Bill Meehan

As some of you will know Bill Meehan died earlier this month.  Bill was manager of the antenna division at Marconi Communications in Chelmsford and also took over the management of the broadcasting division for a period.

His funeral was strictly for family only but there will now be a memorial to celebrate Bill’s life. For details of the invitation and contact details to confirm your attendance please click below.

The attachment has now been removed for security reasons. 

Veteran Gordon Lee

We have been asked to publish the following note that was received by the MVA on 23 January.

Subject: Bereavement notice Gordon Lee 04/12/1924 – 17/01/2013

Dear Barry,

It is with much sadness that I have to inform you that my father, veteran Gordon Lee died on Thursday 17th January.  Following a short illness he passed away peaceful in Broomfield hospital, comforted by myself and my brother Martin.

His funeral will take place on Thursday 7th February 2013, 11 am at St Nicholas Church, Chignal Smealy.  Following the service all are invited to join with us at the Village hall Chignal St James for refreshments.

Please could you publish the details on the veterans website and I am happy for you to include my contact details should anyone wish to contact me.

Kind regards


Capt Paul Lee
Training Officer
D Company
Essex A.C.F
Tel: 07949 393244

Radio Officers Association

The Radio Officers Association are holding their AGM at the Atlantic Hotel in New Street Chelmsford this year on the 26th/27th April (see link below).

For those officers not familiar with Chelmsford The Atlantic Hotel is almost opposite the famous 1912 Marconi building although, at the time of writing, this is shrouded in plastic sheets as the new owners are undertaking emergency remedial work to make the roof watertight and prevent further deterioration.

Please note that the International Marconi Day will be held on Saturday 27th April (nothing on the Friday) and will certainly be attended by radio officers who live locally.  They will be able to explain the three ship’s radio rooms on display.  Two are from the beginning of the 20th century and the third is post second world war.

In Memoriam

We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

H G Brothers  1967
C  Latham  1953
S Vucevic  1967

This list was correct on 31 December 2012 and supersedes the list published on 1 October 2012.