Newsletter 2002

Marconi to be recognised in Chelmsford

Following much agitation and continuous lobbying, Chelmsford Borough Council will in the last months of 2001, be erecting new entry signs to the town of Chelmsford. The Borough Council are hoping Her Majesty The Queen will grant City status to Chelmsford in which case the wording of the signs might be slightly different from the following. “Chelmsford the birthplace of Radio twinned with Backnang and Annonay”.
Also around the anniversary in December 2001 of the first Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph Transmission, Chelmsford Borough Council will erect in Chelmsford, a bronze life size statue to Guglielmo Marconi. Your Vice Chairman sat on a selection Committee for the design of a suitable Memorial following his request for CBC to recognise the world’s greatest genius in the field of communications. The exact place is unknown but it is likely to be near the Essex Records Office in Wharf Road (off Navigation Road) however, pressure quite naturally is building for it to be erected in the High Street where it can be seen by those visitors and regular shoppers as a constant reminder of what Marconi started and what is now today taken for granted in all facets of communication including wireless/radio, television, mobile phones, radar, computers, satellites etc.
Princess Elettra the daughter of Marconi is likely to be in UK around 8th December to unveil this memorial to her late father.