Newsletter 2011

The 2011 reunion

Plans are well advanced for our 2011 reunion, which takes place on Saturday 16th April at the MASC in Beehive Lane, Chelmsford, commencing at 1.00pm. Doors open at 12 noon. We will be celebrating the 75th reunion: the first took place in London in 1928, with president at that time the company founder Marchese Guglielmo Marconi. Some 50 employees with 25 years or more service with the company enjoyed a sumptuous meal at one of London’s top restaurants.

Typically these days we have nearly 250 members attending reunions, and this year we will have with us two lords of the realm. The incoming president, Lord Prior, was at one time chairman of the GEC Company during the reign of Lord Weinstock and before this a government minister looking after affairs in Northern Ireland.

Our Guest of Honour is the Lord Lieutenant of Essex, Lord Petre, Her Majesty the Queen’s representative in the county. The Petre family goes back a long way in the history of our country. Lord Petre’s forefather was a well known figure in the 16th century. Living locally in Ingatestone, we are privileged to have him with us to help celebrate this anniversary.