Marconi Statue in Chelmsford

There is currently a new move in Chelmsford to have the Marconi statue moved from where it languishes behind the bus station to a more prominent position in the town centre.

The idea of having the statue in the town centre was suggested many years ago by the Essex Chronicle when the statue was still in the foyer of Essex Record Office.  This report is in our Archive for May 2004.  The move to the town centre was rekindled by the Dean of Chelmsford, The Very Reverend Peter Judd, in his sermon during the service to re-dedicate the Marconi Memorial Plaque on 26 April.

The thrust for the move has been taken up again by the Essex Chronicle and in the edition for 21 May the paper has most of  the front page and two other pages on the subject, including the possibility that the Hall Street works may be used as a cultural centre now that Anglia Water are selling the property. The Essex Chronicle articles can be found at and

In addition a petition has been started to request the statue be moved.  The petition titled “Save Marconi Heritage” can be found at

We hope that all Marconi Veterans and others interested in the engineering heritage of Chelmsford will add their signature. It’s free and takes less than a minute of your time.

Stow Maries Airfield

We have received a request form Russell Savory of R S Performance Limited.  He is in the process of restoring the old Stow Maries airfield near Maldon, see

This airfield was in use until about 1919 and Russell is asking if anyone has any information on the Marconi equipment used in the aircraft and at the station.  It is known that Marconi equipment was in use in other squadrons, notably No.39 at North Weald from 1917,  and some aircraft had Marconi radios from about 1915 onwards so it is very likely that No. 37 squadron at Stow Maries had radio equipment fitted during the later part of their tenure.

If anyone has any useful information would they please contact Russell at the addresses given on their website.

In Memoriam

We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

R M Carroll
J L Doe
P F J Foakes
T J Kay
R J Mitchell

This list was correct on 18 May 2009 and supersedes the list published on 23 March 2009