.

Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society is presenting an illustrated talk at Anglia Ruskin University,
Queen’s Building (Que101), Wednesday, 2nd March 2016 18:30
Speaker: Michael Barton (formerly Controller BBC Local Radio)

This talk will include archived recordings, to trace the story of Guglielmo Marconi and his role in the development of the BBC. It will give Marconi’s own account of the first transatlantic signals, capture of Dr Crippen through radio, sinking of the Titanic, formation of the BBC, Dame Nellie Melba’s broadcast and 2MT from Writtle.

Open to anyone who wishes to attend.  Entrance free.  Car parking on the University campus car parks is free after 4.30 pm.  The most convenient car park is the one in front of the Sawyers Building accessed from Hoffmans Way (1st left turn), take ticket at barrier and re-insert it into machine to lift barrier when departing.

‘The Marconi Companies and their People’ Volume 1, Number 1, August 1950

Would anyone happy to loan an unbound copy of the very first edition of the house magazine for a short period. If so please contact our webmaster Chris Gardiner, 01245 441274, email:

Marconi Instruments Heritage Group is trying to digitise its whole set of 20 volumes and cannot locate an unbound copy.

Malcolm Frost – principal mechanical designer and project leader ASETS

ASETS-platform2-rgbDuring one of many company name changes – this time in the mid 1980s – from Marconi Avionics to GEC Avionics the Electro-Optical Surveillance Division at Basildon competed for a contract award from American Electronic Laboratories Inc (AEL) from Philadelphia to design and develop a one-off stabilised platform to be fitted on the underside of a USAF C130: this platform and all the electronic backup systems became known as ASETS.

Although there was much apprehension amongst senior management the contract was awarded and the development got under way. A team was set up under the leadership of Mel Bennett to enable this very exacting project. It was the first time that EOSD had obtained a contract direct from the USA. The main reason we were chosen was based on the expertise (probably the world leaders at the time) with airborne stabilised platforms based on experience with the ‘Heli Tele’ and other platforms being developed for the MoD.

This particular platform had some very onerous specifications to meet. Notwithstanding the conventional environmental requirements it had to house an interchangeable payload which was the size of an old fashioned dustbin! This payload (developed by AEL) was to house various missile seeker heads to evaluate their accuracy under flight conditions. Such missile heads were from the Sidewinder and Maverick missiles and at times in various combinations. The impact on our platform design was to achieve very exacting stabilisation parameters and also to get 500 plus power and signal wiring across all three fully rotational axes to the payload sensors.

ASETS-platform1-rgbThe design and subsequent manufacture resulted in a platform weighing in excess of one ton and measuring 4 feet in diameter and standing 6 feet tall, at the time a record for any stabilised platform for airborne use. Manufacture and the system design (slip rings, electro-magnetic torque motors and bearings) pushed the technology available to the limits. The production engineering department was heavily involved in selecting various techniques that could be produced in the timescales. Some of the big castings used came from a foundry that normally specialised in F1 racing car wheels using high tensile alloys, and all parts were subject to X-ray examination to ensure integrity.

Another big challenge was to complete the customer acceptance criteria and specifically the environmental testing. The first hurdle was finding test houses capable of hosting a large structure, the second was transportation and logistics but British Aerospace came to the rescue at facilities in Stevenage and for the large wind tunnel testing at Weybridge.

Although we had many new problems to solve, so did AEL! The platform was to hang underneath the fuselage of the C130 on centre line and they had to develop a very sophisticated retraction mechanism inside to be able to deploy and retract our 1 ton plus monster! As the deployed platform was outside of the aircraft ‘dimensions’ special fail-safe safety designs had to be fitted to the mechanism These included an old fashioned block and tackle as back-up to the motorised design and also, as a second back-up, explosive bolts were fitted to enable the complete platform to be jettisoned in the event of the aircraft having any problems! Allegedly someone had even suggested that a long trough be dug along the centre of the runway to allow for landing with the platform deployed! This idea was soon dismissed when someone pointed out that the C130 had a centre line nose wheel!

ASETS- C130-rgbThe whole project was a success and led to more contracts related to stabilised platforms being awarded from the USA.

I wonder how many people remember seeing the large system being developed and built; also even the transportation from Basildon which included a large airport-style low loader lorry to enable sliding the whole package directly into the aircraft hold at Gatwick.

Mel Bennett comments: It certainly was a challenging programme and I recall doing the first presentation to AEL (with Bill Blount, Arthur Humphries and Malcolm) just after a massive snow storm in Philadelphia: we were up against tough competition and Wally Patterson was amazed when he heard we had been selected. Then he asked me if we could really do what we offered. Just shows what an A team it was in those days!


Last July, with my wife on a four day visit to Lincolnshire with our village horticultural society, I took a day off from gardens (only so many gardens a man can take in four days!) and made a long overdue visit to Lincoln. On climbing up The Strait towards the cathedral I came across J Birkett’s, the sort of ‘ex-Gov’ shop we knew in the 50s in Lisle Street in Soho, an electronics Aladdin’s Cave, a view into a bygone age. (One of the items I spotted in the window was a TR1985 which I had worked on in the RAF in the 50s.) Back home, I found Lincsbodger’s posting on a UK discussion forum. He’s obviously not ex-Marconi, but please forgive me for including his interesting reminiscences. Thanks Lincsbodger – Ed.

Posted by: Lincsbodger (location Lincoln) re: Birkett’s in Lincoln

Birketts outside_RGBI stumbled on this forum whilst looking for info on an HMV 1126 valve radio.

I used to work for Birketts in the early 1970’s. It was a fabulous time to be 18 and a fabulous place to work if you were mad on electronics, like I was.

The shop (J Birkett Radio Components) at 25/26 The Strait is incredible. When I was there it went up 3 floors and back at last 150 feet. There was literally a couple of hundred tons of electronic components in there, anything you could imagine, from unmarked Plessey 4 bit microprocessors to ex-WD 1126 radio sets. Every room, every corridor, every staircase was piled floor to ceiling with boxes.

In the 1970s, John had contacts at Marconi GEC, and was buying untested and sometimes unmarked semiconductors by the skipful. We built our own test gear, I spent many hours testing diodes, thyristors, triacs, zeners and all sort of transistors. We would sell them in mixed bags.

Similarly, he would buy vast, huge amounts of discreet components – resistors, caps, coils, all sorts. We would set up two long tables with about 50 boxes of random components in one of the rooms at the back, then you went along the row with an A4 sized zip bag, sticking a pinch of each in. These ‘mixed component’ bags sold like hot cakes at £1 each. (Remember this was 1970!)

It was a stunning, unique experience. I started playing with electronics at the age of 10 using valves, and whilst there got unlisted play with transistors then 74 series ICs. We were building Disco lighting such as ring counter and sound to lights YEARS before the big boys such as Pulsar Light of Cambridge was.

Unfortunately, the golden age of amateur electronics is over, never to be repeated. You can’t really get the components any more, and haven’t been able to for 20 years. I used to get Practical Wireless – there was always something in each issue to build, over the years I built all sorts of stuff. The one I remember the best was a sound activated flash trigger. My dad was a photographer, we took some amazing pictures of balloons and bottles bursting 1/5000 of a second after the bang.

Birketts attracted some seriously clever blokes as well. There was a guy called Joe Rose, a slow scan TV fanatic, he actually owned an entire BBC Outside Broadcast Unit complete with 4 cameras and a 2 inch tape unit and mixing desk. There was another guy who worked at the Medical Physics Dept at the hospital, he would come up with circuits for us to build and test, a seriously clever bloke. During the Winter of Discontent he invented an Inverter using two OC25 power transistors that would drive a 6 foot fluorescent tube off a car battery. We built a few and they sold like hot cakes, couldn’t make them fast enough, and we sold them as kits as well!

I went on then do TV repair as well at other places, and then had a 20 year career in Local Government IT, jumping on the IT bandwagon in the early 1980s, when jobs were plenty and the IT path was paved with gold.

Birketts inside_RGBI recently built a conservatory, and we wanted an old radio in it, I got one at auction, it sort of worked, and I came to the conclusion after several weeks of messing the W77 had lost emission, and in my search for one I arrived here. I have now replaced it and the radio works pretty well. You never forget how to fix them.

I pop in to see John sometimes, the shop is open Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, although it long stopped being a shop, it’s really a drop in centre for old radio hams and TV engineers to have a natter. He sits in there holding court, and a long stream of old friends call by. (It still appeared to be a shop in July 2015, but not open on a Monday when I visited. Ed.)

Birketts was a legend, there wasn’t another shop like it, and there never will be again.

Malcolm Mack, ex Marconi Radar Systems

Eddie Holman, Field Services Manager, knew how to save on the subsistence budget. Never has a can of beans looked so good.

A ‘selfie’ from the beginning of 1972 showing, left to right, Ken Jacobs, Malcolm Mack and Terry Barnsley on our day off. It was taken at the beginning of 1972 at the Tropospheric site near Tabuk (Tebuk) north west Saudi Arabia. The area is south of Wadi Rum, near the Jordanian border.

Marconi Communications Systems provided most of the equipment for the Tropos and the links, plus some of their Field Service personnel. Marconi Radar Systems provided the Field Services for the installation of the radars and internal communications on Project SAGEU, and were the main contractors at the Tropo site. The picture was taken with Terry Barnsley’s camera prior to his and Ken Jacobs drive back from Saudi across Europe – via countries you wouldn’t want to be seen dead in nowadays. They had bought a Volkswagen Beetle and camping gear for the trip. Back in Europe I met them at Brand in Austria, where we did some skiing.

nigel+ellis-robinson2Very late in the preparation of this newsletter the death of Hugh Nigel Croke Ellis-Robinson OBE, CEng, ER to all who knew him, was announced. He died in Cornwall on the 17 January, slipping away very peacefully with both his daughters by his side.

There is really not room at this late stage to present even a brief résumé of his life and career: wartime RAF service as a ground radar mechanic; joining Marconi in 1949; progressing steadily through the company, involved throughout with ground radar engineering; in 1982 as Programme Director Martello Projects being awarded on OBE, finally retiring in 1986. He was widely loved and respected by all his colleagues: no better tribute can be paid to him than those posted by some of them on the MOGS website over the past few days since his death.

. . . Sorry to hear of ER’s passing. One of the last of the technically-competent managers, he was a man who really earned the respect that was afforded to him. RIP – Ian Gillis

. . .Very sorry to hear about ER. I first met him when I went to work at RDG Broomfield in 1955 – but he was sorting out the SR1000 transmitter while I was working for Fred Kime on displays, so our paths did not cross very often. A brilliant engineer and a great, creative, very interesting character. I’m sure they will not make his like any more – Matty

. . . I had heard that he was not very well recently. He was a great engineer and a major contributor to the successful years of Marconi Radar. A very sad day – Roy Simons

. . . So sorry to hear of ER’s passing. The sentiments expressed by Roy sum it all up. I remember fondly those years we had at the Farnborough Air Shows – Robin Webb

. . .Very sad news. As Roy said he was a great engineer and a major contributor to the success of Marconi Radar during his time. He was also a great character and intensely patriotic, buying British made cars and insisting that publicity give-aways were wherever possible also British made.

I first joined his section at Pottery Lane in October 1957, towards the end of my apprenticeship. I was moved in June ‘58 and pestered the training department until they put me back with ER (now a Group Chief) at Baddow at the end of ‘58, completing my apprenticeship and joining the staff.

He always supported his staff, objecting strenuously if some other manager tried to criticise them, “he might be an idiot but if he is I will tell him, not you”. He also tried to be around whenever an urgent job required working excessive hours. Even in his latter more senior roles these were much more than token visits. I remember, when I was involved in getting the Type 88/89 (Green Ginger for the RAF) out, I turned up at Widford during a weekend to be asked by one of the testers who that bloke up on the aerial in a good suit arguing with a fitter was. It was ER arguing over the design of the gear box with the top off and oil all over the place. They were good times and it was folk like ER who made them so. The end of an era – Brian

Ted Pegram

With thanks to Gerry Valentine, Anthony Clark and Pete Kennedy

Ken P + John B 1994Ken Perry was born in Harrogate, but was evacuated to Blaenau in Wales during the war. After completing his education at the Blaenau Grammar School he was called up for National Service and was posted to RAF Lossiemouth where he flew low level tests and calibration flights in Lancaster bombers.

Following National Service he studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Newcastle. After University he joined Marconi’s in the early 1950s.

Much of his career was spent at the Marconi Research Centre, followed by Marconi Radar Systems.

At the research centre Ken was Chief of the Microwave Components Group, responsible for the design and manufacture of high power microwave components for radar applications. Whilst there he became interested in High Frequency Over the Horizon Radar (HF-OTHR) technology, a subject that he made very much his own.

In 1983 Ken moved to Marconi Radar Systems to oversee the commercial exploitation of HF radar in military and civil applications. This work resulted in a number of studies, and trials with experimental systems installed on the Essex coast.

Through his work in this field GEC-Marconi became a major sub-contractor for the Australian JORN system. JORN (Jindalee Operational Radar Network) is a sky wave HF radar system that provides air and sea coverage beyond the northern coast of Australia, and has proved to be a highly successful project.

Outside his professional career Ken had many interests including music. He played the organ at St Peter’s church, Goldhanger, where he lived. He was also a keen bell ringer and was the Tower Captain at St Peter’s for fifteen years.

Nora Boswell

Alan began his love affair with ships, Morse code, etc as he watched the ships sailing out of the Tyne when growing up at Tynemouth, Northumberland. He started learning Morse code in his early teens and took out his radio license call sign – G3NOQ. He moved to Great Baddow, Essex, after university to start working for Marconi at Great Baddow as an electrical engineer. Marconi became BAE Systems and he retired from them when he was 65.

Alan Boswell at Westleton Crown hotel 3 July 2012Alan had many other interests being a talented organist, madrigal and choral singer and in later life, speaker of Norwegian. He used his new found learning to translate Norwegian articles into English and made many new friends in Norway. He developed asthma which further developed in more recent years into COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) with complications. In late July he was rushed to hospital and seemed to be making a good recovery but suffered a relapse the day before he was due to be discharged. Alan is sadly missed by his son Joe, his siblings Andrew and Nora, their families and his many friends.

Tribute by Dr Brian Austin, G0GSF

Alan Boswell, G3NOQ, was one of the RSGB’s most respected Members. Until his death on 5th August 2015 he was an active member of the RadCom technical panel. He had particular skill in vetting articles on antenna matters. I knew Alan well from our joint involvement with the IEE (now the IET), where we met at conferences and often interacted on technical issues to do with antennas. As recently as last year we collaborated in publishing an article on small loops, along with another retired engineer and radio amateur in South Africa (Mike Perks, ZS6BIM). It appeared in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine last August. Alan’s passing will leave a huge void in the professional antenna community where he was very highly regarded.

The deaths of veterans have been reported over the year in the In Memoriam pages of the web site so will not be repeated here; the dates of joining the Marconi Company are also given.  Please refer to these pages for the details.


Newsletter 2015 – Edition number 17

Please click on the title Newsletter 2015 above to open the full document with the index and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger image.

Peter Turrall, MVA Chairman

New Street
New Street, January 2015

According to recent reports from our local newspaper The Essex Chronicle, Chelmsford City Council is contemplating changing the dozen or so large brown signs on all the entries to our county town of Chelmsford which state ‘Chelmsford the Birthplace of Radio’. These signs of course refer to our own Marconi Company and certainly make visitors and residents aware that history was made in this city many years ago.

The suggestion is for new signs to portray Hylands House, a good mile out of the city, which does not give any indication of Chelmsford’s major industrial past. It was Marconi and other major industries such as Hoffmann, Crompton, Clarkson and Christy who put Chelmsford on the map, fostering its development from a sleepy market town with a population of 30,000 citizens in the early 1900s, to a major industrial centre. This gave employment to thousands and a start to other enterprises to set up shops and offices to cater for the needs of an increasing population which has now reached nearly 200,000.

Already strong comments have been made by local residents and ex-Marconi personnel to both the city council and the local newspapers stating that the signs should cover Chelmsford’s industrial achievements especially as Marconi in Chelmsford was the start of worldwide wireless communications and other associated engineering achievements.

It is unfortunate that our city council does not highlight the industrial past of Chelmsford, which in itself, if portrayed correctly, is an enormous tourist attraction. Apart from the museum in Oaklands Park and, way out of the city, Sandford Mill, and a Marconi statue hidden behind the local bus station, there is nothing in the city centre illustrating the achievements of these world renowned organisations. It has been suggested to the city council that a kiosk giving information about local attractions of historical interest and where to find them could be sited opposite the Shire Hall in the city centre. At the moment this suggestion has not been acted on.

The Marconi New Street building, which has for over one hundred years been the centre point of all major visits to the company, is now in good shape having been modernised and the front gardens spruced up. This building will shortly be used by an unknown pharmaceutical company as their headquarters. To date it has not been possible to contact this organisation with the hope that the Marconi Veterans Association could utilise one of the areas to portray the history of the company and/or display some of the products manufactured in the original factory. (Photo taken on 29th January, just before four workmen in hard hats and grubby high-vis jackets together with a heavy load fork-lift carrying a mini-skip turned up at the front door)

I’ve had one or two unwished for problems in getting this issue off the ground. The main one was that I didn’t have a recording of the speeches at the 2014 reunion to refer to when compiling the report on page 10: unwisely, relying on there being one, I hadn’t made any notes. Up to the time of writing this they were missing from the website, but the full texts can now be found there. Given a fair wind the speeches will be recorded this year, but just in case, there will be a back-up plan.

The usual yearly situation with regard to supply of material. I report at committee meetings during the year that contributions have not been very forthcoming, and I don’t know if I’m going to have enough for a twelve pager, but then, when I get down to it in January I find that there is more that enough for fourteen or even sixteen. Sometimes however, as this year, an item will have to be held over until the following year.

You will see that a significant amount of space has been devoted to obituaries. I felt it appropriate to devote a full page to David Speake, such a prominent figure in the company story. He died very shortly before last year’s edition went to press and we could at that time include only the briefest of tributes. Page 12 is given over entirely to the appreciation from one of his Baddow colleagues, Laurence Clarke. Unfortunately, as anno domini bears on more and more of us it’s going to become increasingly likely that I have to decide whether or not to include a written tribute to a former colleague who has passed away, but I will have to guard against overdoing it.

As in previous years, a number of letters are from correspondents seeking information about former colleagues, for research into their family history, or for the preparation of articles, books, etc.  If no contact detail appears with the letter then please direct your reply or any correspondence for the enquirer to: Barry Powell, Secretary, Marconi Veterans Association, 22 Juliers Close, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 7EP; 01268 696342; – or to the editor, Ken Earney, 01245 381235; email:

Certain items in this issue, particularly on this and the next page, are responses to letters or articles appearing in the 2014 edition which have already been posted during the last eleven months on the website. There is thus an inevitable but necessary duplication catering for those Veterans who have no possibility, or wish, to use the internet.

Finally note that, to avoid unnecessary repetition of the Association’s name in full, the initials MVA have in places been used.

Leslie Frank Cox

From Marie-Ann Capps, 15 December 2014

My grandfather Leslie Cox worked at the Marconi site in Chelmsford during 1939 to 1945.  He never told us what his role was there and when he disappeared to London in 1945 there was apparently a warrant issued for his arrest and return to Marconi.

The Bodleian Library could not trace any employee records for my grandfather and suggested that, during that period, there may have been many external organisations using the Marconi works.  This would mean that he may not have worked directly for Marconi but for some other entity.

Is there anyone who remembers him? He would have been in his late 20s/early 30s when he was there as he was some years older than my grandmother. I don’t really know much more than this apart from his name, Leslie Frank Cox, and that he lodged with the Crosier family in Brownings Avenue in Melbourne, Chelmsford during his time at Marconi.

I would be extremely grateful to you on behalf of my mother and her two sisters, as well as Leslie’s son, if you could point me in the right direction of being able to trace records of his time at Marconi. Thank you.

Would anyone who can help please contact the secretary at the address above.

The fish in the New Street cooling pond

VJ Bucknell, 17 March 2014

With reference to David Emery’s letter on page 3 of the last issue concerning the fish in the pond.  These fish were originally in the large 30ft tank in Marine Test used for testing echo sounders. I believe there were originally three and they were put in the tank probably in the 1950s.  When the tank was cleaned in the early 1970s they were moved to the pond beside Marconi Road.

VJ has also spotted an error in Peter Stothard’s article ‘Essex Clay’: the fifth paragraph on page 11 puts Frinton north of Walton-on-the-Naze. In fact, it’s south of Walton.

A Chain Home app from Bawdsey Radar

Eileen Dew, Secretary, Bawdsey Radar

If you are ‘smart phone enabled’ and interested in Chain Home then please try the new app from Bawdsey Radar. ‘RADAR Chain’ can be downloaded for free from App Store or from  RADAR Chain gives details of 63 Chain Home Stations around the UK with pictures and text wherever possible. We hope you find it interesting.

Post-war history of Great Bromley

LA Thomas, Swansea, 2 September 2014

I’m doing research work on the post war history of Canewdon and Great Bromley.  During my time, I frequently consult the classified files at the Public Record Office at Kew.  However, I write to you in the hope that some of the former Marconi radar people can assist me with some details of the post war history of Great Bromley. It appears from several files that during the late 1950s experiments were carried out at Bromley on a project codenamed Zinnia, a sort of over-the-horizon radar.  I am uncertain of the outcome of these experiments and would be interested to hear from anybody.

Marconi Heritage websites

David Samways has created a website to gather input for the Marconi Old Fellows Society (MOFS) site so Alan Hartley-Smith has decided to do the same for the Marconi Heritage Group (MHG). The following are the URLs for these two sites:

This is an extension of the Meet-and-Greet session held during last year’s Ideas Festival in Chelmsford so if you come across or are approached by anyone wanting to join in the quest to set up a Heritage Centre or donate material please give them this method of getting in touch.

John Iorwerth (Yorrie) Morse, Marconi Marine

From John Morse, 28 February 2014

John Iorwerth Morse
John Iorwerth Morse

I am trying to trace my late father’s employment history, particularly during WW2. He continued to be employed by Marconi during this time (his was a reserved occupation), and I believe that he worked in Africa for at least part of this period, as a civilian in naval bases. I have no idea what he did or where he was stationed.
I understand that the Marconi archive is now at the Bodleian Library and I will contact them, but I wonder if any of your members might have any information or guidance.

John says that he has written to the Bodleian but has not yet had a reply to his letter, and so would obviously still like to hear from any Veteran who may be able to help in his enquiries. He mentioned in passing a photograph of his father which appeared in the book entitled ‘Marconi 1939 – 1945 – a war record’, published by Chatto & Windus in 1946. On the right is that photograph, which has the caption “He is Wireless Operator and, believe it or not, his name is Morse!”

Marconi WW1 deaths in service

Bernard de Neumann, MOGS posting, 31 August 2014

During WW1 348 Marconi staff sacrificed their lives. Presumably their names are all recorded appropriately, and steps will be taken to ensure that their memorial is safeguarded. Does anyone know where the memorial is currently located?

The first three staff to lose their lives in WW1 did so on 22 September 1914. They were each wireless operators aboard HMSs Cressy, Hogue, and Aboukir, three battle-class cruisers, which were patrolling in the outer Thames Estuary when they were sunk by torpedoes in quick succession by a single U-boat, U-9, with the loss of almost 1500 lives.

At the outbreak of war Marconi operators aboard merchant ships were taken up by the RN as their ships returned to the UK and put to service aboard warships, rapidly causing shortages of wireless operators in the merchant service. Thus I am not sure whether the above three Marconi men were likewise inducted into the RN.

Marconi wireless in WW1 – Tim Wander

Alan Hartley-Smith, MOGS posting, 30 July 2014

In view of the current national interest in all things related to the First World War I have put a comprehensive article on our Marconi Heritage website, written by Tim Wander, which shows how the technology developed and was used by all three armed services. You can read it here:

Marconi, Plessey, Ekco, etc in Essex

Bernard de Neumann, MOGS posting 16 May 2014

In my delvings into the connections/rivalries of the various electronics firms in the area I came across an interesting historical piece about the origins of these firms which is available for download from the University of East London website:

For those of you interested in such history it is well worth a read.

John Baker – Marconi Instruments

Arthur Foulser is trying to contact John Baker who worked at Marconi Instruments. If anyone can advise his current contact details would they please contact the secretary Barry Powell so that he can forward Arthur’s letter to John.

Marconi Monument on the Isle of Wight

Jonathon Butterworth, Needles Park, IOW 14 August 2014

I’m Jonathon Butterworth and I work on behalf of The Needles Park on the Isle of Wight. I am getting in contact because I stumbled across the Marconi Veterans website last night and I thought I should inform you that we have a monument to the great man on our grounds, I’m sure you are aware of the work he did at Alum Bay and that is what we’re commending. All the information about our monument can be found on our website ( – I just thought that it would be nice to share this with you and in turn you might want to share it with the visitors to your website.

Worth a visit because of its significance in company history, but be prepared to be disappointed by its location immediately adjacent to the visitor attractions of the Needles Park. Ed.

Some more aphorisms (hopefully not already used in earlier issues!)

Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.
Shin, a device for finding furniture in the dark.
The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.
IT has spawned a huge growth industry – in selling manuals on how to use IT.

And welcome to 2015

Looking back, I realise that I have been Secretary for 10 years now and I must say that I have enjoyed every minute. The Marconi Veterans’ Association ‘office’ is a computer cupboard at one end of our kitchen so dependent upon permission from ‘er indoors (otherwise known as the Secretary’s Secretary). Careful negotiations have worked so far – long may they continue to do so.

And our new caravan is now sorted and we have had a season to smooth out any problems.

With regard to the subscription, we are pleased to maintain the rate at £6.00 per annum but, regrettably due to increased costs, we must, again, raise the cover price for the reunion to £25.00. I am sure that you will agree that this is still excellent value for a four course meal with tea/coffee and wine.
Please note that the date of the reunion is Saturday 18th April where our President will be Veteran Basil Francis who, for many years, was Chief of the Installation Drawing Office of Marconi Communication Systems at New Street, Chelmsford. Guest of Honour is Mr John Warwicker MBE who had a varied career as a Metropolitan Police officer and close protection officer to a number of prime ministers. He has also written a number of books covering his professional career. No doubt he will be giving an interesting talk on some of his many experiences.

Last year’s reunion (see report on page 10) passed off without any problems so I do not envisage any changes for this year.

With regard to the name tags, last year’s arrangements seemed to work quite well so we will, again, produce the name tags on A4 sheets which will be at the merchandise table so you can collect your label as you enter the hall. When you order your ticket, please indicate, in the box provided, how you would like your tag to read. The default will be to print your name as it appears on the first line of your address label.

I won’t bore you by repeating last year’s description of the arrangements for the reunion – suffice to say that, if you are still unsure or have any questions, please give me a ring. I am always happy to talk and can give you names of those Veterans who attended recent reunions.
If you know of an ex-Marconi employee who does not receive the newsletter please urge them to contact me as soon as possible. It may be that they have moved or not replied to a confirmation request of a few years ago or that they left with 21 to 24 years service and have now become Veterans by virtue of the reduction in service requirement to 21 years.

The ‘Friends of The Marconi Veterans’ Association’ has been set up to cater for anyone who does not qualify as a Veteran but wishes to be kept informed of things Marconi. Numbers are growing slowly with, currently, over 40 members and any more would be welcome. All three registers – the main register and those for In Memoriam and Friends – are now published on the website so please have a look if you can and let me know of any errors.

Please note that I may be contacted at the address below. Finally, I would like to wish you all a very prosperous 2015 and hope to see as many of you as possible either at the reunion on 18th April or the next Open Day at Sandford Mill on Saturday 25th April.
One final note – the 2016 Reunion will be on Saturday 16th April,
Barry Powell, Secretary, Marconi Veterans’ Association, 22 Juliers Close, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 7EP
Phone: 01268 696342 (answer-phone if we are out, please leave a message and I will ring you back)

Geoff Bowles (l) with Nick Wickenden
Geoff Bowles (l) with Nick Wickenden

Dr Geoff Bowles has now retired from the Chelmsford Museums Service after almost 25 years. Geoff, who was elected an Honorary Veteran at the 2013 Reunion, joined the Museums Service from Leicester in July 1990 as a Research Officer and progressed to become Curator of Science at Sandford Mill. During this time, he was largely responsible for setting up the Sandford Mill site and the educational activities it offers, and has done a lot to ensure the preservation and availability of Marconi equipment and documentation. He now intends to devote his time to a renovation project but does not rule out the occasional visit to Sandford Mill and, hopefully, the Veterans Reunion. We understand that Nick Wickenden is currently interviewing for Geoff’s replacement – he will be a hard act to follow! We send Geoff all our best wishes for a long and happy retirement.

David Griffiths
David Griffiths

In a professional career distinguished by an outstanding ability recognised at a young age, David Griffiths gave invaluable service both to Marconi and to successive UK governments. Promoted to Commercial Manager at the age of 24, in 40 years career he served as Commercial Director and Company Secretary at Marconi and, latterly, BAE Systems. He was a protégée of the late Max Stothard ( 2014 newsletter, pages 1 & 11). His professional career spanned the Cold War, the collapse of Communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the digital revolution with its new implications for national defence and the precarious alignments of the War on Terror. After retirement from industry, he acted in an advisory capacity to the MOD, and sat on the MVA committee. He was committed to his work and greatly fulfilled by it.

From a Welsh background, although born in Reading and raised in West London, he was educated at Latymer Upper School and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. His immediate forebears were miners; none had previously attended university or finished school. Paternal grandfather, James ‘Pop’ Griffiths, ran away to sea at the age of 14 and became a ship’s captain and later Mayor of Cardiff.  He was deeply proud of family ties to Wales, and nautical family history inspired his own love of the sea and sailing; he loved the shining dunes of Ynyslas and Aberdyfi.  In his spare time, he skippered several boats of his own, and in last two decades he sailed from Tollesbury Marina close to his Essex home.

David Griffiths was hugely committed to his work and until fairly recently he was engaged in meetings and travel across Europe, the Americas, Australasia and the Far East.  He once said that because of his career, he had been to every country he had ever wanted to visit, except possibly Iceland, and he thought he could accept that deficit. He greatly enjoyed meeting a wide array of people in so many countries, forging many and lasting friendships in Marconi’s local offices at Chelmsford, Leicester and Frimley, as well with international partner companies in Rome, Montreal and Helsinki.  He was enormously forgiving of others, getting the best from his colleagues by example and leadership.  When ill-health forced him into a more sedentary lifestyle, he used on-line technologies to continue working as long as he could. He also embarked on substantial projects of amateur history, with a particular interest in the Second World War.

For more than twenty years he prevailed against deteriorating health, maintaining a wry sense of humour and determination and managing to joke about his condition until the end in October 2014.  He is survived by his children, Joanna and Daniel, his former wife Susan who remained a close personal friend to the end of his life, and by two grandchildren.

Based on an edited version of the obituary which appeared in The Times last year.

Jim Cole

EF91 valve
EF91 valve

Poking about at home the other day, I found this EF91 valve, complete with MWT box. When I started work as a junior engineer in the wooden huts at Writtle in 1952, these valves, together with a smaller version, the EF95, were the staple tool of the trade. We used them for everything, from VHF to audio. They had 6.3 volt heaters, B7G bases, and often were provided with an aluminium screening can.

We worked in what was known as the ‘end hut’ directly under the tower. Warmly remembered colleagues included Colin Lewis, Ken Johnson, George Otley and Rex Willet.

Later on, when I had returned to Writtle in 1954, after National Service, we moved into plush new laboratories, where every engineer enjoyed the luxury of his own desk and bench. A big change from the cramped wooden huts. Now all the talk was of transistors. Initially we used the OC70/71, a germanium transistor. Were they point contact devices? (No, junction – Ed.) They were prone to damage and failure even on the lab bench, let alone in service. We had little faith in them! Later, reliable silicon junction transistors became available, and we started serious transistorisation of all our new designs.

The third stage of my story occurred after I had left development in the mid-1960s.  At Beehive Lane works, we manufactured the Myriad computer. This computer owed its high speed to the first use of integrated circuits.  These were the DAT7 and DAT10, made by Ferranti.  The degree of integration was very modest by later standards. Just two transistors and two diodes on one silicon chip. Nevertheless, they were ground-breaking at the time. The Myriad computers were very high speed, and found application in many real time applications, from power station control to weather forecasting.  I think we made over 100, together with a variant marketed by English Electric Computers.

I expect many fellow Veterans across the Marconi Companies will have similar recollection of new technologies being introduced, perhaps prompted by these brief notes. In the 1950s and 1960s, I don’t think any of us had any idea that this transition from valves to transistors, and then to integrated circuits, would so quickly lead to millions of transistors on one small silicon chip, and to the high speed computing and communications which we now enjoy.

Graham Marriott

When I left grammar school I spent four years on a thin sandwich course at the City University. My sponsoring company was Standard Telephone and Cables (STC) at New Southgate. During the four years, when I was at the factory, I spent time in some of the following areas – the drawing office, the sheet metal shop and the printed board assembly area. Towards the end of the four years, I spent time in some of the development laboratories.

DC3 at Stansted
DC3 at Stansted

One of these areas was in developing radio altimeters. STC had its own Dakota (DC3) which was used to test the equipment and we flew from Stansted where the plane was based, sitting the equipment on one of the rear seats. On my first flight we flew out over the North Sea at about 1000 feet, just below some cumulus clouds. The heating was on and the tail of the aircraft was bobbing up and down in the disturbed air below the clouds: virtually all of us engineers on board had to visit the ‘little room’ at the rear of the aircraft, to relieve the discomfort in our stomachs!
(Did the CAA know about this?)

Radio altimeter equipment
Radio altimeter equipment

After gaining my BSc in Electrical Engineering I spent a further year with STC as an engineer. The laboratory I was in was developing error correction circuits for teleprinter signals sent over HF radio links. The teleprinter code consisted of five bits. (This evolved from a code proposed by Baudot and eventually became the International Telegraph Alphabet No 2 (ITA2)). The signal from an HF link would introduce errors in the teleprinter information in terms of the bit values of a hole or space being changed, so to provide error correction, five parity bits were added to the original five code bits and sent over the link. The error correction circuitry could correct a single bit error and detect multiple bit errors. There were no microprocessors in those days so the system used integrated circuits. So began my introduction to a career in electronics and avionics that lead to a ‘tour of duty’ with Marconi.

At this stage of my career I had the idea of becoming a lecturer in a college or university so I tried to gain a research or higher degree. With a grant from the Science Research Council I joined the University of Surrey at Guildford. My research in solid state physics was carried out at Aldermaston. Firstly I investigated doping semiconductors by using ion implantation, then I looked at secondary electron emission. This research didn’t lead to a higher degree however so I decided to return to working in industry. Prior to joining the GEC group of companies I was working for RS Components (formerly Radio Spares) in the city. Having married in this period we had moved to Chelmsford when our first child was born. As I didn’t see much of my son due to the commuting I decided to try and gain a local job. At that time Chelmsford was almost known as Marconiville with many Marconi or GEC companies located in it. I didn’t manage to get a post in any of the Chelmsford companies: however I did land a job with Marconi Elliot Avionics Systems Ltd at Basildon. (I always called it Measles!)

So I started at Basildon in the Design Quality Assurance group in the Airadio laboratory in A Building. I remember Bert Holmes was one of the senior team members in this group. One of the first pieces of equipment that I worked on was the AD130. This was used in the Maritime Nimrod aircraft, and I was involved in the environmental tests on this and carrying out the reliability predictions for it. (These reliability predictions used a computer at the Research Laboratories at Great Baddow. The information was sent from Basildon via a teleprinter link. This took me back in remembering my time at STC on the error correction equipment).

Presentation by GEC of Silver Medal. L to R Alan Maycocke; Doug Farthing ??; Graham Marriott; Sue Marriott.
Presentation by GEC of Silver Medal.
L to R Alan Maycocke; Doug Farthing ??; Graham Marriott; Sue Marriott.

Airadio also put me on a course to gain a City & Guilds in Quality Control. The course was held in Chelmsford at Marconi College and the course tutor was Alan Maycocke from Thurrock College. One of his students had been the top exam student winning the silver medal for the past few years. The rest of the class must have thought I looked intelligent as they turned to me and said, ‘go for it Graham’! So I did and I won the Silver Medal, and a cement company and a group of small trade unions gave me monetary prizes for winning. GEC also gave me a small monetary prize as well. I used these monetary prizes towards purchasing my first 12 string guitar which I still have. (Photo – Presentation by GEC of Silver Medal. From left Alan Maycocke; someone causing some perplexity – Graham thought it was Doug Farthing, but others disagree – can anyone put a name to this face please; Graham Marriott; Sue Marriott)

When I joined Airadio I was given the option of transferring to development, so I joined one of the development teams. During my time in development I did some preliminary work towards the Merlin helicopter avionics and a control unit for the radios in the Gazelle helicopter. Whilst working on this project I managed to cadge a flight in a Gazelle from Middle Wallop, during which I had a wonderful view of Salisbury Cathedral and the amazingly large grass airfield of Middle Wallop.

I then decided it would be great to work nearer to home and transferred to Marconi Radar at Chelmsford working under Brian Partridge. My section was responsible for the design and development of the large raster PPI displays for primary radar.  I then worked in the project management team on the Bacchus project: this was a defence radar for Yugoslavia.  It was interesting to reflect that when the Bosnia conflict arose I am sure the first thing the RAF did was to take out this defence radar.  I sensed that contracts and work were running down at that time at Marconi Radars, so, like a ‘bad penny’ I returned to Basildon!

However this time I was recruited to the IT section in the Airadio Development laboratory rather than the development side. This involved looking after the Banyan Vines network that provided the inter-connection for all the PCs. In addition it involved looking after the Sun Solaris UNIX workstations. At that time PCs were so weak in terms of processing power that design work was done on the more powerful UNIX machines. During this time GEC sent me on quite a few courses. One was a Sun Solaris UNIX course which helped me on the next and final stage in my career. But I remember Don West who ran Airadio development asking me one day whether I was very busy at the moment. When I said that I wasn’t too heavily loaded, he put me on a ‘Compelling Presentation Course’. This taught one how to speak and use visual aids, but I never did use this for Marconi. However I like to think that has helped me in my preaching over the years in various churches. Well, I haven’t seen anyone nod off to sleep yet, so I must have picked up something from this course!

But with my UNIX and network skills, late in my career, I gained a job in Addison Wesley Longman at Harlow, who are part of the Pearson group of companies. Pearson is one of the largest publishing companies in the world, operating mainly in the educational field. They own the Financial Times and Penguin books amongst their many brands and titles. Working for a succh a company was very different to Marconi, particularly the flavour of the old Wireless Telegraph company days. The Pearson building was a modern five storey building, with, on the ground floor, a café open all day serving food, hot drinks and even alcohol! When I worked in development in Airadio at Basildon it consisted predominately of me. However in Pearson there were an equal number of men and women. Publishing also had a very different feel and atmosphere to an engineering company like Marconi.

Pearson primarily recruited me for my UNIX knowledge. However they began to phase out their UNIX systems and go over to Microsoft NT servers instead. So I was trained in networking skills based on Cisco routers and switches. In addition I also helped administer the Checkpoint firewall and the telephone system for the building. This period with them complemented my engineering knowledge gained with the Marconi companies, giving me a quite extensive knowledge of PCs and particularly networking. This proves invaluable in sorting out my broadband problems and those of my family and friends!

Airadio Ramblers in August 2014. L to R; Derek Juniper; John Little; Dave Neylon; John Rendell; Len Briggs; Mike Hopper; Mike Rowe.
Airadio Ramblers in August 2014.
L to R; Derek Juniper; John Little; Dave Neylon; John Rendell; Len Briggs; Mike Hopper; Mike Rowe.

Having retired I have renewed my association with Marconi as I now go out walking with a small group of men from the Airadio Division of Marconi at Basildon. (We call ourselves the Airadio Ramblers). Every two weeks we go out into the Essex countryside or sometimes into Suffolk. Our walks vary on average between nine to twelve miles. It is great walking with the Airadio Ramblers not just for the walking but as a reminder of my time in the Marconi companies, particularly in the Airadio Division at Basildon. It was through this group that I was encouraged to join the Marconi Veterans Association.

Page7-KeithThomasToolboxInUse-compositeASome time ago, prompted by a thread of the recollections of former Apprentice Training Centre trainees that ran over three or four bulletins on the MOGS forum (some of them were reproduced in the 2011 edition of the newsletter) a request was made to MOGS and to David Samways’ Marconi Old Fellows website for a photograph of the legendary Marconi Toolbox showing it still in daily use some 50 years or more after manufacture in the Apprentice Training Centre. Keith Thomas down in Oz got in touch recently and sent these two photographs. He says: “I had intended responding at the time but then forgot about it. Today, I was reminded again when servicing my recent restoration of a 1958 Triumph motorcycle and made sure that I didn’t forget for a second time!”

John M Brown

Ascension Island, South Atlantic. Showing the desolate  terrain of the satellite communications site.
Ascension Island, South Atlantic.
Showing the desolate terrain of the satellite communications site.

In 1965, I was Chief of Systems in Bill Quill’s Special Projects Group, Radar Division, New Street: our principal focus at the time was compiling the company’s technical and commercial input to the Hughes International Consortium bid for the £110M Project, NADGE (NATO Air Defence Ground Environment). The consortium had its offices in Paris (where NATO was at that time), so all of us were travelling regularly to Paris for meetings. Our Divisional Manager was Dr Tom Straker, who also had been following with interest the progress being made with communication satellites operating in synchronous orbit, pointing the way to global communications. Many readers will recall the design and development of the three SCAT (Satellite Communication Air-Transportable stations) for UK MoD, project-managed by Alec Kravis, which had to operate with random-orbit satellites, and were built around this time.

Although Dr Straker knew I was heavily involved with the NADGE bid, he tasked me to seek out any openings for the company in this possible new market of satellite communication ground stations, having already participated in some of the military study work carried out by the Baddow Research Laboratories, Hughes, and British Aircraft Corporation, which ultimately led to the UK’s SKYNET, and to Marconi’s provision of the central ground station at RAF Oakhanger, Hampshire.

I had visited Dick Cannon, Cable & Wireless’ Deputy Engineer-in Chief, during July to see if they were contemplating becoming Earth Station operators; however, their board had considered that it was too early at present. A month later, on a Friday afternoon, Dr Straker received a telephone call from its Managing Director to tell him that NASA had asked them to provide an Earth Station on Ascension Island urgently, as part of the Apollo ‘man on the moon’ project. Bids were being invited, and the tendering time would be only three weeks. An initial meeting was held on the Saturday morning, and Dr Straker tasked me to be responsible for co-ordinating the Company’s tender; the technical documentation would be available on the Monday. Having distributed this to the key engineers, I went across to Bridge Works, the company’s printing plant to see Peter Bass, the Superintendent. As always, Peter was most helpful and agreed to accept the tight timescale, even though he was as busy as ever. I held the first meeting on the Tuesday: everybody was enthusiastic, and appreciated the importance of winning this prestigious contract.Our principal competitor was likely to be World Satellite Terminals, a consortium set up by GEC, AEI, Plessey, and STC. The next two and a half weeks were hectic, but the material flowed in and was passed through to Peter Bass, after editing by me. The cost estimates started to come together as well, as the designers settled on their preferred plans. I delivered the twelve sets of tender documents to Mercury House before the deadline of noon on 9 September, 1965. After Cable & Wireless’ scrutiny of the bids, including clarification meetings, a month later we received the momentous news that Marconi’s had won the contract. At his own personal expense, Dr Straker held a ‘thank you’ lunch at Marconi College, and invited everyone who had contributed to the successful bid, including Peter Bass who had printed the entire document


The jetty at Georgetown where all the equipment was brought ashore.
The jetty at Georgetown where all the equipment was brought ashore.

The Marconi design was for a 42 ft parabolic reflector, fully steerable in both azimuth and elevation, mounted on a 15ft tripod gantry (the turntable and gantry being similar to those supplied to NATO for the Early Warning Chain). Because of the need for high reliability, the transmitters and receivers were duplicated. The shortness of the timescale and the remoteness of Ascension Island necessitated careful planning of the project between the equipment designers, the manufacturing organization, the installation planners, and Cable & Wireless Chief Architect’s Department who were responsible for the buildings, antenna foundations, and main power supply. Within Marconi, a special management team was formed, under Iain Butler, with overall responsibility for the complete project. As well as the Marconi factories, English Electric Accrington made a major manufacturing contribution to the project. Some idea of the achievements in production can be gauged by the fact that the entire station was put together for the first time at Rivenhall, seven months after the start of the project. This trial run proved invaluable since any snags could be cleared by the design engineers on the spot. Customer confidence was also established when the new station communicated through Early Bird, specially released to the Company on two occasions. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh also came to see the installation during tests.

The last petals going up to complete the dish in 1966. In the picture are Don Reed; David Oliver; Dick Muir.
The last petals going up to complete the dish in 1966.
In the picture are Don Reed; David Oliver; Dick Muir.

At the end of July 1966 the installation, having competed testing satisfactorily, was dismantled, carefully packed and crated and transported by a chartered ship from Harwich to Georgetown, Ascension Island. In early August a team of engineers departed from England for the island by a special charter flight to be ready to receive the equipment on its arrival. The speedy re-erection of the station was assisted by all the interconnecting cables between the antenna structure and the operations building being able to be dropped straight into prepared ducts, thereby eliminating the need to re-terminate cables, with all the inherent chances of faulty joints.

Completed earth station June 1967. Picture by Richard Raikes, company Publicity Manager.
Completed earth station June 1967.
Picture by Richard Raikes, company Publicity Manager.

The station was satisfactorily commissioned and operationally demonstrated to Cable & Wireless using Early Bird, and handed over on 19 September, 1966, just eleven months from the commencement of the project. Thanks to the full steering capability of the antenna, the station was the first to lock-on, track, and communicate using the errant INTELSAT II Pacific satellite which had failed to achieve synchronous orbit, and was following a 12-hour elliptical orbit. Clear speech was transmitted from Ascension to Andover, Maine using the satellite. Perhaps the most significant achievement for the UK was that the Ascension Island station was the first to become operational in the Apollo network, although it was the last station to receive a contract to proceed.

Right, in June 1967, this photo of the completed satellite communications earth station on Ascension Island was taken by Richard Raikes, then the company’s Publicity Manager, when in Ascension on the C&W visit.

Jim Cole

This photograph was taken around 1935 at Cable & Wireless headquarters on the Victoria Embankment. At the time, C&W were the Marconi parent Company. The engineer operating the scanning equipment is my late father, AW Cole, who much later became Manager of MWT’s Communications Division. He had joined the Marconi Company in 1920, direct from school aged 14 as a telegraph messenger. He obtained technical qualifications through study at evening classes, and courses at Marconi College, and was appointed to the technical staff in 1927.

Pictures by Wireless A W Cole operating the scanning equipment ca 1935
Pictures by Wireless
A W Cole operating the scanning equipment ca 1935

He became involved in developing the technology for the commercial transmission of pictures by wireless between the USA and the UK. This required collaboration with RCA, and visits to New York sailing across the Atlantic on the Queen Mary.

The system involved a scanner. The picture to be transmitted was wound round a drum, driven at 60 rpm by a motor, and a photocell mounted on a scanner head and driven the length of the drum by a lead screw. Reception was achieved by using the same system in reverse to expose a photographic film.
Early photographs, just black and white, were ill defined, but quite soon the pictures were good enough to be reproduced in newspapers, with the credit ‘pictures by wireless’.

Since the only other practical method of getting pictures across the Atlantic was by ocean liner, taking 2 to 3 days, ‘pictures by wireless’ was a major innovation.
I think it is uncanny to reflect that, now, many of us have our own scanners and printers at home, and we can send and receive pictures (colour pictures even) to and from all over the world.

The 78th annual Veterans Reunion took place on the 5th April 2014. Our President at the reunion and for the past year has been Mike Thornton. The Guest of Honour was Ray Hagger, formerly with Shell Mex and BP, subsequently a specialised training organisation and also a Pensions Liaison representative.

The toast to the President was proposed by MVA Chairman Peter Turrall MBE. In his introductory remarks he noted that Mike joined MWT in 1956 and has served in a variety of roles in Airadio at Basildon, travelling widely on company business initially in product support and then progressing through sales, marketing and divisional managerial roles, culminating in the position of managing director of Basildon site. He retired from that position having served the company for 39 years.

In responding to the toast, Mike Thornton opened by saying it was somewhat difficult to know where to start his address, but he knew he had only seven minutes and thirty seconds to deliver it!

He reflected on the evolution of the avionics capability with the Marconi Companies over the years. In the early 50s and 60s Airadio Division achieved much success in the development and marketing of Doppler navigation systems, initially classified projects for the UK military, and radio navigation and communication equipments, at a time when the divisional capability was split geographically: engineering and product support based at Writtle in a collection of wooden huts (one of them the original 1922 2MT hut), divisional management, contracts and commercial departments at New Street and production at the Skating Rink in Chelmsford. This configuration continued through the fifties until new buildings were completed at Basildon when the full divisional team could be brought together as Airadio Division.

The products were widely installed on many aircraft, both at home and overseas. They were among the first systems in the world to use transistors in the aircraft environment, and formed the basis of a radio guidance system for the world’s first blind landing installations on the Trident and VC10 aircraft of BEA and BOAC. An exciting period with the development of new aircraft and the introduction of jet engines, and the challenges for aircraft radio installations that these entailed. New concepts brought their own problems to be solved. Many test flights were undertaken during this period by both development and product support engineers to ensure that optimum performance was achieved. Exciting yes, but hitting an 11,000 volt overhead cable at 40 feet with the rotor blade of a Westland helicopter whilst testing a Doppler system can be just a little too exciting!

In 1960 the move of the whole team to a new purpose-built facility at Basildon was completed. The management structure remained unchanged, with the divisional manager reporting to the MWT Managing Director, the division continuing to use many of the MWT central facilities at Chelmsford. This situation lasted until 1967, when, in very short order, English Electric bought Elliott Brothers (with its own well established avionics business), then GEC bought that new group including Marconi’s from English Electric. In two years the avionics business was reporing to the Elliott Bros headquarters at Rochester, within a new company Marconi-Elliott Avionics under MD Wally Patterson. Over these years the day-to-day liaison between Basildon and New Street virtually disappeared.
The defence market brought challenges from increased overseas competition. To meet it the total GEC-Marconi expertise had to be concentrated on new technology, for both ground and airborne systems. But before this policy could be implemented GEC sold the defence business to BAE systems, and the Basildon divisions were included in that sale.

The electro-optical divisions were by this time contracted to supply thermal imaging systems to UK and US defence services, the total Basildon business was almost totally defence-oriented and the sale to BAE was probably a wise move. As we now know, that business was then sold by BAE to Finmeccanica whose affiliate UK company Selex ES employs over 4000 people in the UK and whose headquarters in the UK are based at Basildon. They fully acknowledge their success is related to their Marconi history.

The Chairman then introduced the Guest of Honour Ray Hagger, a long-standing friend of our President. From the early 1970s he worked in the UK for Shell Mex and BP, in the marketing arm of Shell, mainly in commercial and industrial sales, principally in retail, especially marketing and project management, culminating as Head of Retail Management Training. After leaving Shell he worked with a specialised training organisation delivering a staff/management communication package to HMRC before finally renewing the connection with Shell as a Pensions Liaison representative.

Ray Hagger developed the theme of the Communications Revolution. Mobile phones and other hand-held electronic devices – e-readers, iPods, iPads – that enable world-wide personal communications, teleconferencing, the operation of social media services like Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and then online shopping and so on – these would have been unthinkable back in the ‘40s. They have brought about a more informed and open global society. Space exploration has enabled this – consider its impossibility of these examples without satellites, GPS etc. One current instance – the Rosetta spacecraft mission to put the lander Philae on the surface of comet 67P – highlights the essential role of radio communictions in all of this, the brainchild of Guglielmo Marconi, the immigrant entrepreneur, whose belief, tenacity, and passion for scientific discovery made imagination into reality. A true Champion of Science.

These are heavily edited versions of the speeches, the full texts of which can now be found on the MVA website. Ed

David Whiting

Marconi hostel Brooklands 1960 From left back row, sixth Peter Whitnall; seventh Quinton Bullard; ninth Brian Bolton. Second row: first John Everett. Third row:  seventh Martin Bates; eighth David Whiting. Front row: third Ron Farrell
Marconi hostel Brooklands 1960
From left back row: sixth Peter Whitnall; seventh Quinton Bullard; ninth Brian Bolton.
Second row: first John Everett.
Third row: seventh Martin Bates; eighth David Whiting.
Front row: third Ron Farrell

I shared a flat in a very nice house on Danbury Common with Pete Whitnall, Quinton Bullard, Brian Bolton, John Everett and Martin Bates, they all, and Ron Farrell, came to my wedding in ‘63. Ed.

While searching a possible Grundy relative I fell on your internet site: which refers to an editorial note under the article by Cyril Taylor about his RAF Yatesbury days – see page 14 of the 2012 newsletter. That paragraph reads:

“Another coincidence.  After the time when Cyril Taylor was testing AD107s at New Street, I was servicing AD107/114s from our Comet 4s in the Radio Servicing Section at RAF Watton in Norfolk.  I can also remember having a visitation from two Marconi Field Support engineers (I later found out they were Eddie Ratcliffe and Phil Flowerday) whilst I was in one of the aircraft, out on the airfield, investigating a problem of tripping supply circuit breakers on the system. It transpired that the diameter of the trunking installed for the cooling air supply was inadequate.”

After leaving school I had wanted to join the RAF and fly as both my father and stepfather had done. P/O JM Whiting, my father, was killed with his crew when their Lancaster from 630 Squadron was shot down over Denmark returning from dropping sea mines in Kiel Bay on the night of 21-22 May 1944. Following the telegram that the Lancaster was missing, my mother later wrote to the recently retired Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding in the hope that he might have avenues of research to discover the fate of my father. They met to discuss the matter, and later on they married. Hugh Dowding bought me up during my school days. However, the prospects of flying with the RAF were not for me, as I’m colour-blind, so Dad said he had contacts with Ferranti in Scotland and the Bristol Aeroplane Co in Filton. Scotland seemed a very long way from our home in Tunbridge Wells, so I went to Bristol in 1957 to start a 5-year apprenticeship. In around late 1959-60 I transferred to Marconi Chelmsford to specialise in electronics, staying first at the Marconi student hostel. On completion of my training I was offered a staff position with the Aeronautical Division, Basildon, in preparation to be the resident engineer at London Heathrow airport for the introduction of the AD2300 and later the AD560 Doppler navigation systems. (See

Dummy shot of DW putting an AD560 unit into a Boeing 707.  In reality the unit was accessed from the freight bay on the starboard side under the galley.
Dummy shot of DW putting an AD560 unit into a Boeing 707. In reality the unit was accessed from the freight bay on the starboard side under the galley.

The workshop manager at Heathrow was Jo Grundy, who lived near Croydon. My paternal great-grandmother was a Grundy I have recently discovered. The other resident engineer was Phil Flowerday. He left and went to work with Cossor Electronics I think in the late 1960s.

I wonder if you have any contacts with Marconi people who were based at Heathrow around 1963?

David Speake died during preparation of the last newsletter so it was not possible to do him justice. The following is an edited version of the tribute paid at his memorial service in Shenfield by Laurence Clarke, a former Marconi colleague.

David Speake
David Speake

Reflections on David’s professional life remind me of that of my father, who also lived into his 90s after a long research career and was to me a beacon of wisdom. David often reminded me of him when I was in difficult situations. Speaking at a Memorial Service so long after the professionally active time inevitably stretches the memory.

David had a long and productive professional life – so long that it is not really possible for one person to speak of it from beginning to end. His early work after the services in the war, running a physics group at Marconi Research before moving to research management, is unknown to me. Talking with one of his few remaining colleague of the time I learned that he already showed the helpfulness and understanding which I think characterised his life. From personal knowledge I can only cover the last 47 years since English Electric took over Elliott Automation shortly followed by the major revision of the UK electrical industry by GEC. These events brought us to work alongside each other in a number of ways. It means that I cannot refer to individual professional projects where David was successful. However I suspect that his more significant contribution to the field of electronics came from the way that he managed the transition from the world of Marconi to that of GEC, not only at Baddow but in the group as a whole.

David was a gentleman, in every sense of the word, who found himself thrust into the rather brutal business world of Arnold Weinstock – so very different from the steady, conservative and dare one say, comfortable, control of Lord Nelson and Bob Telford. He was running a major and well respected Research Laboratory at Baddow and as the Marconi Technical Director, overseeing the work of Marconi as a whole – work which was, in many ways leading the world. However in the new GEC empire there were other groups with claims of competing, groundbreaking work and this must have made life very difficult. Each of those projects had their dedicated teams who genuinely thought that they were doing the ‘right’ thing, and fought vigorously to maintain their independence. David calmly met the challenge seeking the best, and most efficient ways forward to achieve the overall aims without, as far as I know, riding roughshod over any of the parties.

It was not only Arnold Weinstock who introduced a ‘brutal’ financial regime. Industry as a whole was being controlled far more by the accountants and by Stock Exchange reputations. The old hierarchical structures of privilege for the bosses were on the way out. Perhaps the most extreme example of this to which AW put a stop, was the case where a company’s Managing Director kept his dog under his desk in the office and under the table in the board’s private dining room (I hasten to add that this was not in a Marconi company,).

Computers, arising to a great extent from the code breaking efforts at Bletchley Park during World War II, began to cause a major disturbance to established ways of working. One only has to look around today to see that with the Internet, Facebook and Twitter, we were only at the very beginning of a revolution which would have a major effect on the lives of everyone and not just the electronics industry.
Not surprisingly all the major elements of the new GEC complex had seen this as a field in which they should take a share. In the public eye this seemed to be entirely concerned with stand-alone machines used for business purposes. The Weinstock exercise rapidly resulted in the many GEC bits being merged into the growing ICL

However the central part which computers and digital electronics would play in all GEC Marconi’s traditional fields was less acknowledged. Radar, Avionics, Battlefield and Naval Command and Control systems were all becoming increasingly dependent on computers of one sort or another – and in each of these fields GEC found itself with multiple activities in dispersed locations and again, each quite sure that they had the ‘right’ approach. David’s direction was again called for in resolving many of these situations.

This all took place more than 30 years ago and David’s retirement was on the horizon, but the government was recognising that the spread of R&D effort in the country – industry, universities and government laboratories – was inevitably counterproductive in competition with the USA and Japan, and should, if possible, be pulled together. A major collaborative venture, the Alvey Project, was formed with substantial funding from government matched by industrial contributions. Having assisted in the management of the project as the monitor on several projects, towards the end of the project in 1986, David became a member of the Steering Committee enabling him to bring to bear his experience of GEC overlaps and difficulties forming collaborations with particular reference to a possible follow-on project. He became the right hand man of Sir Austin Bide, then Chairman of Glaxo, the man charged with formulating proposals. Sadly a change of government meant that the spotlight had moved in other political directions, and that follow-on did not materialise.

So David steered a path from the almost pre-war environment of Marconi in the 1950s to a position well on the way to the digital world he left, exerting his calm consideration to all who needed help – a rare quality.

Michael Simpson, Tucson, Arizona, USA ( – 2 November 2014

Marconi Searchlights
Marconi Searchlights

I don’t know if it is appropriate to ask this of you, but I would like find information on two Marconi searchlights I have recently purchased. I am trying to restore these magnificent items, which seem to be prototypes produced at Leicester England. One of the boxes also references ‘LE McAllister Control Engineers’. You may follow the link below to see documentation of efforts so far to restore them to working condition: one was working briefly, but is no longer.

Please excuse me if I have submitted this request inappropriately but I would be ever so grateful for any assistance you could provide. I would like to ask if any of the Marconi Veterans remember this prototype project, and if they have any recollections about the history of the lights, their intended use, details of how and when they were manufactured, or any technical data about the project. I believe they may have been made around the late 1980s or the 1990s, but I am not sure.
Thank you kindly for taking time to read this request, and if you have any ideas about sources of information on these wonderful pieces of history, I would be most grateful.

Reply from MVA Secretary Barry Powell, 2 November 2014

These searchlights seem, from the markings, to have been made at the Leicester Factory of Marconi Radar Systems Ltd.  From the photographs, I can see a part number SS1573 for the starter – this would translate to a drawing number S-**-1573. If you could find a similar identity label for the entire assembly, it should give the type/drawing number. Otherwise, the drawing for the starter should have a ‘used on’ entry which would enable you to track up to the overall identity.

I would recommend that you contact The Bodleian Library in Oxford who now hold the Marconi Archives – contact is a Mr Michael Hughes –

Some information may still be held by BAE Insyte who are the current incarnation of Marconi Radar Systems and I am copying this reply to a member of our committee who works there, and we will post your enquiry on our website and publish it in our newsletter, forwarding any replies to you.
Best wishes for a successful project.

(There are numerous photos showing close-ups of the details of the lights and suggestions concerning possible uses on the referenced forum page.  A number of posts suggest a military aircraft application. Ed)

Alan ‘Matty’ Matthews MOGS posting, 27 July 2014

Prompted by recent mention in the forum of the possible origins of Air Commodore Ted ‘Daisy’ Sismore’s nickname (he died on 22 March 2012 – Telegraph obituary at is an excellent resumé of his life and achievements) Alan ‘Matty’ Matthews posted this on the MOGS forum on the 27th July 2014.

Air Commodore TesdSismore
Air Commodore Ted Sismore

I have probably told this story before, but sometime in the early seventies I went to the Paris Air Show from Southend in a 12-seater twin light aircraft with a group which included John Crispin (complete with red silk lined cloak), Barry France I think and Ted Sismore, who I did not know very well, but was my boss several levels up. I was in sales at a fairly junior level, but think I was probably taking Fred Kime’s place for some reason.

When we got into the plane Ted asked the young pilot if he would mind if he sat with him up front. “Fine” said the pilot, and off we went. But when we landed at an airfield near Paris, the pilot said to some of us: “Who was the old guy who sat with me on the way here – he seemed to know every church, road, bridge and other feature in France, and knew quite a bit about flying?”

So we said: “He was an RAF Air Commodore and had the reputation of being the best navigator in the RAF during the war and was also a top pilot with multiple DFCs.”

The pilot was horrified that his efforts had been seen by such an eminent flyer and asked if we could make sure Ted travelled in the back on the way home – though I am sure any of Ted’s comments, if any, would have been kind ones.

On the way back, in France, John Crispin stopped the bus and bought many cases of wine to take home and these were packed into the big boot at the front of the aircraft. It must have exceeded our duty free allowance many times over but John with his impressive scarlet lined cloak managed to convince the Customs men that the cargo was legitimate and we later shared ‘the spoils’.

Eric Walker, for all his Marconi career an Airadio man, died on the 19th December 2014.  The newsletter has carried two articles by him, one entitled ‘What’s the rate of exchange for kudos’ in the 2007 edition and ‘Life in the 50s and 60s at Writtle’ last year.  Two colleagues closely associated with him during his time, Ray Walls and John Rendell, have penned this appreciation of his career.

Eric Walker
Eric Walker

Eric Walker joined Marconi’s in September 1950 as a Graduate Apprentice. His apprenticeship involved time at sheet metal, the drawing office school, commercial offices and finally a five month course at the Marconi College in Chelmsford.

With this experience he was posted in September 1951 to the development activity of the Aeronautical Division at Writtle where he joined a section of some nine engineers led by Geoffrey Beck. The task of this section was to take the design of an airborne navigation equipment that had started at Marconi Research at Baddow, and bring it to production. The project, using Doppler principles, enabled an aircraft to determine its speed and thus position without the use of ground aids. It was classified Secret and was given the codename Green Satin. Eric worked on the tracker unit that analysed the returns from microwaves beamed to the ground.

Some later flight trials of the developed equipment were made in a Canberra aircraft at Warton aerodrome in 1955. Eric gave on-site support monitoring the equipment and the results.

In the 1960s he led a team in the development of a transistorised Doppler sensor that was designed specifically for military helicopters. Eric liaised closely with RRE Malvern who was effectively the Design Authority. The requirement was more complex in that the system had to work down to zero altitude and at hover speeds, forwards, backwards and sideways. It was fitted to the Royal Navy Wessex 3 and the German Navy Sea King helicopters.

Then, in 1978, the Airadio business was divided into two divisions: Airadio Products and Airadio Systems. Eric was appointed Manager of the Airadio Systems Division.

This division was established to manage the development, manufacture and procurement of a communications equipments intended for the AEW Nimrod aircraft. The comms system was required to provide the flight crew and onboard tactical systems operators with automated access to intercom facilities and the various radios necessary to fulfil their mission role. A full-scale aircraft cabin simulator was set up at Basildon to test and demonstrate the system. Portable ground stations were supplied to support flight trials of both communications and radar systems. This was a multi-facetted programme with complex contractual and technical working relationships with the customer, other GEC Marconi companies, major US based sub-contractors and BAE, the airframe manufacturer. Eric successfully managed this challenging programme and despite eventual cancellation of the overall project it was acknowledged that the communications system had met its design and performance goals.

Under Eric’s leadership Airadio Systems Division continued to prosper, with a series of contracts awarded for the supply of secure communications systems destined for installation in a wide range of RAF aircraft and Navy helicopters. All of this was accomplished at a time of ever changing government procurement policies and internal company restructuring. Despite these responsibilities Eric always managed to make time for his golfing, badminton and horticultural interests. Many working relationships were enhanced both within the company and with our customers by his enthusiasm for these activities.

Lady Betty Telford
Lady Betty Telford

It is with great regret that we announce the death of Lady Telford, better known to all of us as Betty, wife of our late Marconi Company chairman and former MVA President Sir Robert Telford. She died in hospital in early December following a short illness having broken her leg during a fall at home.

Many Marconi personnel attended her funeral at Rettendon Church on 15th December 2014 where many tributes were paid for her achievements and support of Sir Robert, her prowess in sporting activities and her ability in playing bridge.

Betty will be sorely missed as she was a loyal supporter of The Marconi Veterans Association.

We report the death of those Veterans notified to the secretary from the copy date of the last newsletter to the 31st January 2015 We extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

The death of all these Veterans has been reported at various times throughout the year on this website

FH Austin, RL Awcock, Mrs D Bateson, DG Beech, SC Beedie, J Bradley, HM Chandler, SC Church MBE, MJ Coombe, RE Cornhill, AS Dodd, GS Dunn, AV Forwood, PE Foulds, CJ Greenham, JK Gregory, RG Greygoose, DM Griffiths, PW Gurton, DE Hart, TF Heaton, PJ Humphrey, JA Jason, TH Kendall, RE King, AW Lamb, CG Marshall, Mrs FA Marshall, Mrs JR Mason, JW Milligan, JR Moody, PB Moore, J Nicol, CS Owen, E Pearson, ET Perkins, A Peters, Mrs C Pye, A Rayner, JC Ryley, GD Speake OBE, G Stevens, RF Taylor, Lady E Telford, TN Tisdall, RH Vanstone, JE Viles, EG Walker, RC Willis, RA Wood, V Wood, R Wray.



Newsletter 2014

Peter Turrall, MVA Chairman

Please click on the title Newsletter 2014 above to open the full document and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger version.

Over the last nine months considerable work by the owners Bellway Homes has taken place on the Marconi Communication Systems site at New Street Chelmsford. All of the factory building has been completely demolished as well as Building 720 (the one with the wavy roof) and also the four storey building of Marconi House. The latter was riddled with concrete cancer and there was no real possibility of this remaining without extensive and costly improvements. (The accompanying aerial view was taken on 5 May 2013 by Alan Batchelor, who worked with Ted Pegram on HF Radar during the 1980s. On that date Marconi House was still standing.)

The only remaining buildings are the power house and the water tower, the latter being camouflaged in WW2 to resemble a church. The developers have just submitted plans to Chelmsford City Council for extra windows and doors to be fitted to this building. Its future use is unknown: at one time there was the possibility of an arts centre being established here, but as far as we know this has not been confirmed.

The site where the factory and other buildings were situated is now full of machinery, very high piles of earth and deep holes filled with water. In due course building foundations will be installed but it does appear this is some way off.

Page1-marconi_5-5-13The front building, which has a preservation order on it, has been extensively improved, both externally and internally. The external appearance looks excellent and the gardens in front have been planted with miniature trees and other shrubs. This building will become the headquarters of the developers and already flags on our old flagpoles and other boards announcing future houses and buildings have been erected. It is hoped that the Marconi Veterans Association will be able to discuss at some future date the possibility of having some of our manufactured equipment on show within this complex, and also recording the work which was carried out here for over one hundred years.

The blue plaque which announced that Marconi the Father of Wireless had his factory on this site is still in place at the front of the building and small boards with photographs are there to advise the public of the work carried out and the importance of the industry in the City of Chelmsford.

Marconi Veterans’ Association will continue to have discussions with the developers in an effort to keep alive at the site the importance of the Marconi name, the place where the manufacture of some of the worlds finest electronic equipment occurred, and to recognise that this was the site of the first commercial broadcast by Dame Nellie Melba in the 1920s.

Not a lot of new material has come in over the last twelve months, so I’ve needed to call up two backlog items which both occupy two pages each. The backlog is now all but exhausted. Interesting and relevant photos are in also in short supply. Ideally, I should have a better mix of the shorter items, those of around 400 to 500 words in length, to leaven those long pieces, together with some pictures of course, so it’s up to you, fellow veterans.

One of the longer pieces, ‘Essex Clay’, is a beautiful piece of writing by someone who is not a Marconi Veteran. Sir Peter Stothard, a former editor of The Times from 1991 to 2002, is currently editor of the Times Literary Supplement. He is the son of Max Stothard, a well-known Baddow engineer: the family lived on the Rothmans Estate – the ‘Marconi patch’ – in Great Baddow during the 50s and 60s. The article, on page 10, is an extract from Peter Stothard’s memoir ‘On the Spartacus Road’ and describes his boyhood years on the Rothmans estate.
It was first published in Granta Issue 109, Winter 2009: Work. (

As in previous years, a number of letters are from correspondents seeking information about former colleagues, for research into their family history, or for the preparation of articles, books, etc. If no contact detail appears with the letter then please direct your reply or any correspondence for the enquirer to:

Barry Powell,
Secretary, Marconi Veterans’ Association,
22 Juliers Close,
Canvey Island,
Essex, SS8 7EP;
01268 696342;

or to the editor, Ken Earney, 01245 381235; email

Certain items in this issue, particularly on this and the next page, are responses to letters or articles appearing in the 2013 edition which have already been posted during the last eleven months on the website. There is thus an inevitable but necessary duplication catering for those Veterans who have no possibility, or wish, to use the internet.

Note that, to avoid unnecessary repetition of the Association’s name in full, the initials MVA have in places been used.

Finally, apologies to David Emery, VJ Bucknell and Eric Walker whose contributions should have appeared in last year’s edition.

Farnborough Air Show 1952

Eric Walker, 28th February 2012

The photograph on page 13 of the 2012 newsletter reminded Eric Walker of a similar visit two years earlier.

On 6 September 1952 my wife Ann and I boarded a coach full of Marconi people to go the Farnborough Air Show, which was then a yearly event. They were exciting meetings with many new aircraft on display for the first time. It was organized by the SBAC (Society of British Aircraft Constructors) and the RAE (Royal Aircraft Establishment). With so many new and experimental aircraft there were bound to be accidents.

In those days there was no ban on sonic booms and aircraft were allowed to fly over the masses of aircraft enthusiasts. To finish his display, John Derry flew his de Havilland DH110, a twin-engined fighter designed at Hatfield, straight and low at the crowd on the hill. The plane broke up into pieces, the fuselage fell onto the runway just short of the crowd barrier and the 2 engines ‘flew’ together, with a cloud of bits dropping off. I shouted out “He’s broken-up!” grabbed Ann and dropped to the ground. The engines flew over and crashed into the crowds behind us. Many were killed and more injured, including some Marconi people. We were unhurt, just shocked, as were many others. John Derry and his colleague Tony Richards perished. These things happen.

East Ham Palais de Danse

From Doug Paynter, 12 August 2013

I first became acquainted with the East Ham Palais de Danse when I started my secondary education at Wakefield Central School at the age of eleven. It was a large building with a magnificent sprung maple floor and ornate balcony. The main use of the building was as a dance hall although other activities took place. Next door to the Palais was the Congregational Church and one of my memories is of those far of days when as a teenage church enthusiast, I was privileged to take an afternoon service from the pulpit. I can remember the vicar finishing his sermon and I had to announce the next hymn. At that moment the band next door (Sydney Anderson?) started to play ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ as sung by Judy Garland in the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’. My foot was tapping to the foxtrot when I found myself initiating the hymn and the organ sprang into life, completely drowning the music next door. At the time I was not sure this was an improvement! Other events that took place at the Palais included marathon dances when couples competed for the longest survival. This was featured in a film starring Jane Fonda called ‘They shoot horses don’t they?’

On the outbreak of war I left the district. In 1956 I was recruited by Sir Eric Eastwood to join Marconi Research at Great Baddow. During my early days at Baddow I had to visit Marconi Marine at East Ham and on arrival I was amazed to find it was situated in the old Palais de Danse which was exactly as I remember it, the dance floor appeared to be unchanged, the balcony still ornate with red velvet pillars but used as a store for marine comms equipment.

The Established Designs Group Xmas Dinner 1964

From VJ Bucknell, March 2012

This letter provides further information about some of the missing names in the caption to the photo on page 11 of the 2011 edition.

Mike Southall is sitting on the left-hand side of the table, and is the 4th person along from the left (ignoring R Rodwell). Sitting next to him is a lady who was a draughtswoman in the DO (sorry, I’ve forgotten her name). Next to her I believe is Les Saunders. Bill Garvey is in the front of the picture next to our secretary Carole. The surname of the person seated to her left was I believe Chowdri. He was attached to Established Designs for a short while. I recognise many of the other faces but their names have left me.

Leonard Whitworth Stephenson

From K Douglas, Montreal Canada, August 2013 and amended January 2014

I was delighted to learn on-line of your association and to see mention of a distant relative, Leonard Whitworth Stephenson (1881-1970), amongst the list of deceased veterans.

As part of my family research, I have been particularly intrigued by LW’s immigration to Canada.  A passenger list indicates that an LW Stephenson left Liverpool for Montreal on 14 June 1907, and I do think that this must be Leonard Whitworth, though no age or occupation is given.  Information links him first possibly with Marconi in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and then to the West Coast by 1912, and then, working as a government engineer, helping to establish various coastal wireless stations. He apparently retired in 1945. The last record I had found of him in England was his listing in the 1901 Census as a 19-year-old electrician, boarding in Chelmsford.

Do you hold records about individuals? And, if LW Stephenson belonged to your association, might there be any mention of his participation? (Incidentally, he seems to have visited Britain in 1919, marrying in 1922 in Victoria, BC)

The secretary replied:

The 1904 date in our records relates to the date of joining a company within the Marconi family. To qualify as a Veteran at that time, he would have had to serve for 25 years or more so would have been employed up to 1929 or beyond.

The only other information that we have is that his entry in the register was last amended in 1992 – this is usually when we are advised of a Veteran’s passing (it is quite common for this to be several years later).

There may well be service records within the Marconi Archives which are now held by the Bodleian Library under the care of Mr Michael Hughes. I would suggest that you email your request to Mr Hughes at – we have generally found him to be very helpful.

Mrs Douglas replied:

Curiously (with reference to the 25 year requirement for Veterans) from my research so far, I have found LW listed as a Canadian Federal government employee in ‘Sessional Papers for the First Session of the Twelfth Parliament of the Dominion of Canada’, 1911-1912 (on-line). He worked for Wireless Stations/Building & Maintenance’, as ‘engineer, salary, 3 m to March 31st at $125’. I’ve also found him mentioned in similar but full-time employment in 1925 and 1926, I hope to consult further such records in our National Archives in Ottawa later this month.

There are, however, gaps for LW in the Victoria Directories and Voter’s lists, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, so perhaps LW, having retired from government work in 1945, left Victoria and did further work for Marconi at that time…

Hopefully I shall learn more as I look at other resources, and look forward to seeing your up coming newsletter.

Marconi Football Club in the 60s

From David Emery, 4 March 2012

I believe I know the identity of one of the unknown men in the second Marconi Football Club photograph (page 15, 2012 newsletter). Standing at the back with jacket and tie, third from the left, is my grandfather Reg Turner.

He joined the company in 1929 and initially worked in stores at New Street. He later worked in planning, progress, at Rivenhall (where he was superintendent), Widford and finally again at New Street as an invoice clerk with E Buck. He left on 21 November 1975. I think he was associated with the Sports and Social Club, which may explain why he appears in the photograph.

Little did I know that many years later I would follow in his footsteps when I started work at what was then Marconi Radar at Eastwood House in 1996.
I also have a question to ask – does anyone know when the fish first appeared in the cooling pond beside Marconi Road in the New Street works? Despite all the sad decay, the fish are still alive – I saw them only last week. They may be the only occupants to celebrate 100 years of the site.

That was nearly two years ago. Now, in January 2014, the cooling pond is no more.

David also sent in an enquiry via the website last March concerning any possible Marconi connection with an ex-RAF comms site on the East Yorkshire coast. The query was largely answered for him by information to be found on the Airfield Information Exchange website, see below, but if any Veteran can throw any more light on the topic he would be pleased to hear from you. (You will need to register with Airfield Information Exchange if you wish to view images or post messages there.)

Lund, East Yorkshire – email 16 March 2013

Do any Veterans know if the Marconi Company had a link with a wireless telegraph station at Lund, East Yorkshire? It is shown on mid-20th century OS maps, but the masts had probably been removed by the 1970s. A single storey building remained until fairly recently. The locals apparently refer to it as the ‘old Marconi station’.

Some Churchillian put-downs

“He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.”

“I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one.” – George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

“Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second … if there is one.” – Winston Churchill, in response.

And welcome to 2014.

We took it easy in 2013 as my wife was still not 100%.  Then at the end of the year, we decided to upgrade our caravan to a newer, larger and better appointed one – so that’s the bulk of our holidays sorted for the next 15 years or so.  It’s still at Cromer, luckily clear of the areas that were severely damaged in December last year.

With regard to the subscription, we are pleased to maintain the rate at £6.00 per annum but, regrettably due to increased costs, we must raise the cover price for the reunion to £24.00. I am sure that you will agree that this is still excellent value for a four course meal with tea/coffee and wine.

Please note that the date of the Reunion is Saturday 5th April where our President will be Veteran Mike Thornton who for many years was with Marconi’s Aeronautical Division at Basildon. He retired from the position as Managing Director in 1994 after over 39 years service with the Company. The Guest of Honour will be Mr Ray Hagger who for many years was with Shell Mex and BP, mainly involved with retail marketing. On leaving Shell he joined a specialised training organisation and later became involved as a Pensions Liaison representative.

2014 is the centenary of the start of World War 1 and the involvement by Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company in the manufacture of electronic equipment for the armed forces through the War Department will be commemorated in the design of the coaster.

This will be the second reunion to be held at the new Club premises so there should only be some minor changes to the arrangements in the light of last year.

With regard to the name tags, there were a few problems with sending them to you but otherwise I was pleased with their reception. This year, we will produce the name tags on A4 sheets which will be at the merchandise table so you can collect your label as you enter the hall. When you order your ticket, please indicate in the box provided how you would like your tag to read. The default will be to print your name as it appears on the first line of your address label.

It is probably appropriate to say a few words about the reunion to dispel any concerns that a first time attendee may have. When you complete the application form, just tick the box requesting a ticket and indicate at which company table you would like to sit. If you have special dietary requirements (vegetarian, gluten free, halal etc.) please mention it in the space provided. We can cope with most needs – if you are not sure, please ring me. By return, well almost, you will receive your ticket.

The hall opens at 11.00am when the bar will be open and you can collect your name tag and reserve your seat at a table. We do not allocate actual places at table but only use the information from the application forms to ensure that there are sufficient places for each of the companies. If you wish to sit with a particular person or group, arrange with them to reserve a suitable number of places on a table (there are 10 places at each table) for the appropriate company. I am happy to advise you who is attending/usually attends and help you contact them. You can now relax and enjoy the reunion until lunch is served. On one of the tables there will be books containing messages from Veterans unable to attend and a list of those Veterans who have passed away since the last reunion.

If you have requested a special meal, I would urge you to arrive as early as possible, reserve your place and then let me know where you are sitting – I will be the one with a harassed expression carrying a clipboard – as I have to let the caterers know where to deliver them by 12 noon.

You will be asked to take your seats at around 12.45pm and, shortly after, the top table (including the President and Guest) take their places. On your table, for each person, there will be a commemorative coaster, menu, list of attendees and the papers for the AGM (more later). There will also be an envelope containing a strip of raffle tickets for which we would request £1.00 – someone will be around to collect this during the meal.

After a minute’s silence in memory of our founder, Guglielmo Marconi, and the grace, the meal is served. During the meal, there will be a few toasts as our President celebrates his year with parts of the Marconi organisation that have a special meaning to him.

At the end of the meal Veteran Valerie Cleare will pass on some messages from Veterans unable to attend and then the speeches start. There are only three – an introduction of the President, the President and his Guest. They are usually light-hearted and last around 5 minutes each. We have received a few comments about Veterans carrying on individual conversations during the speeches. Please refrain from this as it is very discourteous to the speaker and distracting for other Veterans. Together with a few toasts this takes us to around 3.45pm when there is a short break.

At 4.00pm the AGM commences. This usually lasts for only a few minutes and is followed by the raffle which concludes the programme for the afternoon and leaves you free to carry on the reunion.

If you have any questions, please give me a ring.

Apologies for the above to the many who regularly attend but we have had quite a few comments from Veterans saying that they would come but feared having to sit on a table with nobody they knew or having to sit through interminable speeches – if you know anyone like this, please put them right and encourage them to attend.

If you know of ex-Marconi employees who do not receive the news-letter please urge them to contact me as soon as possible. It may be that they have moved or not replied to a confirmation request of a few years ago or that they left with 21 to 24 years service and have now become Veterans by virtue of the reduction in service requirement to 21 years.

Page5-GeoffBowlesAThe ‘Friends of The Marconi Veterans’ Association’ has been set up to cater for anyone who does not qualify as a Veteran but wishes to be kept informed of things Marconi. Numbers are growing slowly with, currently, over 40 members, and any more would be welcome.

The three registers (the Main register, In Memoriam and Friends) are now published on the website so please have a look if you can and let me know of any errors.

Last year at the AGM we voted unanimously to award honorary life membership to Dr Geoff Bowles, curator of the Sandford Mill Industrial Museum, in acknowledgement of his efforts in maintaining the collection of Marconi equipment and memorabilia at Sandford Mill. At the museum open day on Saturday 27th April, International Marconi Day, I presented Geoff with a letter of confirmation, together with the association’s tie, lapel badge and 2013 Reunion coaster – see photo above.

Please note that I may be contacted at the address below. Finally, may I wish you all a very prosperous 2014 and hope to see as many of you as possible either at the reunion on 5th April or the next Open Day at Sandford Mill on Saturday 26th April (10.00am to 5.00pm).

One final note – the 2015 Reunion will be on Saturday 18th April.

Barry Powell,
Secretary, Marconi Veterans’ Association,
22 Juliers Close,
Canvey Island,
Essex, SS8 7EP
Phone: 01268 696342 (answerphone if we are out, please leave a message and I will ring you back)

In the Tuesday 28 January episode of this popular series, Michael Portillo visited Ransome’s works in Ipswich to hear about the production under licence of the first ever grass mowing machine designed by Edwin Budding, the Colne estuary to meet Graham Larkin of the Colchester Oyster Fishery operation, the Hole in the Wall pub in Colchester, Alderman Mechi’s experimental farm at Tiptree Hall (which is now a Wilkin & Sons farm) and Wilkin’s jam factory, then finally to Chelmsford to investigate some of our Marconi heritage.

Page5-PeterWatkins2In the 1912 New Street building he first met Geoff Bowles who explained how Marconi was the first to successfully transmit and receive over distances of several hundred metres because he, unlike the other experimenters in the field, employed an aerial and an earth connection to his apparatus: the first ever sound broadcast – readings from Bradshaw’s railway timetables and how the celebrated broadcast of Dame Nellie Melba from the Chelmsford works in 1920 sparked off the popular demand for entertainment broadcasting. Clad in the signature salmon pink jacket and green shirt Michael Portillo then went to the Sandford Mill museum to talk about the maritime applications of wireless, in particular its importance for the safety of ships at sea, with Peter Watkins, a former Marconi Marine radio officer who, as a volunteer at the museum, has been actively involved in the recreation of a working ship’s radio room and with the mounting of displays of the Walters collection of ships’ radio equipments. Peter Watkins invited him to try his hand at Morse communication – he had to admit that his keying speed wouldn’t cut the mustard.

The photo shows Peter Watkins in the radio room with, no, not Michael Portillo but the late Charles Shelton, G0GJS, of Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society. (I intended to use a screen shot from the morse-keying sequence from the programme here, but Getty Images’ licence fee said otherwise! Ed)

An appeal from Alan Hartley-Smith in the MOGS forum on 30 August 2012 for a list of supervisors at the Apprentice Training Centre in Chelmsford released a flood of reminiscences. What follows is a sample of them.

David Samways

I can only remember Joe Hillman who was there in 1957 when I started. Every lunchtime he used to have his sandwiches then lie down under his table and go to sleep for 30 minutes. That gave him the energy to berate us in the afternoons.

Jim Butterworth

I couldn’t remember the name, but the ATC supervisor still had his forty winks every lunchtime when I was there in late 1958. It was a steep learning curve for us apprentices – from 12 years at a school desk to workplace. I remember the Colchester lathes took ages to warm up on cold mornings and the smell of the soap water.

John Lancaster

I was in Pottery Lane in 1948/49 and Hillman was the supervisor. Forty winks after lunch sounds about right!

Bob Mountfort

In 1953 Joe Hillman was sleeping on a platform, under his bench, onto which he painstakingly unrolled a length of green felt. As I recall the strange smell was said to be due to a gangrenous wound on one of his legs which was bandaged. Diabetes? Or a war wound?

John L

Yes – I remember the smell, and the explanation!

Mike Plant

Regarding JH, I don’t recall him ever becoming involved in any training in our 5 or 6 months. Instructors included Messrs Whittaker – sheet metal; Lane – wireman assembly; Ted Cordery – ???; Thrift – capstans or lathes. I can’t remember who taught mills. Vertical drills too, though they could have been merged with one of the other disciplines. Others with a working memory will be able to correct me and fill in the gaps!

Colin Drake

Further (hopefully correct!) information to that sent by MP. During May to September 1954, the instructors comprised Joe Hillman – Chief Instructor (not working!); Assistant Chief Instructor – Charlie Sweetman (moved back to Dev Workshops as Chief during this period); Whittaker – sheet metalwork; Wray – wiring; Bob? Frith – lathes; Cordery – assembly; ‘Hondo’ Lane, – instrument making; Eve – milling machines; Westlake – ?

Jim Butterworth

Ye gods – I feel 50+ years younger! But what memories to remember the names of the supervisors. Apart from ‘being there’ and the amazingly fast-moving canteen queues my memories are minimal I’m afraid. I do still have and use some of the tools I made at the time; the centre punch; the scriber and the toolbox. I also still have many tools I bought at the time – the micrometer, calipers and hammer immediately come to mind. And does anyone else remember making the double screw – right hand and left hand threads with nuts to match – never found a use for it though! and the old chap wandering around with clean orange ‘ipers’ when ours got too grimy to use. Those were the days – followed by evenings working on the bikes, motorcycles and cars at Brooklands and Springfield House. Hmmm – you know you are old when you start to reminisce. Back to working out tomorrow’s swimming lessons!

David S

Ted Cordery was there for a few years because he was in Nigeria with me in 1963 and 1964. I have been trying to track him down for 18 months but got nowhere. Anyone know of him?

John Tarrant

In addition to the names already mentioned, I would also like to add the name of Johnny Cooper, who in 1956/57 was in charge of the capstan lathes. Sadly he passed away during that time. I well remember the double-ended screw and nuts with left and right hand threads. I spent a lot of time trying to help salvage some of the disasters that occurred producing them, and re-grinding screw cutting tools, during the time I was seconded for about six months to assist Freddy on the lathe section when, in the absence of Johnny Cooper, the capstan lathes were added to his section. Colin Drake mentions him as Bob Frith, which is probably correct, but I remember him as Freddy Frith. In addition to Joe Hillman, how about adding the names of Frank Wilder and Bob? Hitchins (or Hitchens) who were both involved with apprentice training, and resided in what I remember as the education office on the mezzanine floor above Joe’s office. Page6-Ray's toolbox openFor any of you that were ever posted to Waterhouse Lane you will also no doubt remember Ernie, who ran the small sheet metal work section that was supposed to add to the skills gained from Frank Whittaker in the ATC, and whose main objective seemed to be to assist those under his wing to produce what he called a ‘proper’ tool box, that was bigger and better than the standard ATC product. I still have one of these much improved Waterhouse Lane versions, which is in regular use. Hope that this might ring a few bells for some of you. (The toolbox shown is one of the standard ATC variety belonging to Ray Binning.)

Jim Butterworth
This photo, showing Bob Thrift with a trainee in the Apprentice Training Centre, accompanied the article in the 2006 newsletter by Ron Hurrell describing his experiences over 47 years in the company’s employ
This photo, showing Bob Thrift with a trainee in the Apprentice Training Centre, accompanied the article in the 2006 newsletter by Ron Hurrell describing his experiences over 47 years in the company’s employ

As we have moved upstairs – going up to the Education Office usually brought news I didn’t want to hear. However I can remember attending the Workers Educational Association meetings; can’t remember anything about them now, or if I actually learnt anything! But how do you remember all those names so many years on? I can’t remember what I had for lunch yesterday!

David Samways

I can’t believe you have said that. The only reason apprentices moved upstairs was to view Jackie! Many folks, if they agreed of course, would agree!

Brian Kendon

No one seems to have mentioned Mr Watts who was Mills and Drills in my time at the ATC (1949/50). I have fond memories of being one of the few who managed to operate the tapping machine without breaking 6BA taps in the hard brass work pieces. Not to be forgotten was the reaction of all to the sight and sound of a mill table ploughing into a surrounding newly constructed health and safety cage out of control of a young man not suited to the workshop environment. Those were the days.

John Lancaster

I remember Mr Watts very well – he couldn’t understand why I found it so difficult to sharpen a drill correctly! I can see his face now, when he said – ‘do it again, Lancaster’!

Colin Drake

And yet another memory, the capstan – ‘turrets’ were taught by Johnny Cooper in ‘54

Alan Matthews – ‘Matty’

I went into the Training Centre in 1953. Charlie Sweetman was the chief instructor.
I was making a ‘Home Office’ extractor to pull the flywheel from its taper on my Douglas Motorcycle and needed a large diameter (bigger than half an inch) bolt to go into a tapped hole in the centre of the extractor. So I made out a stores warrant for it and asked Charlie Sweetman to sign it. “What the hell is this for he asked?” – so biting the bullet I told him and received a right *******ing, after which he signed it!!! The tool worked fine by the way and if I still had it I suppose I could donate it to Mike Plant who has a Douglas still.

When working on the Mills section, which was in line with Joe Hillman’s open door, I left a very big shifting spanner on the nut on the end of the mill shaft. Went away and then came back pushed the GO button on the mill which proceeded to start and throw the spanner with one bounce through the door into the office. Another lesson learned the hard way.

I think Mr Watts was a small man who instructed on centre lathes and was always amazed that he could work looking down at the job with a fag in his mouth. My final test with him was to make a spindle with a three start Acme thread at each end – one end left handed and the other right. Then a suitable big knurled nut had to be made to fit each end.

I think I struggled for about a week before I had finished, with much scrap metal created, before I took it to him for inspection. He put the nuts on and shook it. “Well that’s what we used to call a ‘rattling good fit’ in the trade but I suppose it will do” he said. But I think that the skills they taught to us young green lads in a few months were really quite amazing.

Jim Butterworth

The apprentices training was certainly an unforgettable experience for all of us. Many skills were learnt which have stood me in good stead over the years. Coming to the ATC from 12 years of school, 9am-4pm with a long lunch break, ensured we slept well; I can remember going to sleep in the middle of a conversation and waking up 8 hours later in time for a ridiculously early (to me) breakfast at Brooklands. And then Mid-Essex courses in the evening when you were already tired out and really only wanted to sleep.

As well as the machinery already mentioned, remember the test pieces we had to make using waxed thread – every turn equi-spaced and all the knots in a straight line? And repeat assembly of small mechanisms – how many hundred in a day? And then Transmitter Test – real work at last!
I forget the names but I shall never forget the experience – with grateful thanks to Marconi and their long-suffering instructors.

The 77th annual Veterans’ Reunion took place last year on Saturday 20th April. Our President for 2013, in recognition of his tireless efforts on behalf of the Marconi Veterans’ Association and keeping alive the name and memory of Marconi, was our chairman, Peter Turrall. Unfortunately, due to a temporary health problem, he was unable to attend the union.

The toast to the President was proposed by our Patron, Veteran Robbie Robertson, who opened by saying that regardless of any time limit that Peter might have set for his contribution he was going to take the time needed adequately to say what needed to be said.

Peter joined Marconi in 1951, eight years before Robbie. The fourth floor of Marconi House then was hallowed ground belonging largely to Broadcasting Division; humble Communications Division guys could only visit the top floor with permission, to seek knowledge and wisdom on the mysteries of broadcasting. He has lost count of the number of times that Peter, the source for him of all information on TV studios, had pulled him out of the holes he’d dug for himself in the early days of his involvement in broadcasting: through the years it often seemed he was being rescued from someone or something, once notably during a visit to South West TV in Plymouth. Of the many things they did together, one of the most memorable for him of Peters’ many achievements was the MCSL Agents Conference around 1986. Representatives from around 40 countries attended; thanks to Peter’s splendid organisation, none of the expected disasters occurred, or at least only nearly!

Robbie spoke of Peter’s incredible contribution to the Marconi Veterans’ Association. An active member of the committee for around 25 years, most of which was either as vice-chairman, or for the last several years, as Chairman, with many hours spent in committee meetings and countless further hours implementing decisions made at the meetings. Peter has campaigned tirelessly for all things Marconi; Chelmsford owes him a debt of gratitude for his efforts in the public arena, on a mass of activities far too numerous to list, for instance, major contributions to Mencap in Essex; his involvement in the life of Chelmsford Cathedral, and his current efforts regarding the New Street site redevelopment.

Robbie closed by saying that we were all honoured, and grateful, that Peter has agreed to be our president for 2013. We thank him for this, and we wish him all that is good in his presidential year.

In a recording played to the Veterans Peter Turrall apologised for not being able to be present at the reunion. He then went on to talk about the importance of the history of the company, mentioning Bill Baker’s official history which covered the period from the company’s founding until 1950. When he was asked by Sir Robert Telford to clear out his office, he was told that all senior staff had been asked to commit to paper the story of their operations, designs and stories concerning the installation. As a result a large amount of material was gathered up and handed over to the Sandford Mill museum. He appealed for any veteran with memories to contribute to commit them to paper, or tape, and pass them on to the secretary, Barry Powell, or to Alan Hartley-Smith (ref Alan’s appeal on this subject in last year’s newsletter, page 5, also this edition pages 6 and 13).

Regarding Marconi House in Chelmsford, Peter is attempting to maintain good relations with Bellway Homes, the owners and developers of the New Street site with the aim that at some time in the future there will be a room in the building dedicated to Marconi where we might display some of our artefacts. He spoke about the difficulties of getting Chelmsford Borough (now City) Council to recognise the reputation and tangible benefits that Marconi and the other great industrialists brought to Chelmsford, and that those efforts must be maintained.

His final theme was the enjoyment derived from 48 years serving under nine managing directors – he got on very well with eight of them, but under the ninth he felt he qualified for the ‘I survived Glasgow’ badge. He recalled one or two high points in that career. The first, attending an exhibition at the IBC in a London hotel and showing, at lunchtime when only one other colleague was with him on the stand, an unknown gentleman and lady the various equipments on display, only to discover at the end of their visit that he had been speaking to Sir Arnold Weinstock. The second highlight was to win his biggest order ever, much celebrated back in Chelmsford, from the Egyptian broadcasting organisation for OB vehicles, cameras, transmitters telecine equipments etc. He concluded by appealing again for veterans to commit their memories to paper.

Our Guest of Honour this year was Mr Jonathan Douglas Hughes OBE DL who is a senior partner of Gepp & Sons, solicitors in Chelmsford and Under Sheriff for the county of Essex. In his speech he concentrated on his work as Under Sheriff. This is very much a legal role and, in particular, he has on his staff four bailiffs. He is not involved in the day to day collection of small dues but becomes involved in major recoveries.
As an example he recounted the story of a Boeing 707 presidential jet that was flown into Stansted from Africa with the president’s family. The owner of the aircraft (not the president or his government) required payment of the leasing dues, and others required payment for the fuel. As a result the aircraft was seized and the Under Sheriff ultimately disposed of the aircraft to recover as much money as possible.

In a brief address during the AGM, Alan Hartley-Smith, against the background of his article in the 2013 newsletter, outlined the contacts made with the BAE Heritage Committee and Heritage Manager Howard Mason with a view to establishing how Marconi heritage aims can be integrated into BAE Heritage policy. BAE is already involved in providing assistance in transferring a S600 radar at Bushey Hill to the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum at Neatishead in Norfolk. The principal aim is to establish a physical Marconi Heritage Centre in Chelmsford, possibly connected in some way with the redevelopment of the New Street site. He appealed for ideas as to how this centre might be used and funded – meetings, exhibitions, Marconi-related lectures etc. The full transcript this appeal and all the reunion speeches are available on the website. (Please also see below AH-S’s report of the Marconi Heritage Group activities for the past year.)

The editor relayed an appeal from the Essex Record Office for volunteers to be available for assistance with the examination, cataloguing and indexing of the Marconi photographic archive in ERO’s possession, a project that is to be the subject of a Heritage Lottery funding bid by ERO. Owing to the similarity of its aims with those of the Marconi Heritage Group reported below, ERO is to liaise with the group with a view to preparing a combined bid encompassing the aims of both.

A reminder that this year’s reunion is held on Saturday 5th April, and in 2015 it will be on the 18th April.

Alan Hartley-Smith

Page9-rafadrm-s600-1A lot of activity has been undertaken by the Marconi Heritage Group in the past year leading to very positive outcomes, with the result that we are now seeking to set up a charitable trust to carry forward negotiations.

Following the presentation by BAE at the 2013 Reunion there has been continuing participation in the Heritage Product Committee. This led to a significant action in the form of the donation of an S600 radar to the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum at Neatishead, which is currently being installed ready for public exhibition (photo – right). Also Marconi is featured in the prestigious 2014 Heritage calendar. Ongoing are discussions with the aim of achieving the creation of a physical heritage centre.

Locally we have participated in two major events: the Essex Record Office conference on Essex’s Industrial Archaeology in July, at which Professor Roy Simons gave a presentation ‘Marconi the Father of Wireless’ which roused a lot of interest, and the ‘Changing Chelmsford Ideas Festival’ in November. We took part in three activities: Marconi’s Wireless Telegraphy Workshop hosted by Geoff Bowles from the Sandford Museum, in the Library atrium; ‘Imagining Marconi’s and Hoffman’s industrial past – The Frederick Roberts Archive’ hosted by Anglia Ruskin University; Marconi – Then and Now, a meet-and-greet session hosted by the Marconi Heritage Group in the Library atrium. Display panels covering the company history were provided by the Essex Record Office, where a large number of people with personal and family Marconi connections met our team. We recorded many personal memories and received great support for better recognition of Marconi by the city.

From this latter event there have been follow-up meetings involving other parties interested in preserving and promoting heritage in Chelmsford. One of these relates to the effort to find premises for a heritage centre, which is ongoing, with possibilities including the New Street site and more recently the original Marconi factory in Hall Street. It is as yet too early to make any positive statement but there are hopeful signs of progress.
During the year there have been several associated events of interest, in particular a presentation in Bedford by Professor Francesco Marconi about his grandfather’s early history, at which we made contact and received a promise of support. At the ERO conference the formation of a new Essex Industrial Archaeology Group was announced and we are now working with them.

Much progress has been made with populating the online wikis, in particular those associated with communications, for which there are now extensive entries covering broadcast and line systems, television, marine and avionics.

A major current activity is to have the considerable contribution made by wireless in the operations of all three armed services during the First World War properly recognised during the commemoration activities being mounted over the next four years, to which end we have joined the First World War Centenary partnership being coordinated by the Imperial War Museum. We are seeking input from as many sources as possible and would welcome any information from the members of the MVA.

We will be organising events as part of the 2014 Chelmsford Ideas Festival, which is provisionally timed to run from 20th October to 2nd November. See also Stop Press on page 11

Peter Stothard

Essex clay could be like living flesh or a cold dead wall. We could punch it, climb it, cut it, try to mould it, try not to offend it, but the clay was permanent like nothing else. Half a century ago, behind the back door of a semi-detached house on the Marconi works estate, a mile from Chelmsford, were hundreds of slimy-sided cubes of this clay, newly cut by machines, soft but indestructible, leaden red by day and looming brown by night, an amalgam that at a child’s bedtime might be an Aztec temple or an ancient Roman face or a Russian.

Ours were homes built in a hurry, dug out of a butcher’s farmland below a giant steel aerial mast that had been erected against the Communists as soon as the Nazi threat was past. The mobilization of men and material to watch for Cold War missiles was as demanding as the hot war in which my father and his engineering friends had learned their craft. In the Rothmans fields of Great Baddow village, beside a town that already boasted the title ‘Birthplace of Radio’, we became part of an instant works community of families whose fathers understood klystrons, tweeters and ‘travelling-way tubes’ for the long-distance radar that kept the enemy at bay.

Every man I knew then understood either about the radar that saw things far away in the dark or about the various electric valves that were its eyes. There was a residual wartime spirit, an appreciation of values shared; and also a rising peacetime ambition for new values, new houses, holidays and televisions. As well as helping to defend British prosperity against hostile objects in the sky, we were supposed to share in it, creating a haven of high education, a science park, even an Essex garden community in which the clay cut to make the foundations of 51 Dorset Avenue might one day grow cabbages, fruit trees and flowers.

There were many advantages to life on these company streets. Almost everyone, for example, had a television set. Almost everyone’s father could make his own model if he wished. Ours had no polished cabinet (my mother’s woodworking came only later) and its twinkling diodes were slung along the picture rails and around the back of the sofa. But when we wanted a better picture, the contrast of our black and white could be improved from the first principles of the cathode ray. To make the most of The Billy Cotton Band Show, a massed expertise could be deployed, from as far afield as Noakes Avenue, the outer limit where Marconi-land ended and Essex farming returned.

The houses were so alike, and the food in their cupboards so absolutely alike, that it hardly mattered where on the estate we fed our pet pond creatures or ate our tea. Most boys had the same-shaped box room for their den, an unusual cube that contained within it another cube, not much smaller than itself, in which the inner supports of the staircase were held. A sawn-off end of a radar monitor was so perfect for newt-keeping that every boy who braved the ‘bomb-hole’ pond in the ‘rec’ had one of his own. Break the glass and there was always a replacement the next night. All groceries came from the same dirty-green single-decker coach of ‘Mr Rogers’, a silent ex-soldier who piled his fruit and vegetables on either side of the aisle where the seats had been and twice a week toured the avenues from Dorset to Noakes to sell cereals, sugar, flour – everything that the gardens might one day produce but did not yet.

Books were universally rare. There were five at 51 Dorset, the brightest-coloured being a sky-blue edition of ST Coleridge, the title printed in such a way that for years I thought that the poet was a saint. Next to it sat a collected Tennyson, in a spongy leather cover, half bath accessory, half one of the then new and exciting table-tennis bats from Sweden. There was my Yorkshire grandfather’s copy of the second half of Virgil’s Aeneid, with the name B Stothard, in a firm, faded script, inside the flyleaf. I have that one here with me now. On the shelf below was a cricket scorebook in which someone had once copied improving philosophical precepts, and beside that, The First Test Match, a slim, slate-green hardback which alone looked as if it had been read.
This was a community of algebra and graph paper. Mathematics was the language of choice. Contract bridge was the nightly recreation. My curly-haired, smiling father had a brain for numbers that his fellow engineers described as Rolls-Royce. Notoriously, he did not like to test it beyond a purr. In particular – and this was unusual in a place of intense educational self-help – he did not care to inculcate maths into his son. This was a task which he had recognized early as wholly without reward. Max Stothard would occasionally attack the mountain of clay in his garden but never knock his head against a brick wall. He was nothing if not blissfully relaxed.

Like most of our neighbours, he had learned about radar by chance, in his case while becalmed for the war years off West Africa on a ship called HMS Aberdeen. He had bought red-leather-bound knives for his mates back in the Yorkshire-Lincolnshire borderlands; he had sent postcards of Dakar’s six-domed cathedral to his strictly Methodist mother; he had never fired a hostile shot except at a basking shark. And when he had needed something else to do, he chose to watch the many curious ways that waves behave in the air above the sea, turning solid things into numbers. That was how he spent most of the rest of his life, in the south of England instead of the north because that was where the radars were made, quietly reasoning through his problems on his ‘bench’ in the Marconi laboratory and in an armchair at home, spreading files marked ‘Secret’ like a fisherman’s nets. He earned £340 per year, as my mother and I discovered when he died. Secrecy about earnings was always an obsession, although everyone was paid much the same.

The Rothmans estate was based on a bracing sense of equality and a suffocating appreciation of peace. Although most of our fathers felt they had a part in this great military project of the future, rarely can so massive a martial endeavour, the creation of air defences along the length of Britain’s eastern coast, have been conducted in so eirenic a spirit. Not even the Bournville chocolate workers of Birmingham, the group best known then for living together in a company town, could have demonstrated such a Quaker appreciation of calm. The fighting war was absolutely over. The new business was civil, work carried out with civility above all else, work that would keep us safe and increase our prosperity as the politicians promised. And because everyone was in it, everyone was in it together.

That was the constant message of Miss Leake, our doughty headmistress at Rothmans School, whose doctrine of ‘excellence and equality’, delivered in her severest voice, was adapted only slowly to the gradually advancing evidence of differences around her. There were certain girls with vastly superior proficiency at maths; but certain boys could freely pervert the spirit of Rothmans peace in a greater Rothmans cause, designing missiles and fighter planes to crash Pauline Argent and Anne Spavin back to earth. For our first two years Mrs Sheffield reassured us repeatedly that we were all much the same; but eventually and inexorably, when we were aged seven and in the empire of Mrs Maloney, those of us who counted badly had to be separated from those who counted well. Those who could not sing were called ‘groaners’ and told to wait outside the door; and those who preferred Virgil’s stories to vulgar fractions were reluctantly allowed to write fiction for our homework, as long as it was science fiction.

My father was not at all worried about my being a ‘groaner’ (he listened to no music himself at all and was especially offended by the violin and the soprano voice) but he was faintly sad about my missing number skills. Numbers were the key to advancement. Physics was the first step to a working future, a future in paid employment in a world which itself worked well. Many of my friends with no aptitude at all for figures – who could draw a beautiful anti-Pauline-Argent plane but never match her equations – were pummelled on to numerical paths. How, asked our neighbour on the other side of the clay mountain, could anyone pull themselves up by any other route? It was hard to find anyone who would argue with this doctor of metallurgy from the northern steel lands of Scunthorpe – about that or about anything much else except bidding conventions in hearts and spades and the best way to see things that dared fly low in the sky.

At the same time there grew among us the gradual acceptance of other differences. Ours was only in part a works estate in the tradition of the Birmingham chocolatiers and the Wirral’s Port Sunlight. It was becoming a place for the upwardly mobile at a time of restless mobility. So there were questions. Were the engineers’ families of Rothmans Avenue, Dorset Avenue and Noakes Avenue quite as much the same as first appeared? Did the more brilliant scientists live in Rothmans, the more managerial in Dorset, the more clerical in Noakes? Were they richer in Rothmans and rather poorer in Noakes? Did the ‘Millionaires Row’ houses by the school gates really have four bedrooms? Whose kitchen had less Fablon and more Formica? Should Marley floor tiles be polished? And where exactly did everyone go on holiday?

Page11-BaddowMastCopy2Summer was the great unequalizer. On the North Sea coast, only thirty or so miles away, the skies were known equally to all masters of air defence. But the beaches beneath were crisply divided. Clacton, Walton and Frinton were never the same. We always went to Walton-on-the-Naze, the middle town of the three, the one which had the widest concrete esplanades where children could ride bikes. Clacton?on?Sea was south of Walton and had slot machines and candyfloss booths where ‘other people’ could waste their money. North of Walton was Frinton-on-Sea, which had no candy-floss, no caravans (we always stayed in a caravan), no fish and chip shops, not even a pub, just Jubilee gardens and what was known, only by warnings not to walk on it, as ‘greensward’. Did Rothmans Avenue families prefer Frinton? By the time of my eleventh birthday in 1962, it sometimes seemed that they did. Our Marconi estate was small, confined and had only one entrance to the world. Once inside it we could always roller-skate through the class lines. On the coast, it was an impossible walk, and even an awkward drive, between three neighbouring towns that seemed built deliberately to show how different from one another we might be.

My father was a typical Rothmans engineer of his time, in every respect except in certainty that his was the right path. That was his grace and glory. He never stopped me preferring stories about science to the understanding of what science actually did. He read the fictions that I wrote about my manufactured hero, Professor Rame, without complaining directly to me that there was no point in any of that. He did not much like the Coleridge and the Tennyson being on hand. But he did not take them away. He himself liked to see people as electro-machinery, as fundamentally capable of simple, selfless working. It was simpler that way. But he never imposed the company line. His own mind was closed to the communications of religion or art. His favourite picture then was a photograph of Great Baddow’s tribute to the Eiffel Tower. But his passions for moving parts, moving balls and jet streams in the skies over air shows did not preclude an acceptance of others’ passions. He was a pleasure-seeking materialist – in a company estate where those were the prevailing values and the predominant aspirations. Materialism in those days was a means of science, which he loved, not of extravagance, which did not exist, nor even of shopping, which he would barely tolerate. It was the successful basis of a contented, comfortable life.

John Wright, ex Electro-Optical Surveillance Division, Basildon

In the early 80s, Baghdad was one of the safest cities on the planet. It was also remarkably civilised considering Saddam Hussein was fighting Iran and had an iron grip on the country, keeping it isolated from external influence. Western dress was acceptable – one rarely saw a burqua – and you could sit by the Tigris and drink beer at the riverside bars. Saddam of course was everywhere. His picture was in every commercial establishment, on huge posters in the street and the evening television programme was one long propaganda show – Saddam the military leader in a tank inspiring the troops, compassionate Saddam in a hospital with the wounded and then his cameo performance in a story. Some poor person gets robbed or beaten when he is rescued by a mysterious stranger who keeps his face hidden until the end when, surprise, surprise, it’s Saddam again!

I first went there with our marketing man on a two-week sales demo trip with one set of airborne surveillance equipment. Waiting for our equipment to come out of customs (sound familiar?) gave us time to acclimatise to a Baghdad with a chronic shortage of electricity. It was three months after the Israelis had flattened the local nuclear power station which meant we only had electricity for an hour a day – bad enough in itself but worse when you don’t know which hour. Torches were the order of the day and try and make sure you are not covered in soap in the shower when everything dies. Without lights, the restaurants resorted to candles and Flambé became the ‘in’ dish – lovely in summer with no air conditioning. Anyhow, eventually we got our equipment and were taken to the helicopter base at a place called Abu Ghraib (we always wondered what the nearby high security building was!). The base housed the VIP squadron and the Colonel in Charge, trained by the RAF, was Saddam’s personal pilot – probably not the safest of jobs.

By this time we had already lost nearly a week from our time schedule so we had to ask to work beyond the normal one o’clock finish to meet our timescales. This caused consternation amongst our hosts as they didn’t do any catering on the base and they were in danger of not being able to provide the traditional Arab hospitality at lunchtime. A man was despatched and he came back with some rather nice meat, salad and bread. A table was laid out in the middle of the hangar and we were invited to eat while all and sundry watched – to refuse would have been an insult. By six o’clock that evening sickness and diarrhoea had brought us down – we later found out that the food had come from a dodgy roadside stall. Eventually however, we got the equipment installed and started flying. The idea was to demonstrate how we could see things miles away etc, but we soon found that the heat haze put paid to all that. So we stooged around and just videoed anything vaguely interesting: this seemed to satisfy the Air Force and they eventually placed a substantial order with Basildon.

Page12-SalveMast2The marketing man left and shortly after this, after arranging for the return of the equipment, I returned to UK, the first 1000km by taxi. With only Iraqi and Jordanian planes flying out of Baghdad, flights were hard to come by and the alternative was a ride in a large old American gas guzzling taxi. A price is agreed and off you go across the desert on a largely straight road at 130 km/hour regularly passing the burnt out wrecks of less fortunate high speed taxi trips. Half way between Baghdad and Amman, at a stop in the middle of nowhere, the driver starts talking of extra money for petrol. This is the cue to quickly get back in the taxi, strap yourself in and then tell him the Ts and Cs of the journey do not include extras for petrol.

A year later, the editor went off to Baghdad with three other specialists to start the installation work and I joined them a couple of weeks later We spent the next few weeks fitting out and certifying the first helicopter and our mobile receiving station, a remotely steerable antenna/receiver on top of a 100 foot mast (see right). We had both received instruction on the erection of these masts which required nifty work with winches and some sturdy stakes in the ground for the guy wires. Fine in the UK but a bit iffy in desert sand and once it had been erected at Abu Ghraib, the first thing we did as we arrived for work every day was to look to see if it was still standing.

Having completed the fitting out and certification of the first helicopter, the team apart from me went home. Many of us have grand plans of visiting exotic places whilst returning home but usually when the time comes we are just glad to get on the first, fastest direct flight home. The editor is the exception – he actually does it and on this occasion was last seen disappearing into the Jordanian desert on a camel (the reality was a pony, but camel sounds more appropriate somehow – see picture below) to witness the dawn sun rising on the ancient city of Petra.

Page13-KE&pony-PetraNothing much happened at Abu Ghraib for a couple of weeks and then there was a request for a two-week training course to prepare a team to do some battlefield surveillance. Seven NCOs and a flight lieutenant duly turned up and I started instruction. Cameras, lenses, zoom, focus, transmitter on, transmitter off – it’s not too difficult and operating in the helicopter just needs a bit of practise. Putting 100 foot towers up and aligning them is another matter. The mast was raised up to its full 100 feet and had been lowered back down 20 feet and I was beginning to feel hopeful that the team had mastered it when a winchman started winding one of the guys too hard and pulling the mast to one side. And when he was shouted at to stop he just panicked and winched harder. Racing towards him, I suddenly realised that the mast was doomed, changed direction and dived under a lorry as the mast broke and collapsed around us. Being brainwashed by GEC, all I could think of at the time was ‘who is going to pay for this’. Fortunately, the antenna landed in sand and after some straightening and reassembling it worked again. Some sections of the mast were broken but we were able to use it up to sixty feet – a good job as it was the only one in-country at that time. Anyhow, the course was completed and everybody passed, including the flight lieutenant who always sat facing the opposite direction in the classroom, smoking a cigarette and not listening to a word to show his contempt. I don’t know how he passed but leaving the exam room unattended may have helped.

And so, off we went to Basra. I flew down in the helicopter with the surveillance turret fitted. Flying over the desert requires a different technique due the strong thermals – the helicopter soars and swoops using them as opposed to battering through them, so it is relatively slow. We were forced to land once at a remote radar station to avoid a sandstorm – the officer i/c proudly reciting the names of all the then current Manchester United team to me when he found out I was English. Then off again for the best part of the trip, flying over the southern Iraqi marshes, with spectacular views of the Marsh Arabs who live in ornately woven reed houses on floating reed islands.

As for Basra, we put up our 60 foot mast and the helicopter went off with one of the trainees to video the battle where Iraq lost Khorramshar to the Iranians. The results were pretty useless, the helicopter was keeping its distance, the operator didn’t know where to look and the combatants kept themselves hidden in all the dust which was being stirred up. And so interest was lost, I was despatched back to Baghdad, this time in a Russian MIL8 helicopter – crude but roomy. Then back to UK, this time by air from the brand new Baghdad airport. It hadn’t quite sorted itself out and tended to over issue boarding passes so when you were due to board, you milled about by the departure gate and when this was opened, you raced across the tarmac to the aircraft, found a seat and strapped yourself in – women and children first might be OK for the Titanic but not Baghdad Airport!

Many months later, when all the equipment on the contract had been delivered, the editor and I returned to commission it and complete the contract. This time, everything had moved to a big military establishment at Taji, north of Baghdad. Fortunately, we were able to travel daily from the luxury of the Sheraton Hotel in Central Baghdad. It was at the Sheraton that I discovered the gourmet side of the editor. Nearly every evening a different nationality theme buffet was available where he had to sample every dish, which in total amounted to at least 3 dinner plates full – and he didn’t add a pound to his weight!

Our visit was in February and even on a sunny day we wore woolly-pullies to keep warm. We shared the hangar with Russian built Hind gunships fitted with multiple rocket launchers which were used effectively against the Iranians when they carried out their first world war tactics of charging en masse across open ground. There were no workshop facilities available and we were reduced to carrying out delicate adjustments to cameras, lenses, gyros etc on the helicopter with power coming from a huge, noisy diesel ground power unit belching fumes only six feet away.

Finally it was time for us to leave for the last time. The support team we had trained seemed genuinely sorry to see us go. Ken mentioned taking back some local cake delicacies to UK so they gave us what seemed like the total output of the local bakery. I was not surprised as, apart from the odd hardliner, the Iraqis were very nice people and I feel really very sorry for their troubles since our ill-advised venture with George W.

Alan Hartley-Smith

There is to be an Essex County Council event in Hylands, Chelmsford on 14th September – we plan to be represented, and MHG has been registered in the First World War Centenary partnership being coordinated by the Imperial War Museum – see for our entry.

Tim Wander has put together a booklet about Marconi involvement with all three armed services; I will be incorporating copy and pics from this for the events and in a new website which is still under construction. Veterans who have relevant information about their own or family involvement are invited to make contact with me.

Eric Walker, formerly Airadio, Basildon

In the 2007 newsletter I reproduced an extract from a much longer piece by Eric Walker – for all of his Marconi career an Airadio man – which focused on some of the less serious aspects of the life of the avionics engineers inhabiting the Writtle huts in the 50s. Mike Lawrence, who served in the DO at Writtle and for a while at Basildon, expanded Eric’s original article, written in 1998, with additional material and turned it into a hand-crafted booklet with a very limited production run. Eric and Mike both had copies – Mike is sadly no longer with us – and other copies went to the Writtle village archivist and to the Sandford Mill Museum. It is well worth reading in its entirety, and we are endeavouring to make it accessible on the website.
The photo below shows the Lawford Lane site sometime between 1948 and 1956, the period in which the Lancaster airframe was resident there. The photo at foot of page 17 shows a view of some of the huts.

This extract looks at the day to day life of the Airadio people in their Writtle times – working conditions, getting on with one another, pay, perks – or lack of, and so on. It was written in 1998, but would anyone in work today, looking at Eric’s comments on how it he viewed things in ’98, perhaps raise a wry smile? Do graduates starting to climb the seniority ladder expect to get an office, as was the norm in ’98? All workplaces are much more open plan these days.

Life was made cheerful by the morning and afternoon arrival of Fred Hazel and his tea urn. He was usually accompanied by his mate Stan Porter, a very quiet man. Fred also swept out the huts and could be regarded as an early proponent of recycling as he sprinkled his used tea leaves to keep down the dust! In the early part of the 50s food was provided by Ella Walden in the canteen hut. Later, as the staff numbers grew, we took over her hut and people made their own arrangements for grub.

It might be of interest to today’s new graduates that I joined in 1951 at £350 per year. So my take-home pay was, after ‘Standard Deduction’ about £25 per month. To my surprise and delight I also received £2.5.5d (£2.27) per month supplement! We didn’t have a minimum wage in those days – so I suppose it was a state incentive to encourage firms to provide apprenticeships. When I moved on to staff conditions in March 1952 I received £500 pa. It took me 4 years to double this pay rate. In the whole of my 40 years with the company I never received a single penny for the enormous amount of overtime I worked then, and throughout the rest of my time. Staff salaries managed to increase just ahead of the overtime payment limit! I think the criterion was that overtime was only for hourly paid workers. Staff were expected to work whatever hours were needed to get the job done.

Page14-WrittleLawfordLaneAnother point of comparison, then and now, is the working environment. Nowadays as soon as graduates start to climb up the seniority ladder, they hope to get an office or at least a boxed-off cubicle to themselves, with desk, filing cabinet, telephone, a chair, personal computer etc, etc. Our Green Satin team worked in a wooden hut with benches and stools. You didn’t even have a dedicated area of bench although before long the hardware took a fairly static location so a work pattern was formed. The only office was a partitioned-off bit, open at the top where Geoff Beck worked. It was necessary because he had ministry and company visitors. We took the view that it maintained official security and fenced-off management activities from the real work of the laboratory! Beck had the only telephone.

We were issued with one screwdriver large, one screwdriver small, side cutters and round-nosed pliers: wire stripping tools were a later luxury. To prevent tools straying we each bound them with our own colour-coded wire. I still have some today – perhaps I should have handed them in when I retired. We were given a Marconi propelling pencil: lead for the pencil, and writing pads, were negotiable from Dudley Shearman! Most of the engineers were capable of operating machine tools – it depended on the Development Workshop foreman whether we were allowed to or not. It is a characteristic of design engineers to want their own workshop in their own laboratory, to use when and how they please. It is a characteristic of senior management to oppose such a notion!

Clerical services were very limited compared with today. No personal secretaries (except for very senior management); no word processors. We wrote all internal or external letters or reports in longhand and gave them to Dudley’s office, where Barbara Trevor, or Dudley himself, typed them, with carbon copies. If formal documents for a customer, or Internal Technical Memoranda were required in several copies. Stencils had to be typed. Any amendment or error-correction was a messy operation, with Tippex and overtyping (usually misaligned!). The office staff were heroes. By the way, DG Shearman was known as Dudley to us and as Gordon to others. I liked to think we were on first name terms.

The Aeronautical Comms lab in 1960, shortly before the move to Basildon. Pictured from left to right are Brian Ady, Peter Freeman, Ronald Robertson and Dennis Moore. The office beyond the glass panel was occupied by TT Brown, Coms lab leader, and Wilf Rich, Transmitter lab leader
The Aeronautical Comms lab in 1960, shortly before the move to Basildon. Pictured from left to right are Brian Ady, Peter Freeman, Ronald Robertson and Dennis Moore. The office beyond the glass panel was occupied by TT Brown, Coms lab leader, and Wilf Rich, Transmitter lab leader

Another difference, then to now, was in personal relationships. We addressed equals by their surnames. Our seniors addressed us by our surnames. We addressed them as Mister -, with many ‘Yes Sirs’ and ‘No Sirs’ in the course of conversation. If there was more than one person of the same name, a descriptor was added.

In the 50s most people smoked, and many affected, pipes. The habit had been encouraged in the HM Forces by the availability of cheap tobacco rations. We smoked over our work, but we did our best to clean out fag ends and ash from equipment to be delivered to our customers!

Rank was not clearly defined as it is today in career progression ladders. We were all Engineers, with some more senior than others; we all knew our relative status. Steps up the ladder were to Section Leader, or Group Leader as one became responsible for guiding the work of others. Nowadays titles have proliferated and become inflated sometimes to a meaningless jargon. In the 1950s Marconi’s top man, F N Sutherland was the General Manager.

Another difference is in ‘parking’. Nowadays all sites need large car parks for employees. In the early 50s very few staff had motor-cars, bicycles were the usual mode of transport. Note the press pictures of employees pouring out of New Street works and blocking the road under the railway bridge. There were bicycle-racks everywhere. George Parker had a car, a Citroën I believe, front wheel-drive of course. A very fast driver was GPP. Beck had a car, DCD 183. So did Tim Tate, EMX 914. How do these number-plates stick in the memory? The most junior engineer to have a car in 1951 was Cliff Harris, with a pre-war Austin 7 Ruby. I bought my first car in 1957! A 3 year old Ford Popular for £300 – then the flood started. Company motor cars? – well, perhaps at Board level.

The first man I knew with a company car was Dr BJ O’Kane who became Manager of Aeronautical Division in 1959 – he had a Humber Hawk, which was passed down to his successor, Les Mullin. When it became beyond economic repair it was replaced by a Ford Escort, Ghia version of course. Times change. I think the USA industry system is best – pay employees enough and let them buy what they need and can afford.

Page15-WrittleHutsA feature of working at Writtle was that the River Wid overflowed its banks every winter and flooded the site. That was in the days before the local authorities cleaned out and partially lined the three rivers in Chelmsford to improve the flow and thus reduce the flood risk in the town itself. Every winter there was flooding in the Friars area of Moulsham Street. At Writtle we drew up a flood-rota – a list given to the gatekeeper to call out whenever the site was threatened, whatever time of day or night. Their main task was to raise as much equipment as possible above the last recorded flood level.

At the end of each year we held the Writtle dinner. For many years the venue was the Saracen’s Head. They were ‘Stag’ events and started off formally with speeches from the dignitaries at the top table. Then, after the dinner, the proceedings became very relaxed verging on the boisterous. In 1956 the Stag element was dropped and we had mixed dinners and dance, the first at the Odeon. These were very popular and we went on to hold the dinner at Canon’s restaurant, opposite the railway station, where the Nationwide BS office is now located. One year we hired the Shire Hall; another year we went to the hotel at Ingatestone (with the swimming-pool) which has now been built over. In the early years the ‘entertainment’ was home-made, later on we had professional bands, but there were always competitive events between the departments. Happy Days!

Bernard de Neumann

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADavid Speake died peacefully on the 8th of January, aged 94, whilst reading a book. His wife noticed that it had fallen to the floor.
He was Director of Research at Baddow when I first joined there in 1964, and he was still there, but acting as a consultant when I left for City University 25 years later. He was succeeded by Peter Brandon, who eventually became a Professor at Cambridge, and upon Brandon’s departure, David returned to Baddow, and was later succeeded by John Williams.

During Williams’s term of office Sir Eric Eastwood returned to Baddow as a consultant, having retired from being Director of Research for GEC. Directing research at Baddow was a difficult task with all the competing demands for funds, and the limited amount available, together with the necessity of ensuring that all the contributing companies gained from it. David was thus cautious and diplomatic during his time at the helm.

From Peter Turrall

David was seconded to New Street where Marconi Communication Systems Ltd had their operation and for some time he was a General Manager responsible for the technical aspects of the Communications Company.

The photograph of David Speake in conversation with Tom Mayer was taken at the 2011 reunion.

From Don Halstead

Ron (Ronald) Kitchen died peacefully in Broomfield Hospital on the 10th September 2013 at the age of 88. I first encountered Ron in the early 1960s when I believe he headed New Street’s Radar Display Test and oversaw the testing of the first transistorised 12″ displays, including the S3002 reliability trials. Subsequently he moved on to become one of Marconi’s leading experts on radiation safety and the like. His ‘RF and Microwave Safety’ manual is still available today and doubtless many of us encountered him through his work in that and other areas.

Ron always struck me as a true Marconi gentleman, not least when both my parents died within a week of each other. He knew them well through mutual connections with Methodism, and he was quick to enquire how I was coping and whether he could offer any support.

From Bernard de Neumann

I knew Ron when he was manager of quality assurance at Baddow during my last years there. He was a nice guy, whom I met occasionally because of my interest in theoretical reliability prediction and assessment, which resulted in the computerized reliability tools that we developed in Baddow for use throughout GEC. The FMECA tools we developed proved to be much more sophisticated than those specified by DoD and MOD, and quite frequently threw up design faults in nascent system designs thereby enabling pre-hardware modifications to be made before major costs were incurred. Our FMECA methods were in some ways like a design walk-through, and, then rivals, BAE, were interested in buying our software tools, but Marconi blocked the sale. RIP Ron.

Marconi House was demolished in mid-afternoon on the 21st June 2013 - the end of an era.
Marconi House was demolished in mid-afternoon on the 21st June 2013 – the end of an era.

We report the death of those Veterans notified to the secretary from the copy date of the last newsletter to the 31st January 2014 We extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.
DG Argyle, AG Barrett, AC Barton, AHG Bearman, DJ Beer, PW Boorer, JE Brett, M Bull, RE Burrells, DF Candy, RLJ Cave, J Cowling, DC Creed, PE Davidson, Mrs E Drake, F Faulkner, GA Ferrand, CP Freeman, KF Gazi, MT Gordon, CJ Greenham, PJ Hall, RV Hammond MBE, KA Hardy, JS Heward, KS Hewitt, DAR Holdom, DE Hughes, KTD Hughes, GG Hutley, R Kitchen BEM, G Lee, MH Leveridge, BE Lingwood, JK Lonsdale, F Matthews, WJ Meehan, RG Mitchell, DE Money, Mrs JE Oddy, WL Peace, A Pitches, RW Potter, JE Pownall, DG Pudsey, RW Rawlings, PM Ratcliffe, GK Rogers, R Safe, C Samms, GA Sheardown, CD Sinclair, GD Speake OBE, AH Stoneham, Mrs M Sutterby, NTJ Sutterby, AK Thorogood, PJ Treadaway, AJ Wickens, HJ Williams, RT Worricker, AH Wreford.


Newsletter 2013

Marconi New Street building receives a face-lift

Please click on the title Newsletter 2013 above to open the full document and on any picture in this newsletter to open a larger version.

Peter Turrall MVA Chairman

Above, the New Street factory in its youth, circa 1918, from a postcard containing one of Fred Spalding’s splendid photographs of Chelmsford.  The reverse carries the following message: “Dear Dorothy, I thought you would like these of the place where I am working.  This one is when we are leaving off.  I hope you receive my letter. With love from Dorothy.”
Another Spalding postcard image appears on the back page.

Bellway Homes, whose headquarters are in Rainsford Road Chelmsford, has purchased the Marconi site in New Street. Following two exhibitions at the Anglia Ruskin University where they showed plans of the possible redevelopment of the site, they have now submitted plans to the Chelmsford City Council for modifications to the front building and small demolition immediately behind this which was the old Television Test area. The plans also include retention and updating of the water tower which is along Marconi Road. Detailed plans of the rest of the site which take into consideration comments made at the two exhibitions by members of the public will be submitted in 2013 and will contain requirements for over four hundred houses and other small outlets. It is hoped that recognition of some of the major achievements associated with the Marconi Company will be included in the general layout of the site.

The Marconi Veterans Association has already had preliminary discussions with the owners: in due course it is hoped these will lead to us helping them establish and possibly exhibiting some of the artefacts of the company within the front building.

The whole front area which had been neglected by the previous owners for a number of years was tidied up by the local authority when it was known the Olympic flame was to pass by on its way to the city centre. (The damaged ground floor window apertures were covered by protective panels decorated with images representing the history of the site. The photo on the left was taken as the Olympic torch was passing the building on the 6th July last year. Ed.) Now the building is completely shrouded by plastic sheets and scaffolding whilst repairs are carried out to the leaking roof, and the window sills and front façade are repaired. The owners hope with internal modifications such as exhibition area, offices and new toilets, this building will be open as Bellway Homes new headquarters in the spring of 2013.


Whilst exact details of the rest of the site are unclear at this stage, it is proposed to knock down the five storey concrete building known as Marconi House and also the wavy roof building known as Building 720. Although a number of objections to the removal of these two buildings have been made, it is understood both will not be in line with the modernisation of the rest of the site. In addition Marconi House is suffering from severe concrete cancer.

At least the front building, which celebrated its centenary in 2012, will be preserved and the many memories of staff and the products they produced will still be exhibited within the new complex.

Be sure to read Alan Hartley-Smith on page 5 regarding future preservation of the Marconi Heritage.

Newsletter 2012

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Why didn’t I start sooner?

The eternal cry of those who work to deadlines, and who doesn’t? Material starts coming in for next year’s edition even before the current year’s has hit the doormat, but by then I’ve moved on to something else. Should I follow up the new emails now, or leave them for later, etc, etc? So here we are in January, with precious little time to get the issue ready for the printer at the end of the month, and I’m running into the late January conflict between this publication and the village newsletter. Both need the same PC and we’re reluctant to lash out on a lap-top to cope with this once a year panic.

In this issue there is an emphasis on the years around 1912, and the company’s maritime heritage. Marconi often said that the aspect of wireless which gave him the greatest satisfaction was its use in saving life and property at sea, and a major part of the company’s early output was ships’ communications equipment. In this issue we feature the loss in mid-Atlantic of the White Star liner SS Titanic, the bravery of her radio officer Jack Phillips, and his connection with the transatlantic telegraph station in Connemara. Perhaps the most significant event in the past year has been the donation to Chelmsford of an historically valuable collection of early marine radio equipment assembled by a former radio officer, Bill Waters, which he bequeathed to the town shortly before his recent death.

Newsletter 2011

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Should you go back – a further reflection

Pursuing the theme of last year’s editorial, I had to drive from Newbury to Bristol Airport last July to pick up family members returning from SW France. A beautiful sunny afternoon with plenty of time on my hands, so I opted to travel via the A4 – Hungerford, Marlborough, Calne etc – a more pleasant journey than the M4. And so of course I passed by the site of the former No 2 Radio School, RAF Yatesbury. Many fellow veterans will have passed through its portals during the years from the second world war until the end of National Service in 1961: a reduced demand led to its closure in 1965. My time was from April to November 1956 as an air wireless fitter trainee on AWF113, one of the last intakes to be trained on T1154/R1155. I had an early lesson in the perils of even small quantities of West Country scrumpy in the Black Horse in Cherhill!

No sign of the base now save for the road in from the A4 which passes the site of the guardroom – (Chiefy Dunlop?). It has been returned to farmland, but a small portion is occupied by the Wiltshire Microlight Centre. The runway appears to be a section of the main road through the camp running parallel with the A4, and their operations didn’t seem to detract much from the serenity of the surroundings. Had I more time I would have had a short flight: it would have been very pleasant, a few hundred feet up over that part of Wiltshire, close to Avebury. An altogether happier experience than my visit to Watton a year earlier.

The RAF Yatesbury Association aims to preserve the memories and history of RAF Station Yatesbury and sister stations in the vicinity.  Membership is open to all who have an interest in this area.  A book – ‘History of RAF Yatesbury’ by Phil Tomaselli – ISBN 0-9548236-0-5 is available from the Association’s secretary in addition to some of the usual on-line sources.

Newsletter 2010

Number 12, January 2010

Some of the articles included in the annual paper copy of the Newsletter have appeared on this site over the past year.  They are repeated here for completeness and so that the two versions of the newsletter are similar.  Webmaster. 

Should I go back?

Another fourteen page edition this year. At the last committee meeting at the beginning of December I reported that I appeared not to have enough material even for twelve pages due to a lack of contributions. I needn’t have worried.  Regrettably though, despite the appeal in the last edition, nothing from lady veterans.

As an ex-Avionics man I’m very pleased to have two or, stretching a point three, items on aeronautically related subjects.  And that prompts me to digress a little – I beg your indulgence but the end point probably chimes with many of you.

In the 60s a popular local trio, Talisman, entertained audiences in Essex and beyond with a mix of songs, much of it their own material with folk/jazz/blues/cabaret influences, with purely acoustic guitar and bass accompaniment. I think they appeared before audiences at the MASC on a number of occasions. Who remembers Chessy Harrington’s rendering of Piaf’s ‘Non, je ne regrette rien’?  Anyway, one of their numbers, entitled ‘Never try to go back’ told of the likely disappointment for anyone attempting to revisit the fondly remembered places of their earlier years.

I share with a handful of other Veterans the interesting experience of having been stationed at RAF Watton in Norfolk in the 50s. During WW2 it had been the home of RAF and USAAF units, the latter a maintenance unit responsible for repairing battle-damaged Liberators from surrounding operational bases. In my time it was the Central Signals Establishment, involved in cold war signals intelligence and countermeasures activities, flying a motley variety of interesting aircraft.

Regularly holidaying on the North Norfolk coast from the 60s onwards, my wife and I detoured that way to have look whilst returning home in 1993. The old place was there much as I remembered it, but in the guardroom local enthusiasts had set up a very good museum, devoted at that time principally to its WW2 history. They intended later to widen the collection to cover the cold war period. The visit brought back a number of fond memories.

Forward to 2009, again after a holiday in Salthouse, we returned for another look, and to see the museum’s new material.  Disaster, the guardroom was no more and whole area was a very sizeable housing development. The former pattern of internal roads had been incorporated into the layout of the estate, bearing names like Mosquito Close and Liberator Avenue, but otherwise it was unrecognisable. It was of course a very appropriate use of what had become a brown-field site. We have to move
on, but it caused me a moment or two of sadness.

The moral is, think carefully before you decide to go back, but if you must, do a little homework first of all – a spur-of-the moment visit might bring disappointment.