Newsletter 2012

Alice Elizabeth Shedd

From Liz Harrold, née Shedd, 25 February 2011

I believe that my paternal grandmother Mrs Alice Elizabeth Shedd of Manton, Rainsford Lane, Chelmsford was an ex-employee. I wonder if this was the case? If so are there any records remaining. She died in 1980 aged 80. As my father has dementia I am putting together a family history on his behalf. Any information would be welcomed.

Our records for Marconi Veterans show a Mrs A Shedd as being employed by the then Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company from 1922. Veterans had to have worked for 25 years to qualify so she would still have been employed by Marconi in 1947.

Liz Harrold was directed for further information to company archives held at the Bodleian Library, but warned about the earlier lack of success of some enquirers.