Fort Perch Rock

We have recently received an E-mail from Geoff Valentine attaching a request for help at the Fort Perch Rock maritime radio display in Liverpool. The full text is attached below.

Message Received: Jun 11 2008, 05:58 PM
From: “Geoff Valentine”
To:, “Ken Berry” “”
Cc: “John Garner” , “John Hudson” “Brian Cotton” “Roger Bentley” “Stan McNally”
Subject: Request

I have recently received the following e-mail from a member of the Radio Officers Association requesting Help at the Fort Perch Rock maritime radio display in Liverpool.  Would be grateful if you could promulgate the information contained on your excellent websites.  The article has been added to the ROA website as of today.

Best Wishes Geoff Valentine

Hon sec Radio Officers Amateur Radio Society

——-Original Message——-

From: John Hudson
Date: 05/06/2008 14:30:49
stan mcnally
WEBSITE an QSO magazine.

hello Geoff, hope you are fit and well and working not too hard.

Please could you do us a favour please. Would it be possible to put a “stop Press” item on the website and also a copy in the next QSO magazine to ask for some ex R/O’s or ETO’s volunteers for Fort Perch Rock. have put a VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED message on the ships nostalgia forum but as yet no responses.!!  (We are a bit thin on the ground only a few of us doing everything) It went like this:-

Hello all you ex R/O’s and ETO’s.  We are presently looking for some volunteers with 1 or 2 free days a month in the kids’ school holidays or at weekends to come to Fort Perch Rock, New Brighton, Wirral to help show the visitors around the 3 ships radio stations and the brand new Radar and AIS units together with charts on PC that are being installed as we speak and should be completed in the next week or two.

We have got the best view of the River Mersey anywhere around the area!!  Also have the VHF set on Mersey Radio ch12 so we can both see and hear the river traffic.

So if you guys have a bit of free time and want to get out of the house and take some trips down memory lane and add to the education of the general public and not let Marine Radio be forgotten and keep your old grey cells in working order please send me an email.

Also if you would like to visit the Fort to help you make up your mind that can be arranged OK.

Many thanks.

John Hudson.